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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    Nikolai Volkoffs HOF speech

    Was that the shirt with the cent sign on the back instead of the $ sign that Ted and others got to wear. I cracked up the first time I saw that.
  2. geniusMoment


    No Irish poon tang, I am very dissapointed.
  3. geniusMoment


    I went to a bar in cincy and watched a green bikini contest. I am not Irish and do not give a fuck about St. Patricks Day, but its an excuse to get blitzed and look at boobies.
  4. geniusMoment

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

    I did not know London wears tassles, I have not watched Smackdown since before Mania 20.
  5. geniusMoment

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

    If Marty stays around he really needs to update his attire. It was a good touch for one night, and it would have been cool to see HBK in the old rockers garb, but tassles are a thing of the past.
  6. geniusMoment

    I took a trip to Titan Towers today.

    On the old Prime Time Wrestling shows didn't they have an audience in Titan Towers. How did those people get chosen? Were they family members of employees, or did they give fans tickets like talk shows do?
  7. geniusMoment

    Shane Douglas planning ECW Reunion show

    The Douglas show is going to be released on dvd, with Joey Styles doing commentary.
  8. geniusMoment

    Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

    Matt should try and turn this into a positive, and push for a program with edge. They could vent their real emotions in worked promos (same as Bret/HBK in '97). Besides, this is the wrestling business, nothing is sacred.
  9. geniusMoment

    The Montreal Expos of Washington

    Thats not all about Bowden. Bowden and his wife split up because Bowden was fucking this out 19 year old piece of ass. So what does his wife do, well, she immediatly begins fucking a limited partner owner of the reds. Now you know the real reason "Bodes" and his porche are not down in sarasota with the reds.
  10. geniusMoment

    Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

    Damn, I wish raw was coming to cincy. Awhile back (Feb 14) I could have had free front row seats to a raw tv taping but I chose not to go because WWE sucks. I now have a reason to attend a tv taping. I would bring 4-5 guys who do not even like wrestling and we would chant (non-stop) at the tops of our lungs that edge fucked lita as soon as edge or lita came out. I do not give a fuck about getting kicked out because fucking with edge would be more fun than watching the wrestlers shitting in the ring and then forcing the fans to eat it...ie WWE entertainment.
  11. geniusMoment

    Leavin' for Panama City FL on Friday

    I spent a couple of years in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. It was a beautiful little town right on the beach, about 30 miles south of Daytona. Once I graduate from college I plan on moving back, there is nothing like watching the white caps of the waves late at night.
  12. geniusMoment

    The Montreal Expos of Washington

    My picks for the NL East would be: 1. Atlanta --- A great rotation, headlined by Hudson and Smoltz makes them the favorite. 2. Florida ---Their young pictures need to turn the page, and become superstars, could very easily pass atlanta by if Burnett and Beckett perform like they should. 3. The Mets ---Their rotation is very good, and people underestimate their lineup. 4. Phillies ---I do not see many positive changes from last year, and no, a manager will not make that much difference. 5. Washington ---A horrible team led by a GM who was famous for his 19 year old smokin' hot girlfriend, and his affinity for assless leather chaps (even in the clubhouse) in Cincy.
  13. geniusMoment

    Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

    I love how people slam Keller when he is the "idiot" who broke the fuckin story a month ago. He obviously knows something.
  14. geniusMoment

    Big Vito & John Walters = wwe Bound ???

    I just watched an episode of Shipmates where Big Vito got hooked up with some chick, who I believe is a personal trainer. He actually came across as nice (he won the girl over), even though he seemed fairly stupid.
  15. geniusMoment

    Hey look! It's Rookie Diva Rochelle!

    If Vince is getting to fuck all these new divas I do not really blame him for putting them all over television. Some things are just more important than a good wrestling show, and quality poon-tang is one of them.
  16. geniusMoment

    the wrestling thread

    Actually, the second sentence was entirely sarcastic, thereby negating any possibility of sarcasm in the first sentence. However, there is a 50/50 chance one of the sentences in this post was written using the tool of sarcasm.
  17. geniusMoment

    the wrestling thread

    Frigid, being unbelievably sexy does not give you the right to pick out the problems of other posters. By the way, when reading the above sentence aloud two words should be said in a sarcastic tone, all the while you do the sarcastic quote gesture with your fingers. Guess which two words you stupid jackasses.
  18. geniusMoment

    Shane Douglas planning ECW Reunion show

    Douglas and his backers have come to terms with Sabu, Bill Alphonso, The Sandman, Francine, Justin Credible, Joey Styles and Terry Funk for his ECW reunion show. How awesome is it that Vince and Co. offered Sabu and The Sandman deals for 5,000 for a night, and they turned them down. Good luck WWE, your ECW reunion will not feature any of these performers in matches: 1. RVD-due to injury 2. Raven-TNA and I believe working with Shane 3. Sabu-with Douglas 4. Terry Funk-with Douglas 5. The Sandman-with Douglas 6. Taz-due to injury 7. Justin Credible-with douglas 8. The Pitbull Gary Wolfe-with douglas 9. Francine-with douglas And you will not have Joey Styles announcing the card, which immediatly makes it seem un-ECW like. Also, there is serious doubt whether Heyman will be involved. Also, Douglas will almost assuredly get Bam Bam Bigelow, Chris Candido and Jerry Lynn for his show.
  19. geniusMoment

    The Arizona Diamondbacks

    At least they did not sign Eric Milton for 25 million dollars.
  20. geniusMoment

    "You got knocked the fuck out...man"

    Yeah, the fact that he was blindsided really hurt his chances. To be fair though, the guy who attacked him was big, and probably hungry, therefore you cannot really blame him for having that fit of rage.
  21. geniusMoment

    "You got knocked the fuck out...man"

    You guys do not know what to do. Here I will tell you, as someone who goes to UC, a campus surronded by some bad predominantly black neighborhoods. If you are attacked, or just walking to your car late at night be sure to have your punching hand in your pocket that has your keys. Hold on to your keys so that you have 3 different keys protruding from the spaces between your four fingers, not your thumb. If someone comes up to you, or you are confronted by someone, like he was with that chick, clinch your fist, the keys become like three knives, and be ready to punch. Once the fight starts, first punch him in the eye with your hand with the protuding keys, he will reach for his eye, or whats left of it. Once he pulls his hands up to reach for his eye, punch him square in the middle of his throat (where his adams apple is) and pull downward. That will incapacitate anyone, and possibly kill him. This is only if you do not have some other form of a weapon, as a gun would be easier.
  22. geniusMoment

    Matt and Lita

    Lita has not been at the shows since New Years Rev. when she tore her ACL. I cannot believe Bob Holly would lie about one of his fellow co-workers like that. ----------------------------------------------------------------Sarcasm
  23. geniusMoment

    Matt and Lita

    I felt weird clicking the link to go to that site. I just could not help myself, as I scrolled down to read the posts a chill went down my spine. I was picturing 13-year-old goths typing away at their keyboards. I get the feeling there are some really strange people who post at that site.
  24. geniusMoment

    Be Glad You Don't Go to This College...

    "All young ladies are required to wear thong, or g-string, undergarments. Jesus and God are kinky, they just like it on the down low." --------------------------------------I am surprised no one pulled this nugget of knowledge out of their student dress code.
  25. geniusMoment

    Barry Larkin deserves the Hall

    Do not listen to the guy who said Larkin hates the reds organization, he has no clue what is going on. Larkin has gone on record as saying he wants to be in the front office for the reds, and some day be the manager of Cincy. An exact quote from Larkin is, "If I need to go through Washington to get a job in the Reds front office, then so be it." The reason Larkin is not with the reds is because of John Allen, the pres. of the reds. Larkin would go over his head, and would have meetings with the owner of the team (Carl Linder) and Allen did not like that. Also, Allen wanted Larkin gone last year, and was not happy that Larkin wrangled public support, making the reds look bad until they gave him a new contract. If Larkin had any say in matter he would be the shortstop for Cincy now, and if he had any say in the matter of his office job then he would be in the front office right now.