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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    Roberto Alomar traded to White Sox

    I would like to personally thank the white sox for giving the reds D'Angelo Jimenez for nothing at this point in time. Much appreciated, sorry for your luck.
  2. geniusMoment

    I'm going to work now...

    I wish I could do a Norweigan, it would be a real nice conversation starter at parties or on first dates.
  3. geniusMoment

    I saw a celebrity today...

    I am surprised he needs to work, what with all those book sales.
  4. geniusMoment

    TSM Game Chatter Thread

    On behalf of the incoming Cubs, I thank you for wearing down the Giants' already horrible bullpen. The reds were more than happy to do it, now go cubbies, put some dents in that brick wall.
  5. geniusMoment

    TSM Game Chatter Thread

    It is now beyond pimp juice, the reds were drinking haterade during the 8th inning, as they were haterizing all over the giants bullpen.
  6. geniusMoment

    TSM Game Chatter Thread

    I could've sworn it was a ONE RUN Game. Hardly a severe shit kicking. But our bullpen just refused to keep that game close. And what happened to Griffey? I was just joking, it appeared the reds were drinking gatorade not pimp juice, sorry for the miscommunication. Griffey went out as a precaution, they do want him to fuck up his hamstring right away.
  7. geniusMoment

    Help me out here

    According to his book Foley was considering retiring during this time period, even after hell in a cell. I remember a story about how he was at an autograph signing with Owen at one table while Sable was at another with Ken Shamrock and how he was pissed that she was getting 4 times as many fans. He was not sure if there was a place in the new "cool" WWF for him, this is why he developed into "funny" Mankind.
  8. geniusMoment

    Clemens ejected

    I got kicked out of a college game this season. A pitcher came inside on me during my first at bat, I deserved it, I was standing over the plate reaching out trying to pull outside pitches, so I got dusted and backed off the plate. The next at bat the guy threw the ball behind me, I thought behind my head my teammates said behind my lower back. I took a couple of steps toward the mound and yelled what the fuck is your problem and got thrown out for that. I got thrown out for saying fuck, to me that is fucking bullshit, that stupid fuck ump deserved to be castrated by a rusty sword.
  9. geniusMoment

    TSM Game Chatter Thread

    Someone must have replaced the reds gatorade with pimp juice, as they were smacking up those San Fransico bitches all game long.
  10. geniusMoment

    WWE Jukebox Service...

    I hope this is not like WWE 24/7, I want complete uncut events. I am talking Raw, Nitro, PPVs, WWF Challenge, WWF Superstars, Prime Time, ECW on TNN, ECW syndicated show etc.................................................................... .........
  11. geniusMoment

    Jeff Garcia Dating Carmella

    I just wonder why people continue to cheer her in the diva thing. At least the others seem like they want the job, she seems embarrassed to be on a wrestling show.
  12. geniusMoment

    Ugliest MLB players

    I have always thought Barry Larkin was good looking, at least thats what Johnny Bench has preached. I am not sure if anyone outside of Cincy will get that, but I think you can decipher what I mean.
  13. geniusMoment

    Waitress claims Kobe groped her at Shaq's house

    Spicy there is a difference. If Kobe had slept with a bunch of women and the prosecutors were introducing that as evidence of his nature that would be bad. But, bringing up past instances of sexual crimes is sound strategy. Sexual predators generally repeat their acts and prosecutors always look for more than one victom. You are either incredibly stupid or biased, pick one.
  14. geniusMoment

    Paul E On Live Wire

    Considering Cornettes promotion went belly up and while it was running was not exactly filling stadiums I find Cornette to be bitter. Guess what, ECW had more of an impact and more fans than Smokey Mountain you stupid tennis racquet fuck. Go pleasure yourself with a banana, again.
  15. geniusMoment

    Ugliest MLB players

    Randy Johnson is very ugly, almost disgustingly so, I sometimes vomit if I am watching a game he pitches in. How many of you are man enough to talk about the best looking players? Or perhaps a better question is: If you could look like any player who would it be? I get the feeling Al has a crush on Bobby Abreu, it cannot just be all about the stats.
  16. geniusMoment

    The Regal-HHH segments

    I loved that opening segment, both HHH and Regal showed good fire. Was it just me or were they stiffing each other on those punches, Regal seemed to be firing them in there very snug. I thought at first regal was busted open hardway on the back of his head, as it appeared that he had a circle of blood on the back of his head and I couldn't see a stream coming from the forehead to the back. Also, that strecher bit was brutal, how could you fake that fall? There was no way for Regal to protect himself.
  17. geniusMoment

    Trivia news of weak sources

    I was not talking about performing moves, just a couple of punches and the sharpshooter would do. Not every segment has to involve new wrestlers, sometimes great moments can be focused on veterans. I hate this philosphy now where everything most involve an old guard guy putting over someone younger. Quite frankly, I think most of the young guys wwe would push suck and would just drag a feud down.
  18. geniusMoment

    Trivia news of weak sources

    How about this for an angle. Bret comes back cuts a promo on Flair, Flair comes to the ring. Bret just kicks the ever loving shit out of the old man, taking no bumps and giving Flair no offense so he does not hurt himself, puts him in the sharpshooter, sits back for real, and makes that old piece of shit tap.
  19. geniusMoment

    Most embarassing wrestling T-shirt

    Damn, I guess I am the only one who bought the best wrestling shirt ever. It is of course the sandman drunk 24:7 shirt, featureing crumpled bud cans, cig. butts and a shattered cane on the back. It is the shirt I wear most often to parties, most people do not even know its a wrestling shirt, in fact no one does. I also got a lot of the ECW shirts featuring the promotion itself not wrestlers. ECW made the best shirts, I guess it was because they were Hardcore.
  20. geniusMoment

    The OAO RAW Thread for 8/2/04

    I just wanted Benoit to wrestle someone other than Evolution, Kane or HBK during his 5 month title reign. I guess I am not going to get my wish.
  21. geniusMoment

    Assorted TNA news

    Bring in Afa and have them eat raw fish after they destroy their opponents.
  22. geniusMoment


    I came in here expecting pictures of Frigid exposed, I guess I was owned. Or served, I am not really sure which.
  23. geniusMoment

    Here's your blockbuster trade

    Even thought the reds are my home town team I would play for the Cubs over any team in baseball. Who would not want to play for the Cubs. You would get to play in front of sellout crowds in a beautiful stadium. There is a certain romantic quality that comes with the cubs, the white sox just come off as a boring team.
  24. geniusMoment

    Here's your blockbuster trade

    Awesome, I will now spend the week in search of a Nomar Cubs jersey. Its world series time. If the world series ends up Red Sox/Cubs and Nomar gets the game winning hit, it would be the most unbelievable moment in baseball history.
  25. geniusMoment

    WWE News & Notes from the 8/2 Observer

    So, I guess that guys list of what was on the Hart dvd is bullshit then.