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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment


    NWO----porno style music DX----original version HBK---version where he sings Raven WCW theme---underrated by all Taz-ECW theme Mike Awesome----I believe its called "Awesome Bomb" Bret hart----both versions of his WWF theme Steiner Brothers---------"SteinerLine" that song is just catching Sting---------"Man called Sting" Cactus Jack-----"Mr. Bang Bang" Ravishing Rick Rude-------"Simply Ravishing" that song makes all the girls panties wet
  2. geniusMoment

    This Week In Baseball

    The Cubs need to re-sign former rookie senstation Henry Rowengartner... That movie was better than sex with two limber lesbian strippers. No Foolin'.
  3. geniusMoment

    The newest WWE auction

    Who is it? I thought she was Amy as well.
  4. geniusMoment

    This Week In Baseball

    The reds must hope Griffey will retire, as he is hurting Cincy. Hopefully he retires soon, then the reds will be able to let their gigantic Wily loose on an everyday basis.................and trust me that is not a bad thing.
  5. geniusMoment

    The End of an Era

    What I always thought would be a funny "fuck you" to the internet community would be if WWE would make all HHH matches like the service announcement on DVDs. I could just picture some smark trying to ff through a HHH match, and then hilarity insues as he or she finds out it is impossible.
  6. geniusMoment

    This Week In Baseball

    Reds take a 1-0 lead after a rocket shot double by Wily Mo Pena. The Reds have a big Wily................and I like it.
  7. geniusMoment

    This Week In Baseball

    Wagner has been lights out this year, with an era around 1.00. I believe he has struck out 6 of the last 7 hitters he has faced, they use him as the 8th inning guy.
  8. geniusMoment

    This Week In Baseball

    Nothing against Baez, but the reason the reds have not completed a trade is because they want a number 1 pitcher or prospect in return. So far no team has offered, and rightfully so, as Pena has not fully proven himself yet. The reds are confident he will, so why trade him now for a decent pitcher if you think in 4 months you could get a number 1? They have no desire to trade him unless the trade makes them a playoff contender, or really stocks the farm system with good pitching. Baez would not make the reds good enough to contend, so there is no point in making the deal. Basically, you are just giving Pena away.
  9. geniusMoment

    This Week In Baseball

    No way Cincy makes that deal. They are reportedly asking for two top flight pitching prospects, or one one pitching stud like Carlos Zambrano for Pena or Kearns. That wouild be dumb for the Cubs to trade Carlos within their division. Plus, I'd trade Kerry before Carlos. I do not think the cubs would make that trade, I am just giving an example of what the reds say they want.
  10. geniusMoment

    This Week In Baseball

    No way Cincy makes that deal. They are reportedly asking for two top flight pitching prospects, or one one pitching stud like Carlos Zambrano for Pena or Kearns.
  11. geniusMoment

    I'm deeply depressed...

    Thats hot
  12. geniusMoment

    I'm deeply depressed...

    You must really like me......................... in that special sort of way.
  13. geniusMoment

    RAW Rumors For Tonight

    Well considering Batista got Orton's spot due to overwhelming fan response without the plans of turning him into the babyface World Champion, I'd say he connected and broke through quite nicely. I am not so sure. I have seen where he has popped a few decent ratings. But he has shown no depth or ability to work at the level necessary to stay over. I am wagering the fans will see through him within a year, as right now he is getting over on the "cool vibe", eventually fans will want more for him to break out (ie. world caliber matches and great promos).
  14. geniusMoment

    RAW Rumors For Tonight

    If I were in charge I would move Shawn to Smackdown, have him beat Cena due to interference. Have him become heel, and have "badass" Angle chase him. You guys can have your Orton-Bastista snoozefests. I will take 4 months of build up to Shawn-Angle at Summerslam. A build consisting of great promos and matches. I would tell the younger guys they will be on top when they break through, not when they are pushed through.
  15. geniusMoment

    RAW Rumors For Tonight

    Batista is not a very good worker, unless you consider knowing about 6 moves good. I could not take more than 6 minutes of his match with HHH at mania before popping the tape out. What good matches has Batista had? I cannot think of any. Orton is spotty, but he works that boring ass conservative style, his promos are boring and he has not connected as a heel or face. Cena used to be good, then he lost his edge. What happened to the talent. When Bret, HBK, Austin and Foley broke the door down they did it because they could work, talk, had charisma, could show fire and just had that "it" factor. I would like nothing more than for someone to come along with those intangibles, but right now the new guys are just boring. I do agree that all have some form of charisma. But none have cut a money promo, and none have cut that promo that made me get out of my seat. Simply having charisma is not enough.
  16. geniusMoment

    RAW Rumors For Tonight

    I find it funny when people say the older guys need to put over the younger talent. I would agree except for the fact that the younger talent only encompasses one of those two words, as they are not at all talented. Batista--------I have no clue why this guy is at all over on this board. He sucks as bad as Sid in the ring, has little to no promo skills and is pushing 40. If I wanted to see someone in nice suits I would watch those red carpet shows. Orton--------Is okay as a worker, has not shown the ability to cut good promos and is just generally annoying in an X-Pac sort of way. Hassan-------Sucks as a worker, is stuck in some stupid '80s gimmick and has limited mic skills, covered up by being able to show good intensity. Cena--------Is an average at best worker, his mic skills have went downhill since he became a complete pussy. After watching HBK/Angle the other day I came to the realization that I do not care about age. I would rather they be on top, they are more entertaining. Quite frankly I think all the young guys suck, and if they are pushed on top there is no chance I will watch. In other words, I hope Hogan and HBK destroy Hassan and D???????????. I then hope Hogan and HBK work a program together, as that I would watch.
  17. geniusMoment

    Does anybody else think

    The biggest problem I see is the music. All of these guys will need to come out to generic music, that alone makes the ppv un-ECW like.
  18. geniusMoment

    RAW Rumors For Tonight

    Tonights raw is only about one thing................HOGAN!!!!!!! Nothing else on the show matters to me. In fact, this will be the first time I have watched anything WWE has put on in quite some time.
  19. geniusMoment

    I'm deeply depressed...

    Why did you steal my lines from the Matt Hardy thread FBTG? That is an exact quote, except I was talking about Matt Hardy.
  20. geniusMoment

    Hardcore Homecoming

    The main event for Hardcore Homecoming is scheduled to be: Terry Funk vs. Sabu vs. Shane Douglas in a triple threat match according to Meltzer. That may be the worst match ever. Sabu was done before his recent medical problems, Funk is way too old, and Douglas is not good enough to carry them.
  21. geniusMoment

    Molly Holly released

    He said $50,000 a year after road expenses, which generally are 40,000 plus a year. Next time try reading.
  22. geniusMoment

    Hardcore Homecoming

    They just announced the semi main event match of Raven vs. The Sandman. Funk/Sabu/Douglas Raven/Sandman They really need to bring in some of the workrate guys to make sure the undercard makes up for the main events.
  23. geniusMoment

    Molly Holly released

    I am all for this move. Take away the prude fat ass, and bring in some PTP.
  24. geniusMoment

    Major Heat on Rhyno

    Maybe he can get back together with Laurie Fullington. They always seemed to have a "special relationship". What with Rhino talking about pulling off her arms and leaving her in a pile of her own blood, piss and shit during promos.
  25. geniusMoment

    Are you a beautiful flower in the desert of life?

    Trust me, if I had those my hands would not be on the keyboard right now.