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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment


    So much for being nice. Even though I support some of what he's saying. Oops. That new leaf I turned over momentarily got tossed around by the winds of deceit and avarice. But, now I am true to my being once again. What I meant to say is Leena is a fine young woman. The type of person who will not doubt be successful in all matters of life. She will live a rich, fullfilling life, not one clouded by the muck of lust and greed which envelops others. And, the people lusting after her enchanting soul are not pathetic, no, they are strong-willed young men, hoping for her hand in marriage.
  2. geniusMoment


    Jesus fucking Christ. All of you pathetic cum-socks make me want to fucking puke. Am I the only person with eyes, or any fucking sense on this board? She's not good looking. Go to any college campus and you'll see thousands of better girls, plus they'll be a might more sane. Quit falling over your miniscule dicks and try acting like you've seen a vagina before. As you fade into your own vast sea of despair and isolation, remember the sweat which drips from your pathetic faces stinks of realism and desperation. All the girls who you covet can smell that sweat, it causes them to gag in disgust. Be a man. Fags.
  3. geniusMoment

    Wrestling fans

    See what I mean: http://youtube.com/w/April-Fools?v=sd5stIN...rch=bret%20hart
  4. geniusMoment

    New Girl....

    You can tell her I did too, even though I really didn't. I just want to build her esteem, I want it to be higher than a skyscraper in NYC. You see, I've turned over a new leaf. From this point forward I'm being nice to everyone, even people on the internet. No more sarcastic remarks, or insulting comments. It's a new day, and a new me. There's no way anyone can bring my former sleezy self back. It's gone. Never to return.
  5. geniusMoment

    Carson Palmer's injury could be career threatening

    They interviewed the doctor in Cincy. He said the AP reports are totally wrong, that the surgery went well, and he fully expects Carson to be ready by the start of next season. He said he is pissed over the report.
  6. geniusMoment

    New Girl....

    Jesus christ dude. Eat a fucking cheeseburger or something. I know you're a pathetic poor person and all, but that's no excuse. And never tell me not to say anything about you. You bow down before me.
  7. geniusMoment

    WON News for Jan 10ths issue - Extensive

    Didn't Tommy Morrison die of AID's years ago?
  8. geniusMoment

    Obie Trice Shot

    This wouldn't be happening if we just shipped all their lazy asses back to Africa after the Civil War. Not that I'm racist or anything, I just hate black people. The other races are fine.
  9. geniusMoment


    You know I love it when you talk dirty to me, right? And I'm not The Pit. I don't have any accounts except this one. I figure one faggy screen name is enough.
  10. geniusMoment


    Worst are all of the boring posters. I like the posters like Mike,leena and the rest. They keep things interesting. If everyone here engaged in serious intellectual discussions I would no longer come. Hell, I'm in college for that shit. I come here to laugh, and depending on whats in Love, Sex and Dating masterbate. I don't get why people get upset, and why people are banned (unless they do something like create 30 threads with nothing in them). But, to be honest, I like that too (The drama not the 30 thread thing). It's funny how people actually get upset over a messageboard.
  11. geniusMoment

    Moderator Change. Part 2.

    This thread is just full of phonies. I hate that. Looking at leelee's post it's obvious she doesn't have a vagina. I mean look at, it just drips with right wing semen and all. What a phony. I can't believe I spent this much time posting a message in a thread with a bunch of crumby posters. But, that's the thing about me. Sometimes I think it would be fun to be a crumby poster. Everyone should post in this thread like J.D. Salinger from now on.
  12. geniusMoment

    Moderator change.

    Thanks, Holden. Finally. I was waiting for that. I guess the lesson is never trust wrestling fans to know much about famous novels.
  13. geniusMoment

    Moderator change.

    That's the kind of insult you don't come back from. Also, I heard a rumor that HTQ was also worldsgreatestgook. But, I won't tell who told me. Take that, bitches.
  14. geniusMoment

    Moderator change.

    Damn. I wish someone at the board would hate me enough to mock me in a blog. I would really get a bang out of that. I know it sounds stupid and all, but sometimes I get a bang out of the dumbest things. I mean, I really do. Oh, and HTQ takes his internet messageboarding seriously. What do you think, this a place to come and enjoy yourself or something?
  15. geniusMoment

    Christy Hemme is

    The word on Christy Hemme's sudden release is that on a recent tour she acted inappropriately toward Triple H, and word got back to Stephanie McMahon. There are a variety of stories going around, none of which directly implicate Hunter for doing anything physical. Apparently, though, Stephanie wasn't pleased that Christy seemed excited about travelling with Hunter and Dave Batista on the trip. Meanwhile, Christy Hemme released the following statement on her website: "Hello everyone! Thank you so much to everyone who has and is still supporting me. Even though the partnership with WWE and I did not end very well, I am truly thankful for the experience. All I can say at this time to clear up some of the rumors, there was no battle over money. Money was never my motivation for working. Truth is that I was completely dedicated to the company and believed in everything I was doing. I trusted it. I was willing to put my personal life aside to give everything I had to what I was doing and become a better wrestler/performer. I was told that I was a budget cut and creatively they didn't have anything for me. I am very disappointed in the WWE, where I learned a very important lesson. I am a very determined person with a huge amount of energy for my life and my career. Everything happens for a reason and anything that has happened in my life that has knocked me down has only built me back up stronger. I feel stronger than ever and I am hungry for this huge future before me. Again, thank you soooo much to everyone who has believed in me and is supporting me." Credit PW Torch Newsletter
  16. geniusMoment

    CM Punk banging Maria?

    Who is CM Punk? So far from this thread I can gather is a ROH wrestler who has had sex with Traci Brooks and Maria. What is his full list?
  17. geniusMoment

    . .

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  18. Did anyone else have the old WCW trading cards? I just got home from college the other day, and I was in my old bedroom. Cleaning out my dresser, I noticed I still had a few. Wow, I really got a bang out of looking at those crappy cards and all. That's the thing about me. Sometimes I get a bang out of the dumbest things. I really do.
  19. geniusMoment


  20. geniusMoment

    Tony Dungy's Son Found Dead

    The only thing worse than a innocent young flower leaving the world too soon, is all of you pansy ass bitches crying over what Cartman said. I would personally like to come through this computer and kick all of you in the balls.
  21. geniusMoment

    Dixie Carter is

    Hey, something else I've been courted for. Tour guides make huge money around here and have to take exhaustive exams about the history/geography of the area to get the job in the first place. I used to go out with a girl who went to the Uni. of Charleston, and we took a horse drawn carriage ride around the town. Our guide was quite gay, but he seemed to know his shit, even though he called Myrtle Beach Kmart on the ocean. I remember when driving up to the city we saw old black women selling baskets and shit on the highway, it just struck me as odd, as I had never seen anything like that up north. Charleston is a gay city though, I mean look at it. Queers would just love that place. No telling what's been going at Fort Sumpter at night, what with the cannons and all.
  22. geniusMoment

    People Who Tailgate

    That's the problem with people, you give them a little control and it goes right to their head.
  23. geniusMoment

    Tony Dungy's Son Found Dead

    This seems like the appropriate thread for this, with the death and all. So, does anyone else think Tony is an exceptionally ugly man. I mean seriously, I always get a bang out of how ugly he is. He really is quite the hideous beast. Oh, and I feel bad about his boy and all, you know, the suicide. Oh, and this is my new posting style. Inspired by J.D. Salinger.
  24. geniusMoment

    Dixie Carter is

    Actually, the truth is I love tennis. I was just using reverse psychology, trying to inspire more tennis talk. But, I was being sarcastic in either this post, or the one before it. Now, the question is do I love tennis?
  25. geniusMoment

    People Who Tailgate

    Since I am always the one tailgating I have the other perspective. It seems everytime I drive on a two lane road I have to pass someone in a no passing zone because everyone drives slow as hell, and yes, even the speed limit is fucking slow as hell. I've had people speed up, sometimes going 20 mph faster than they were previously driving, when I try to pass. In that case I usually get behind them and tailgate them for miles. I will follow their stupid ass all the way to their house if I have the time. People kill me, they really do. You should see how their reactions change from pissed off to worried as they can tell I am following their coward asses.