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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    Orton is a ratings DRAW~!

    According to Meltzer Smackdown's rating of 2.6 is scary bad, maybe they should just end the brand split. An angle of Raw vs. Smackdown would probably draw in a little interest.
  2. geniusMoment

    Which Cubs go?

    Sosa is confronting the same problem that Griffey Jr. has come across, besides injuries, and that is slow bat speed. Sosa can no longer catch up to a good inside fastball, and swinging harder is not the answer, he needs to drop his hands and shorten his swing. Even with a shorter swing he would still have plenty of power.
  3. geniusMoment

    Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels Late 97

    Actually DX had caught on in the states and were begining to get the "they are so bad they are cool" type of heel reaction by Survivor Series. It was just starting but anyone could see, much like with the NWO, it was building. If Austin was not so hot as a face they would have been cheered by fans going into Wrestlemania.
  4. geniusMoment

    What now for Nick Dinsmore?

    The problem is Eugene gets pops from an increasingly dorky, older and now smaller fan base. How can WWE try to market themselves as cool with inspirational stories like the retard wrestler. They forgot what made them cool in the late 90s. Sid got big pops too, but he should have never had a place on the roster. It is better off to lose some attendance and ratings in the short run, build a product that is considered relevent again. Here is a hint, stupid ass pro america shit that gives you good press but makes you come off as lame like the voting shit does not inspire the 14-30 year old demo you want, they want a rebel promotion. Stupid gimmicks like inspirational retards turn off these fans, stupid shit like the diva search turn off these fans, they would prefer just T&A without the contest. I actually think WWE would benefit from having someone in college on their creative team, not as a writer, but as someone to tell these dumbasses what their demographic wants. As they have no fucking clue how big of a joke wrestling fans have become again.
  5. geniusMoment

    Best crimson mask

    I can tell immediatly when they use fake blood, rock used to do it all the time. HBK did it in his comeback match against HHH. You can tell because in one instance the blood is actually trickling from the lacerated head, while in the others the blood is just there in a big glob, running in stream down the head. In wrestling they use very close up camera shots, in theatre the audience is generally far enough away to use fake blood. Does that answer the question without just saying because?
  6. geniusMoment

    Best crimson mask

    John Kronus was good at getting that thick jello like blood covering his face, always impressive.
  7. geniusMoment

    The Victory Road commercial

    Did, only the people who saw it, really need to be in all caps. It makes you come off as defensive even before anyone replied. But, even though I did not see it, since it was TNA I am sure it sucked. Just kidding with you....... or am I?
  8. geniusMoment

    Sucks to be Amy

    There is still a difference in the severity of the break, there are differences in breaks. I never said she could not have had a break, even though last I heard she just had strained ligaments in her elbow. Is right here, the same as down there. If so I am hurt as you were like a brother to me.
  9. geniusMoment

    Sucks to be Amy

    Whoever is comparing Tony Saunders broken arm, which was absolutly sick looking or Joe's broken leg to what happened to Amy needs glasses. She was so hurt that she stayed in the rest of the contest and clapped along with the rest of the divas. There was a huge difference in the severity of injuries.
  10. geniusMoment

    Sucks to be Amy

    Back in high school I was rollar blading down a hill that leads to my house, instead of breaking I decided to roll into the grass to break, big mistake. I tripped over my own feet and fell hands first onto the sidewalk, breaking bones in both of my hands, surprisingly it did not hurt too bad. After my friends found out I was fine we were all laughing about it, I do not see anything sick about that.
  11. geniusMoment

    Sucks to be Amy

    You laughed at your friend when he broke his wrist? Man, good friend you are. I managed to not laugh when my friend got his legs run over by a car. -=Mike Once again, it was just a broken wrist, nothing serious. Plus it was funny since he was in the batting cage, smacked a ball off the post next to him, the ball came back and bounced off his wrist, everyone was laughing. It funny when shit like that happends. Breaking your arm in an arm wrestling contest and then being eliminated from said contest, meaning you did not even need to take part in the contest is funny. I would not mind someone laughing at me, then again I would not be crying over a broken arm.
  12. geniusMoment

    Sucks to be Amy

    Jesus Christ, its just a broken arm. I laughed when my friend broke his wrist after he was hit by a baseball. Stop being such pussies, it is funny.
  13. geniusMoment


    I am also an insomniac. I have basically given up trying to go to sleep at a decent hour. I am not sure what I am going to do when I get out of college and have to work the 9-5 crap. Now I can sleep in the afternoon after my classes end unless I have baseball practice or a game. I think I am basically fucked. Today is a good example, it is 8:16 a.m. on a saturday morning, I did not party last night and I have not yet gone to sleep.
  14. geniusMoment

    ecw rise and fall dvd

    I have never really understood why people seem to hate Shane Douglas, as a wrestler fine everyone is entitled to their opinion, but people seem to classify him as being as big an asshole as HBK. Douglas was a nice enough guy to let Mick Foley stay in his house for free when they were both training, Mick, a wrestler famous for being nice, and Douglas became friends. He has always put over the other talent, except Ahmed Johnson. The people he had problems with Flair and the Clique were famous for being assholes. He stuck with ECW on his second time around through a lot of crap. It is reported that Heyman owes Douglas more money than anyone. In WCW he became friends with smark favorites and always put them over in his interviews. I have never heard anyone, whose opinion I respect, say anything bad about Douglas. Yet, people seem to relish the shit that has happened to him, I have never understood why. If there is some shit I do not know about could someone tell me.
  15. geniusMoment

    MLB Game Chatter

    Even if the Yankees get all the way to the ALCS facing Pedro and Schilling twice or Hudson and Mulder twice is going to be tough for this Yankee team to beat.
  16. geniusMoment

    Do you buy movies when they first come out on DVD

    It depends on the movie. If I really enjoyed the movie and want to watch it right away I will buy the movie the day it comes out. Of course that does not happen very often, the last non-wrestling dvds I purchased were Kingpin and The Natural some 6 months ago.
  17. geniusMoment

    ecw rise and fall dvd

    5 of those 7 matches are available on the ECW dvds released by Pioneer Entertainment.
  18. geniusMoment

    Tom Prichard Fired by WWE

    I wonder if this is to protect WWE from a lawsuit, after Pritchard made an ass out of himself criticizing Bobbi Billiard, saying she was not hurt when she needed neck fusion. Jackie was also released after a long tenure, suspiciously right after this incident became public. Are you paying attention Ivory?
  19. geniusMoment

    MLB Game Chatter

    Steve Stone is awesome, his sarcasm and wit make the game much more enjoyable. I still want the cubs to go to the world series but their whiney players make it less enjoyable to root for them. I remember one time, during a spring training game, WGN brought some of the players wives into the broadcast booth because they wanted to shill their worthy cause. Chip asked them would they take money or can goods for their drive, they replied they would take anything. Stoney then said in his dead pan delivery that "Okay, I will give you my hair." Its just the way he said it that made the line funny. Basically he knows these women are just bored and looking for shit to do and he came off really condescending toward them, it was hilarious. Steve Stone reminds me of what my friends would say during a game.
  20. geniusMoment

    MLB Game Chatter

    It does not matter if the the Sox catch the Yankees. I just hope they get the wild card and show Yankee fans what hard times are all about in a post-season series.
  21. geniusMoment

    Is Carmella a marked woman?

    I think some of the language was a bit much. I do not mind T&A, but hearing someone say cum sucking slut on live television is not exactly my taste, or at least not while watching a wrestling show.
  22. geniusMoment

    Best Line Ups Ever for Networks

    Jesus Christ some of you people must be about my parents age.
  23. geniusMoment

    Happy Birthday, Vince McMahon!

    Why would Vince color his hairpiece, he buys it grey because he wants it that way.
  24. Why does it never rain when you want it to?
  25. geniusMoment


    Get something nice that way I can live vicariously through you.