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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    The New World Order

    Alex Jones sends his television show to my campus, UC, where they play it on the public access station. A nice demographic for him, get them while they are young and have them for life.
  2. geniusMoment

    Piper is a nutjob!

    TNA should blatantly steal and finish the Piper-Raven angle from WCW. I would actually watch their crappy product if they re-made that story.
  3. geniusMoment

    WWE News & Notes

    Patterson first retired near the end of 95, he came back and wrote part of mania 12 and has been on staff ever since. However, he is getting old, and I do not think he wants full time "vince hours" anymore.
  4. geniusMoment

    WWE News & Notes

    Patterson is the only guy who could get away with that, Vince values his opinion more than anyone on the roster.
  5. geniusMoment

    Howard Stern Moving To Satellite Radio

    Good Stern show today. I really like how they are putting the sound bites to better use. Also, everyone ripping on Ronnie, and his way too big car, had me laughing all the way home from my morning workout. What would mornings be without Stern?
  6. geniusMoment

    The New World Order

    If you think C-Bacon is nuts check this site out: http://www.infowars.com/ There are some crazy people out there. I have met Alex a couple of times, he is quite strange, in a very bad and dangerous way.
  7. geniusMoment

    Howard Stern Moving To Satellite Radio

    I will follow stern wherever he goes, I need my morning fix of Stern to get me through the day. Hopefully he brings Artie, Fred, Robin, Gary, Benji, KC, Ronnie and Sal with him. Also, the new high pitch Eric recording is great, whose high pitch this is Kelly Clarkeson.
  8. geniusMoment

    Yankees/Twins ALDS Thread

    Now game 2 is a must win for the Yankees, if they happen to have a bad game the season is done. No way are they beating the Twins, and Santana, 3 games straight.
  9. geniusMoment

    Why is Gene Snitsky so over?

    Snitsky is not over like Austin. Austin was looked at as a cutting edge character, who connected with fans like no one ever before. Also, he had the ability to cut great promos, exuded personality and believability, was something different from the norm. Add in his ability to have great matches, which both told a story and added to his character, as well as great feuds with Bret, DX, McMahon, Foley, Rock and the Undertaker. Also, Austin was born during the begining of the wrestling boom, the monday night wars, where main event matches and huge production shows, weekly, were something new which attracted new fans. These new fans loved the competition and what it inspired in the shows. Rules were broken which had previously been thought were a death knell on the business....(Main event matches, NWO acknowleging the competiton, cruisers and workrate dramatically changing on a national scale, the basic end of squash matches etc...) Snitsky is preceived as a joke of a performer where the audience mocked his character and the angle by calling him baby killer. The WWE has ran with it, seeing there is no way the audience will buy the angle as a serious one. Snitsky has shown no promo ability, has not shown he can connect with the audience on an emotional level, has goofy facial expressions, has shown no workrate to enhance his character and has not been a ratings draw. Right now the audience thinks they are mocking the stupid angle, as soon as the moron fans realize they are being played they will get tired of the angle and Snitsky will be in OVW or in the lower mid-card. Edit: Also, people were clamoring for Austin to be elevated at the time. He already showed his charisma and promo ability in ECW, had the right look, had a presence in the ring and had been a major break out star in WCW. If his scheduled feud with Flair had gone down lord only knows where the business would be now, and where WCW and WWF/E would stand.
  10. geniusMoment

    Tough Crowd cancelled?

    I am still pissed they cancelled Strangers With Candy. Steven Colbert as a gay teacher=ratings!!!
  11. geniusMoment

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    When did Downhome change his name?
  12. geniusMoment

    Bret Hart column

    Its weird, but in his movie bret seemed very hesitant toward the idea of turning heel and going in a more realistic direction, with both HBK and Austin. Now, when he looks back on his career I have heard him mention his times with the Hart Foundation in 97 as the best time in his career. As for when I said adult, it was just a bad word choice on my part. But, either way I do not want WWE to become like 95-pre russo 99, where the word ass is bad because they are worried about bringing 8-12 year olds to the shows so wrestlers can be a "hero" to children again. Once again, I am not saying Bret would do things like that, its just a minor concern I would have if he were to be in total control. However, with that said I would still take Bret as a booker over anyone on the current staff, except Heyman.
  13. geniusMoment

    MLB Playoff Preview

    Braves in 5 Dodgers in 5 Red Sox in 4 Twins in 5
  14. geniusMoment

    Bret Hart column

    Bret as booker would be good as long as he did not try to be "family friendly" again. In his writings he seems to miss seeing all of the kids at the shows and I do not want to watch "family WWF" again. I am not saying he would bring back the stupid gimmicks, but I am worried that he would take out all of the edge that helped make the product popular, or at least the tiny bit they have left. Also, put someone on the team with Bret with a sense of what is popular with the target demo of 18-34, and not some geeky comic book writer.
  15. geniusMoment

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    Just a note: PwTorch reported that Honky Tonk Man said Kane gave his notice, they have not yet found out if it is true.
  16. geniusMoment

    The Praise Thread

    Everyone who posts regularly in the baseball threads, you are all my favorites.
  17. geniusMoment

    MLB Game Chatter Thread

    Damn, this really sucks. I cannot believe I am going to have to wait another year for the cubs to get a chance at the playoffs. It seems so far away. No teams from the NL interest me at all anymore. The only way I will be interested in the playoffs is if Boston goes far, and by far I mean to the World Series. I hate the Cards, Astros, Giants and Dodgers so I guess I will be rooting for Atlanta. Its too bad Philly did not make it in, as I respect how into it their fans would have been and I think they are an interesting team. My dream playoff scenerio would be: NL Reds Cubs Philly Rockies AL Boston NY Detroit Texas
  18. geniusMoment

    Why do the Cubs suck?

    The Cubs should not sign Nomar, go after Carlos Beltran. Nomar has shown me nothing all year, I have no faith that he will ever be the same again. He is like Griffey, anything hurts him, and he plays shortstop. Besides catcher, that is the hardest position to play in terms of wear and tear. Even when healthy he is not the same hitter. Ever since his wrist injury he has not been able to consistantly drive through the ball like he once did. To me signing Nomar would be an even dumber move than trading for him turned out to be.
  19. geniusMoment

    Why do the Cubs suck?

    If Prior and Wood had not missed so much time the Cubs would have won the wild card. Also, losing Grudz and Sosa's injury hurt them, as Sosa was not the same once he hurt his back. The closer situation hurt them all year, and Nomar was basically a worthless pickup, and could turn out to be an absolutly horrible trade if Beltran works out, as I do not see the Cubs spending 12 million a year on Nomar.
  20. geniusMoment

    MLB Game Chatter Thread

    There is a very nice article on the tribune website about what Steve Stone said. He does not pull any punches, and admits the problems he and Chip are having with many of the players. He says Kent Mercker called the press box in the middle of a game where the cubs lost to the astros 15-7 to complain. He says there will be major changes with the players, some due to the bad relationship between the popular broadcasters and the players.
  21. geniusMoment

    So whos gay?

    The Simpsons became irrelevent the night South Park started. As for a major gay character, South Park did it.
  22. geniusMoment

    Interesting read from Vince Russo

    That bastard keeps deleting my posts. First I asked him for more bra and panties matches. They better not delete my post where I thanked him for the way he booked women from 97-99.
  23. geniusMoment

    MLB Game Chatter Thread

    I cannot believe the reds took 3/4 from the cubs in chicago. It figures when I am actually rooting against Cincy they win, houston and the giant both blow. Now, I only have one team that I like in the playoffs (Red Sox). Also, people in chicago must hate Austin Kearns. Without him in the lineup there is a decent chance they would have won 3/4 and be playoff, and possibly World Series, bound. The bright side is the reds have 4 outfielders and need pitching so there is a good chance one of the outfielders will be traded, and Dunn, Pena and Griffey will all probably stay. Most baseball people think Kearns will ultimately be the best player, but the backlash would be too great right now to trade Dunn or Pena, and Griffey is now a 10-5 guy. As for the Dunn season, 100 walks, 100 runs, 100 RBI's and 45 home runs, an on base percentage of almost .400. To me the strikeouts are not that important.
  24. geniusMoment

    Your Favourite 3 WCW Matches.. (1993-2001)

    Benoit/Raven--From WCW Souled Out 98 Raven/Goldberg--U.S. Title match from June of 98 Nitro Raven/Page/Benoit--Uncensored 98
  25. geniusMoment

    Carlos Delgado's Contract

    A Puerto Rican playing in Canada not standing in silent protest of what he thinks is a unjust war makes him a terrorist? Half my grade 12 English class laughed and cheered when the guy jumped out the window of the TT's when we first say the tape does that make us terrorists? back on topic I just can't see Delgado staying in Toronto as you know someone out there has the pockets to spend 10 millon+ on him. No, that would make you sick fucks. You hate people from the U.S so much that you think its funny when they must pick between suicide and being burned alive.