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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    Ben Roth.

    As a Cincy fan I love it. I love it. Die Ben die. How's that chant coming now Cowher, you stupid fuck. Take the whole team with you straight to hell.
  2. geniusMoment

    TWIB: June 5-11

    Damn, Brandon Phillips hit into some bad luck tonight. But, blame this loss of Felipe Lopez, thrown out at second with a guy on third with Griffey up, and then strikes out looking when the Cubs were conceding the tying run. Lopez is the dumbest red, and makes more mental mistakes then anyone on the team.
  3. geniusMoment

    TWIB: June 5-11

    I guess that means Marmol goes for the Cubs, he's the guy with the great fastball and hard curve or slider. Steve Stone was talking about how he has the chance to be the next Zambrano.
  4. geniusMoment

    TWIB: June 5-11

    I like the Cubs, they're my 2nd favorite team, but at this point does it really matter? Barring something amazing the year is pretty much done.
  5. geniusMoment

    TWIB: June 5-11

    Reds win 7-1, but Tony f'n Womack got 2 hits, including a home run.
  6. geniusMoment

    TWIB: June 5-11

    Now lets see if the Reds can actually get Womack out.
  7. geniusMoment

    TWIB: June 5-11

    Hey, he struck out Bronson twice. He's not that bad.
  8. geniusMoment

    Was ECW music as important to you...

    I miss the old Elastica theme they used to have, I still play "connection" every now and then. But, that's way old school ECW.
  9. geniusMoment

    TWIB: June 5-11

    Bronson Arroyo said he is really looking forward to tonight with a sly grin. He is facing a certain Mr. Glendon Rusch. Nice.
  10. This will be the first time I'll watch an entire wrestling show since the night after the Invasion ppv in July 01, if it sucks then thats it. I'm giving WWE one chance to make ECW real again, if they fail just one time, they're dead to me. Dead.
  11. geniusMoment

    The best generation to be a wrestling fan?

    My first experience with wrestling was a 1992 pre mania promo with Flair. After hearing ric I became hooked. I just turned 22 on June 2, so I guess I'm close to what is being called the best era to be a fan.
  12. geniusMoment

    TWiB: 5/29 - 6/4

    I don't give a damn if albert is classy, I want the reds to win, that's all I care about. The reds have had plently of injuries, I'm all out of sympathy for the cards.
  13. geniusMoment

    TWiB: 5/29 - 6/4

    The Reds just smacked down the astros, and I'm very glad that albert is hurt, hopefully he's out all year.
  14. geniusMoment

    Booker T's New T-Shirt

    Yes. In all fairness he would be a loser regardless.
  15. geniusMoment

    Booker T's New T-Shirt

    But, most people might think you're just a fan of Booker T Washington. Who was famous for his use of the word sucka. Plus, I heard he was an OG, a straight thug.
  16. geniusMoment

    WON News and Notes 5/29

    From this I can gather that Melina is taking it from Batista and Nitro, and I thought she was in a relationship with Mercury. She must like the taste of wrestler cock.
  17. geniusMoment

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    There are a couple of sites where diamond rats post their exploits, along with some pics. I got these from this site: http://itsasecretsohush.blogspot.com/2006/...-your-dues.html Okay, try it now.
  18. geniusMoment

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    Just so you know, the blond chick is Sidney's diamond rat is Florida, and the girl kissing Jay is his diamond rat in Cali.
  19. geniusMoment

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    Who knew Sidney had a stash of bitches. His girl talked about how he grabbed her ass before some of the pics were taken. I like the one of Jay Buhner, where the caption says Sorry Mrs. Buhner.
  20. geniusMoment

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    Felipe Lopez isn't playing tonight, it's not really a story except it's his bobblehead night. Has anyone ever been given their bobblehead night off?
  21. geniusMoment

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    Edmonds? That isn't your wife, why were you all over her, all yeah, that's right.
  22. geniusMoment

    TWiB #7: 5/15 - 5/21

    I'm a reds fan, but they aren't very good so is kind of pointless to get too upset. They've had a decent start but they're already falling fast, it's just a repeat of the last couple of years.
  23. geniusMoment

    Im going to need some advice..

    If I were you I'd dip my dick in a vat of chocolate sauce, women love chocolate so one of their breed is bound to lick it off.
  24. geniusMoment

    Stacy Keibler suffers seizure: rushed to NYC Hospital

    There was no need for that. Thankfully, we know she is better now, but given the uncertainty of her condition at the time, that statement was really unwarranted. I like sarcasm as much as the next guy, but it's pathetic that you chose to exhibit such unnecessary snark and sarcasm at a time when a little empathy would have been much more appropriate.
  25. geniusMoment

    Stacy Keibler suffers seizure: rushed to NYC Hospital

    Thankfully she won't suffer much in the way of brain damage, as she doesn't have a brain to damage. Seriously, she is really quite stupid.