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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    New Jack signed by WWE

    I love this, New Jack will actually get me to watch one of WWE's programs again. It has been months since I watched their crap, New Jack actually piques my interest. I will mark out big if I hear a gun shot and Natural Born Killaz blaring over the system. Have Jack walk, not run, to the ring and destroy everyone with his weapons, perhaps a crotch shot with a golf club.
  2. geniusMoment

    Jasmin St. Clair INterview

    Jasmin is one to talk about someone else being a slut. Dawn Marie may have a reputation in WWE, but no way has she slept with as many guys as Jasmin.
  3. geniusMoment

    Man I Hope I'm Doing This Right...

    Sometimes I get nervous about my posts, thinking maybe someone will sass me or say I have sand in my vagina. Luckily, I have not been sassed yet, and no one has said I have sand in my vagina.
  4. geniusMoment

    Why ya like...

    Cincinnati Reds- Born in "the nati", and have lived here ever since. Chicago Cubs-- Some of my earliest memories are of being at my grandparents house listening to Steve Stone and Harry Carry call Cubs games in the afternoon. I remember going on vacation, with the ocean in the background, and the Cubs game on right in front of me. I then started following them, I liked how their announcers would name random people in their broadcasts, wishing them a happy birthday, or whatever. After reading Harry's book I learned that WGN officials tried to get them to stop that, now that the last link, steve stone, is gone an announcing style will die at the hands of pc corporate politics. I am not sure how much I will like the Cubs this year, its like a part of my childhood has died, and I still have bitter feelings about it. Boston Red Sox-- Much less than the other two, but I love their park, and the atmosphere around the team, plus I hate the Yanks.
  5. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    And which team is putting Eric Milton on the mound again? Damn you Al. I had forgotten about that signing. Maybe it will be a high scoring affair, I hear that is par for the course for a Milton win.
  6. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    I hope Beltran has a flexible neck, as on opening day in Cincy he is going to be turning around and watching a lot of baseballs sailing out of the park. The reds are going to knock the jerri-curl right off Pedro.
  7. geniusMoment

    Was Layne Staley gay?

    No, Layne was not gay. After his girlfriend died, he locked himself in his seattle apartment for months, shooting up until he died. He was not found until after he had been dead for a substantial amount of time.
  8. geniusMoment

    New Jack at Raw

    Put him in a try out match with Bob Holly, we will see if Holly is really a bad ass. Just a hint, if Bob works stiff with Jack, he might want to check into his hotel under an assumed name.
  9. geniusMoment

    New Jack at Raw

    New Jack would be over huge, the intensity of his promos is something the mainstream has never seem. His gangsta rap style of attitude would really connect, and help bring in younger viewers.
  10. geniusMoment

    Jury Duty

    Why did you go then? People make up excuses and get out of that shit all the time.
  11. geniusMoment

    Quick WWE newsbits

    That's fucking sad. It disgusts me when girls, in any form of entertainment, tits and ass first, and a personality second. And that's my bitter feminist post of the day. I was just joking. Actually, her tits are more like pudding, in that a couple of extra cups would be good, but anything more would be sick. God Damn, I am on in this thread.
  12. geniusMoment

    Quick WWE newsbits

    She could stand to have some bigger funbags. When it comes to saline, tits are like jello, there is always room for more.
  13. geniusMoment

    Doug Mientkiewicz not giving up the ball

    Todd Macfarlane went bankrupt a couple of months ago.
  14. geniusMoment

    WWE-sponored ECW pay-per-view questions

    No Taz, Awesome, Raven or Richards? They have to get the stars of ECW, and I cant see them doing that. Joey Styles is nice to see though. I would have Taz make a special appearance, and cut a Taz style promo. Throughout the night I would have Joey have special guest commentators, like Terry Funk during Dreamers match, in order to get more of the legends in. No Raven is due to TNA, same with Shane Douglas.
  15. I got a Doors boxset a couple of years ago, and I have to say "When the musics Over" kicks ass. Whats great is my last name is Morrison, so if I have a boy I can name him Jim Morrison, assuming I can get that past my future wife. Of course I would not want him gaying up that name, therefore if he was gay I would have to kill him for the sake of humanity.
  16. geniusMoment

    Post your Desktop!

    Bob, your screen saver should really be a picture of a certain ball cap we have all come to know and love.
  17. Quick, if you have a gun in your house retrieve it. Pull the trigger, and have fun.
  18. geniusMoment

    WWE-sponored ECW pay-per-view questions

    Damn, the card I hoped to happen will not now. This was my card: (I tried to include people they would/could bring in) RVD vs. Cactus Jack Main event Eddy vs. Crippler ECW Ladder match Jericho/Malenko vs. Impact Players Dreamer/Mikey vs. Sandman/Spike ECW streetfight Mysterio vs. Tajiri vs Super Crazy Three Way Dance Dudleys vs Corino/Rhino vs Eliminators vs Gangstas Extreme Catfight Dawn Marie vs Francine Psichosis/Sabu/Al Snow vs. Candido/Guido/Juvy Note: New Jack would be a problem, but I guarantee for just one night you could handle it. Sabu, Juvy, Candido, Mikey, Super Crazy, Credible, Saturn, Mustafa and Francine would all be easy to get, in fact you could get them for minimal booking cost. I still bet you could get sandman to join. I tried to include something for everyone, representing different aspects of ECW, while portraying their history. High flying, brawling, T&A and great wrestling. I had all the matches broke down as to why, but it would take forever to post it. I choose RVD vs Cactus as the main because I feel Jack could reign in RVD, and add some psychology to the match, plus imagine the bumps those two would take. I feel the match would resemble Cactus/Sting at Beach Blast. If that was the card, I would buy a plane ticket and go to the show, scream my lungs out, get totally wasted, and end up face down in the middle of an NYC street, just having had the time of my life. Note: Joey Styles said on 1wrestling that he has given it a lot of thought, and he wants to call the show if they have it. However, he does not know if WWE wants him to.
  19. geniusMoment

    Sandman turns down WWE

    WWE will need to dig into their pockets to purchase the rights to a certain Mad Season song if Dreamer wrestles. Whoever gets that reference earns my respect.
  20. That does not say Heyman is gone. It was just Joey telling the readers what everyone else on the net was speculating, that Paul might be gone. I guess I should have known better.
  21. geniusMoment

    Chyna arrested for hitting X-Pac

    Whats funny is Waltman is a trained fighter, and if he wanted to, he could beat the ever loving shit out of her. Whats fucked up, is if he did, even after everything that went down, he would be the one in trouble.
  22. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    That makes me feel not quite as bad about Eric Milton, even though I am still pissed about it. Unless, he pitches well, then I was behind the move all the way. Thats the way we roll in the 513.
  23. I never saw that headline on 1wrestling, and I looked right after it was posted here. Did 1wrestling actually report Heyman was gone, or are we all just taking some posters word for it?
  24. geniusMoment

    McDonald's Take Page Out of Nazi's Book

    Does anyone else think this could turn out very bad? They are pumping chickens with toxic gas, then people are eating said chickens. The potential for health problems seems high, especially considering the huge number of birds who will be in the gas chambers.
  25. geniusMoment

    Paul Heyman Released

    Gerwitz was also the doctor who brought Mae Young's hand into the world.