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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    Women of WWE in Playboy

    Wake me when Molly, Trish, Victoria and Lita actually become decent workers. All of their offense looks about as painful as getting hit with a wet noodle.
  2. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    The reds are reportedly very interested in the recently non-tendered Wade Miller.
  3. geniusMoment

    Women of WWE in Playboy

    Maria is on the still negotiating list, I just forgot to include her.
  4. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    Thing is, he cannot criticize Marty Brennamen, as the team and city would chose Marty over Kent. Griffey once got upset that Marty said Griffey did not run hard to first, causing a potential double to only be a single. When confronted about it, Marty told Griffey the next time he does not run hard he will say the same thing. Marty said he was here before Griffey, and will be here after Griffey. And this was during 2000, when Cincy loved Griffey. In other words, Marty will say what he wants, and does not give a fuck if you like it.
  5. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    Reds sign Joe Randa for third. Goodbye Kearns, Dunn or Pena.
  6. geniusMoment

    Women of WWE in Playboy

    Actually, that belongs six inches below my navel. But, that is just technically speaking of course.
  7. geniusMoment

    Women of WWE in Playboy

    This is from 1wrestling, so I urge people to take it with a grain of salt. But, if this is true the inclusion of Dawn and Victoria is nice, at least for me.
  8. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    I'll dispute that. The goal all along this summer was to improve pitching and get payroll down to the $80 - 90m range. Sele and Ortiz left, leaving us short of a fifth starter. Then the decision was made to let Glaus go (McPherson is ready) and Percy leave (no brainer with K-Rod). And with Appier's contract off our backs, we have money to play with (though Anderson's new contract kicked in this summer). Erstad is a great CF'er....but, his $8m contract is a lot to be sitting in the stands injured and as he is an all out player, he is safer for us at 1st. Going into the summer, it was likely that we would trade Gullien (for whatever we could get). It was also automatic that we would move Anderson back out to left, his favoured position, and meant the Angels could make a legitimate run on Beltran. So the moment the Gullien trade happened, we had the gap at centre-field. It was clear that Beltran was going to take his time signing, and not knowing at what price we could maybe get him, and with pitching to get sorted, we had to make a move at centre-field so we knew what we could spend on pitching. Normally, Figgins could fill there but Kennedy's injury means he has to fill-in at 2nd. The Finlay signing then happened, at a price where it meant we could still make a run at pitching, where the primary targets were Pavano and Clement. The Pavano tour stopped short of Anaheim when it became clear the Yankees were favourites and given the Benson deal, he has an inflated price. Meanwhile, the opportunity to sign Byrd for $4-5m for one season appeared, and given our deep pockets, we could do it, despite having already spent money on Morales and Yan. Then Clement chose the Red Sox, and we had some pitching money to spend. No-one else out there took the Angels fancy (for whatever reason), and so they upgraded at Shortstop (and Cabrera keeps Vlad happy). So going into the winter I though the Angels would get a CF'er (didn't care if it was Beltran or not, personally) and a stud pitcher. Turns out we got a CF'er, Shortstop, and pitcher. That is not too bad, but not really an upgrade at pitching. We have awesome depth on the infield and outfield now. So goal not achieved really, but we certainly made the effort and what we've ended up with seems fair in the circumstance. But they did not really get that much, if any better. Cabrera is not that much better than Eckstein. They lost Guillen, then added Finley. Finley will probably not put up his numbers from last year, I doubt he will match Guillens production from last year. They traded Ortiz to cincy for junk, then signed Paul Byrd. Ortiz has a better arm than Byrd, and sans last season has been a consistant winner for the Angels. They let Ben Weber walk, who from 2000-2003 had an era under 3.00. Last year he had carpel tunnel syndrome, and therefore sucked. But, it would have cost the angels only 600,000 to take a chance that he could come back, he is supposedly 100% healthy. To me it appears the team is not going to be any better than last season, and could very easily be worse.
  9. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    Everyone should bring Steve Stone signs everywhere, as he is the fuckin' man. If he signs on as a broadcaster for some team this year I am getting that team on extra innings.
  10. geniusMoment

    Knoble to ROH!?!?!?!?!?

    Knoble and AJ Styles to ROH, nice influx of talent.
  11. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    Reds sign Mercker, that means I am bringing a Steve Stone sign to opening day in Cincy.
  12. geniusMoment

    MLB Non-Tendered players

    Reds non tendered John Riedling. In what could be the sign of a major trade, they offered D'Angelo Jimenez arbitration. This is significant because Freel was slated to play second, with Kearns learning third base. This means the Reds are not confident Kearns will learn third, meaning he, Dunn or Pena could be dealt.
  13. geniusMoment

    RVD trouble backstage

    So who main events the ECW ppv now?
  14. geniusMoment

    RVD trouble backstage

    The voluntary thing is to protect their own ass. If they made it mandatory, and just one wrestler died or was seriously injured his/her family would be producing raw and smackdown from then on.
  15. geniusMoment

    Finally saw XXX/AMW Cage from 12/04 PPV

    You have tough standards, but I love you for them. No really, I do.
  16. geniusMoment

    Get $100 in cash from TNA

    Actually, that should be WWE. The last two TNA ppvs have been better than anything WWE has produced in a long time.
  17. geniusMoment

    ECW PPV? Roster Switches?

    It would be weird watching ECW without hearing any mainstream music. No Enter Sandman, Man in the Box or Walk. I cannot imagine ECW with generic music.
  18. geniusMoment

    David Brock reaches out and bitchslaps O'Reilly

    He wants you to paypal me your entire bank account, no foolin'. So do not let him down.
  19. geniusMoment

    WWE 24/7

    Stay home and call the cable company all day. Use different voices, and give different names so they think you are different people. Just do not use the name vagina, it is a dead give away..............I found that one out the hard way.
  20. geniusMoment

    ECW PPV? Roster Switches?

    AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. Oh, you're serious. I do not think he means the workrate, just he general attitude ECW had. Something WWE cannot recreate, as the authority has a hard time creating an anti-authority image.
  21. geniusMoment

    3PW 12/18/04

    They seem to cancel a lot of shows. I understand Jasmin is booker, but couldn't they just have Tod Gordon run the backstage things while she is away. It is just one show, it's not like he would be taking over the company.
  22. geniusMoment

    USA Today's Top 10 People of 2004

    I enjoy both the Moore is fat jokes and the Bush is a chimp jokes. But, then again I am an asshole, who only cares about himself. Everyone else can go fuck themselves for all I care, both liberal and conservative.
  23. geniusMoment

    Seattle signs Adrian Beltre

    This means the Dodgers will probably try to sign JD Drew.
  24. geniusMoment

    Braves acquied Tim Hudson

    Blame Carl Linder, the reds GM had the deal all set up. Adam Dunn for Hudson, but the owner nixed it, not wanting to give Hudson a long term deal.
  25. geniusMoment

    Coolest TSM poster

    I voted, yet now I feel dirty, haggard and bloated. Why is this?