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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    Child born without a face

    Where do you worship?
  2. geniusMoment

    Nationals future in D.C. already in doubt

    Contract the Marlins, Tampa Bay, The Nationals and The Brewers.
  3. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    You think you are upset, you should see how the people are acting over at the St. Louis Post Dispatch Cardinals forum.
  4. geniusMoment

    Child born without a face

    If you really feel that way, I do not know if you are joking, I would say look at all of the possible future scenerios. If you see no way that your life would get any better, than go ahead and do it. ( I am not saying this as a joke, if your life sucks, and will always suck, I see nothing wrong with suicide) However, I am not a religious person, so that might change how you view life, and what happens to you if you kill yourself. Also, I enjoy my life, therefore I do not know what you are going through.
  5. geniusMoment

    Child born without a face

    Apparantly whoever said the "moral brigade" were run off is dead wrong. As an aside, if that were me, as soon as possible I would take my own life. No bullshit, or joke, I would seriously kill myself.
  6. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    Reds sign Ben Weber from Anaheim and David Weathers for their bullpen.
  7. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    Reds acquire Ramon Ortiz from Anaheim for Dustin Mosely.
  8. geniusMoment

    Flair throws punch at Foley backstage

    What is the point of working the internet? We will find out it is a work before the match ever occurs.
  9. geniusMoment

    Flair throws punch at Foley backstage

    This news is actually on the observer website now. Did someone from here actually send this to dave as a fake story, or did this actually occur? If someone sent this to Dave as fake news, then you are my new god. I will bow down before thee and proclaim thee my lord and master. I will worship at your alter. It is also on the torch website.
  10. geniusMoment

    Flair throws punch at Foley backstage

    No, if that was from Meltzer it would have said, "The glorious Ric Flair, without question the greatest of all time, was being a gentlemen backstage this evening at raw. While Flair was spending some time with handicapped children backstage the belligerent Mick Foley ran up to the god of wrestling and provoked an altercation with the sexy legend. Flair, being the man that he is (sexy, great and dapper), calmly told Foley he did not want any problems, and offered his hand in friendship. Foley had the audacity to slap away the hand of the only icon in wrestling, and attempted to sucker punch Flair. Flair, using his extensive amature skills (he is not only the best pro wrestler, he is also the best fighter ever) blocked the shot from Foley, and landed a blow which leveled the stunt man, knocking him out. The only reason Foley appeared on Raw was because Flair, being the greatest medical mind of all time, revived Foley. I give the whole thing 5/5 tissues.
  11. geniusMoment

    New Year Revoloution Card

    Looks like another month of TNA then.
  12. geniusMoment

    And So it Begins

    The deal Oakland has wanted from the beginning was a three way trade involving St Louis and Cincinnati for Hudson, with the reds receiving Hudson. They wanted Adam Dunn, but cincy's financial situation made the deal impossible. That is what was reported all day in Cincy. I guess they can move to plan B.
  13. geniusMoment

    A little something for the Phillies fans..

    I used to be really into baseball cards until the late ninties when packs started becoming 5 bucks each. I am not willing to spend thousands a year just to keep up the collection. I think my best card is a '93 Upper Deck SP Derek Jeter rookie card, its in great shape. I should probably have the card graded.
  14. geniusMoment

    Best Shirt EVER

    The only wrestling shirts I wear are old ECW shirts. The Sandman drunk 24:7 is a classic.
  15. geniusMoment

    The Mole

    That goes against what Dreamer and Heyman said on the ECW dvd, and it seems kind of strange that all of this occurred and then a few weeks later Tod is gone. That is one hell of a coincidence. Dreamer even said Paul played the messages for Dreamer and Taz to hear. Basically, someone is full of shit, and I am not sure who.
  16. geniusMoment

    Randy Savage last night

    Savage - November 15th 1952 Hogan - August 11th 1953 That is only 9 months Notice I said "I think". The point of the post, however, was that Savage may only be a little bit older the Hulk, but he looks fuckin tons worse. And finally, thanks for the correction Mr. Details. If you were as concerned with getting ass as you were with pointless wrestling details, you might have seen a female breast in person by now. I doubt it, he is probably hideously ugly.
  17. geniusMoment

    Which soda is better?

    My vote went to sprite, but if cherry 7Up was listed I would have voted differently.
  18. geniusMoment

    Rachel Ray

    You have specific taste.
  19. geniusMoment

    With the WM Angles starting now...

    Smackdown Rey vs Eddie U.S title Angle vs HBK A potential classic (Move HBK to smackdown, as not appearing on the same show hurts a feud) London vs Ulitmo vs Kidman vs Spike in an elimination gauntlet match (similar to TNA) Jericho vs Cena WWE world title (Face Jericho beats heel Cena for the belt) Raw Damn, I do not really like anyone on the show other than Jericho and HBK. I guess just have: HHH vs Batista world title Mick Foley vs Flair (the promos would be amazing) RVD (As part of a trade for Jericho) vs Tommy Dreamer in an ECW style hardcore match (I actually think that this match would get some ECW fans to order) And the rest I do not give a fuck about.
  20. geniusMoment

    Tna Turning Point Thread

    I liked the ppv, good showing all around, with the exception of Macho. Cage match was amazing, just one notch below their previous effort. I am just waiting for Meltzer to criticize everything about the show, while giving Ric Flair the verbal bj a couple of times in the process.
  21. geniusMoment

    Tna Turning Point Thread

    So far this ppv has been off the hizzle fo' shizzle.
  22. geniusMoment

    Tna Turning Point Thread

    The problem is WWE is worse than this, and this sucks. Of course, I absolutly hate WWE style, I am more of an ECW hardcore and spot wrestling fan. Nothing is worse to me than a wrestler selling an injured leg all match, thereby slowing down the spots to a crawl like pace.
  23. geniusMoment

    Rachel Ray

    Look, she made pie. Mmmmm......... Delicious, delicious pie. PIE!!!!!!!!!
  24. geniusMoment

    WWE News And Notes From 12/6 Observer

    Actually, I do appreciate it and said thanks if you read my first post. I just gave an opinion on the Observer. I did not know opinions were not allowed.
  25. geniusMoment

    WWE News And Notes From 12/6 Observer

    Another reason I do not subscribe to the Observer, I do not give a fuck about international wrestling. Then subscribe to the Torch. You'd love them, as they totally ignore anything that didn't happen in America. I realize I will get shit on for this, but I do subscribe to the torch.