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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    Whats the website address for that radio station, hopefully I will be able to listen online.
  2. geniusMoment

    Another piece of ECW is taken by WWE

    Styles already said he has given it a lot of thought, and he will commentate the show if they want him to. He said this on 1wrestling a month or so ago.
  3. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    Yes. Coming on here is "instead" of the Patriots. Yes sir. No, he said coming on here and reading how great Delgado is as bad as watching ESPN talk about how great the Patriots is. NO, what I said was TSM Sports is hardly a haven from Patriots fellatio. I only go in the baseball threads, I do not give a fuck about football, and almost never go in a football thread. Therefore I escape the verbal, and written, bj's the Patriots are given.
  4. geniusMoment

    Baseball Tonight better not have John Kruk in 2005

    I did not think Chip was good in and of himself, but I thought Chip and Steve had a good chemistry together. I really felt they actually liked each other. I enjoyed how they continued, against managements wishes, the WGN tradition of wishing people happy birthdays, or mentioning random people watching the broadcast, something Harry always used to do. Chip was bad with Joe Carter, so I am curious to see how this set up in Atlanta plays. I am really not looking forward to Bob Brenly and whoever doing Cubs games.
  5. geniusMoment

    Baseball Tonight better not have John Kruk in 2005

    I doubt Steve would want to do that, I think if he is not calling games he will be involved in some teams office. If ESPN gave him Joe Morgan's spot, I would be very happy. I am curious to see how Chip does down in Atlanta with his father.
  6. geniusMoment

    Baseball Tonight better not have John Kruk in 2005

    Maybe they will bring back Soup. Also, Barry Larkin said ESPN contacted him about doing some announcing, I am not sure if it is calling games or being in studio.
  7. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    Well, besides the Sosa trade is there really anything else happening in baseball right now? Didn't you catch a couple of those great games last night?
  8. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    I am with Czech, if I see one more post from Mik about the god of baseball I think I will puke. I do not even dislike the Marlins, but christ, he is just one player. Plus his stats will go way down playing in the Marlins big park. Coming on here is as bad as watching ESPN, only instead of the Patriots its Delgado.
  9. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    Reds are: Batting order is: 1. D'Angelo Jimenez 2nd base 2. Joe Randa/Austin Kearns 3rd base 3. Ken Griffey Jr. Center 4. Adam Dunn Left Field 5. Wily Mo Pena/Austin Kearns Right Field 6. Shawn Casey 1st base 7. Rich Aurilia Shortstop 8. Jason LaRue Catcher Starting Pitching is: 1. Eric Milton 2. Paul Wilson 3. Ramon Ortiz 4. Luke Hudson 5. Aaron Harang Bullpen is: Danny Graves Closer David Weathers late inning guy Ben Weber possible set-up guy Kent Mercker Left hander Ryan Wagner Wild pitch specialist/also walk specialist Todd Coffey Left hander with great stuff
  10. geniusMoment

    When Did You Stop Watching On A Regular Basis?

    The last time I really enjoyed wrestling was the final Nitro. The excitement, and party feeling I used to have just was not the same after the Monday Night War was over. It would not have mattered if WWE wrote the greatest angle of all time, I would know the war was done. What made "The Monday Night War" so great was the same thing that made Bret vs. HBK/Austin/USA so great in 97. In both cases things were real, and it was exciting to see what would happen next. Since that time I have continually watched less and less wrestling, now I never watch WWE, just old tapes. Also, to be fair to WWE, there is nothing they could have done to replace the Monday Night Wars, because ultimatly it would be a flawed storyline. Everyone knew the WWF bought WCW, and the feeling could never be duplicated. Also, I am 21 now. So I began losing interest at 17, meaning I was no longer a child and things would not excite me as they used to. The only way I will watch again is if a new Monday night war starts up again. But I do not think that will ever happen, at least not in a major way, again. Basically, for all intents and purposes I think I am no longer a wrestling fan, except old tapes. I do not blame WWE though, its just not the same anymore.
  11. geniusMoment

    Smackdown NOT to be Cancelled

    Good, hopefully Raw is cancelled soon. Hopefully the whole god damn promotion goes out of business and straight to hell. I would rather have nothing than the shit that is WWE.
  12. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    I would rather have Aurilia than Larkin. Sans last year Aurilia has been a solid shortstop. Leaving the big confines of Seattle, San Diego and San Fran, for the Great American Small Park should improve his numbers. From 99-03 he put up solid numbers, with his one spectacular year in 01. He is only 33, I could see him having a solid year for cincy. I could see him hitting .275 with 20 home runs, knocking in 75 runs.
  13. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    Reds sign Rich Aurilia.
  14. geniusMoment

    Finally, something that all of TSM can agree on.

    I cannot tell you now, I am very busy, ask again next month and you will find out.
  15. geniusMoment

    Reid Flair Arrested

    You're being sarcastic, right? Or just flame-baiting? Of course I am being sarcastic. How could I hate all of those wonderful "southern folk"? However, I was being sarcastic in one sentence in this post, but maybe it was this one.
  16. geniusMoment

    Reid Flair Arrested

    This proves Bret Hart is better than Flair in every way, not just in wrestling. I have never heard of Blade Hart getting into any trouble. The Flairs are just a bunch of womanizing, boozing, boarish, white trash, southern dickheads. The children of Bret Hart come from the wonderful country of Canada, barely associate with "them southern folk", and certainly would not be caught in a scandal of this magnitude. One more thing, I hate southerners.
  17. geniusMoment

    Post your Desktop!

    No, I am not posting my desktop for all to see. All you bitches will just have to continue to wonder.
  18. geniusMoment

    Finally, something that all of TSM can agree on.

    Who gives a fuck? Hardly any of the pics/sigs/slogans/avatars are funny or make sense.
  19. geniusMoment

    3PW gets weird

    I would imagine he was pissed because if he refused to work then Meanie would not have paid for his rental car, which means he is out money. If he did work all he got was money for working and not his car, meaning he is fucked over there as well. Hell, I would be pissed too, and Meanie should keep that shit in house.
  20. geniusMoment

    3PW gets weird

    If it was not for the money most of the guys would be glad Jasmin was not in, as they did not have the foul stench of her gash chipping the paint off the walls in the locker room. I really hope Meanie is not trying to make Ki out to be the bad guy here. Ki just wanted to get paid for working, besides that arena is a piece of shit, and there are holes everywhere.
  21. geniusMoment

    My Day of Wrestling

    I cannot believe you compared Dawn's ass to Rikishi. Her ass is actually quite nice from most accounts.
  22. geniusMoment

    Where to Get Tickets

    If I were you I would save my money for Cubs playoff and World Series tickets.
  23. geniusMoment

    New Jack signed by WWE

    The chicks must dig you. The chicks dig being about 6 inches below my navel. Everyone better watch out today. I am straight up thug right now.
  24. geniusMoment

    2005 Dead Pool - Roll up, roll up

    Chris Benoit Eddy Chris Jericho Paul London CM Punk *Watch when you walk around tall buildings, those are not birds sailing through the sky. They are the heartbroken carcases of smarks.
  25. geniusMoment

    New Jack signed by WWE

    I just put Murder Was the Case in the CD player, and am now blaring Natural Born Killaz for all of my house mates to hear. This is a white boy on a rampage. I swear to god I feel like smashing an electronic football table over someone's head, or perhaps smashing a keyboard across someone's skull. Where is the stapler when I need it?