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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    The cubs are facing Wilson and then Lidle. The reds need to take at least one of these games, but have a chance to take both. If they get swept they will probably trade off some players.
  2. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    Great first start for Brandon Claussen today, 7 innings only 2 runs, both of which came in the second. Nice victory. Wily Mo Pena for Drew Henson Brandon Claussen for Aaron Boone and Gabe white has been good since he came back I am begining to like the Yankees a little bit more.
  3. I liked 1999 until Wrestlemania 15, after that I hated it. The reasons have already been mentioned, the huge HHH heel push, the higher power, the corporate ministry, Nicole Bass, Sables ego post Playboy, Chyna sucking the life out of the mid-card, Billy Gunn getting a push, The Big Show dragging down every segment he was involved in, Mick being out and then never coming back the same following double knee surgery, Shane and Vince wrestling all the time, Steph and Linda both getting involved, the stupid Shane-Test feud with Steph getting into a relationship with Test, Steve Blackman getting a push, X-Pac getting stale with Kane, Lawler and Ross both getting stale. Since I was an ECW fan, none of these things bothered me too much, as I could still just watch ECW, but still it was dissapointing. I actually really enjoyed the WWF from October of 1996-March of 1999.
  4. geniusMoment

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    I loved that Diva Search segment. The fans booed every girl, then chanted boring during the Bischoff office part. WWE is so stupid. Do they not realize that the only way fans will get into this is if it is straight up T&A. No one wants to see a reality contest. If they were smart they would just have the girls wrestle in jello, in bra and pantie matches etc... I am actually looking forward to the next raw just so I can watch this thing blow up in WWE's face.
  5. geniusMoment

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    I loved Brock/Goldberg at mania because the fans totally shit on them. I am going to watch tonight for the first time since Mania because I think it is funny when the crowd really shits on someone and JR has to cover it up. Lets face it, if the crowd reacts like they did to the above mentioned mania match the diva segment will be the most entertaining one on raw.
  6. geniusMoment

    Trivia tidbits

    Bret actually mentioned Yankem in the interview, saying he was a good kid at the time. I forgot, he did say he also wanted the Diesel Sur. Series match on there, saying unlike Sabu his table spot was well thought out.
  7. geniusMoment

    Trivia tidbits

    Bret said he considers the iron man match perhaps the greatest match ever, saying it has never been duplicated. He really wants that match on the dvd. He also said he wanted the Bulldog wembley match on there. My Bret dvd would look like this: Hart Foundation vs. the Rockers Bret vs. Perfect from Summerslam Bret vs. Piper from Wrestlemania Bret vs. Bulldog from Summerslam Bret vs. Flair 1st world title Bret vs. HBK 1992 Survivor Series Bret vs. 123 Kid Raw Bret vs. Lawler Summerslam Bret vs. Owen Mania 10 Bret vs. Austin Survivor Series Bret vs. Austin Mania Bret vs. Taker One Night Only DVD Extras would Be: Bret vs. HBK ladder match Bret vs. Perfect King of the Ring Bret vs. Flair WCW Souled Out Thats my list. I took out Bret/Owen cage because it is on bloodbath and I already have one Bret/Owen match on there and the tribute match is on Chris' dvd. That would take 4 dvds I assume, and I would buy it in a second.
  8. geniusMoment

    Trivia tidbits

    Bret said last night that he wants the iron man match with HBK on the dvd, the matches with Mr. Perfect, the owen tribute match, the match with Hakushi and a couple of others.
  9. Bret is on WOL right now, for anyone who wants to listen.
  10. geniusMoment

    WWE Folder stupidity.

    I do not understand why anyone would even want to be a mod. You must deal with people constantly bitching, and deal with stupid drama from all sides. Its not like you get paid, to me it is a no win situation. For any mods, do you regret being a mod now?
  11. geniusMoment

    This (Half) Week in Baseball

    Damn, first OctoberBlood, then Choken, I wonder if I will be the next to go. Perhaps soon this board will be free of reds fans. Hopefully the reds get something good for Paul Wilson, as that series against the cards showed how inferior they are.
  12. geniusMoment

    This (Half) Week in Baseball

    Reds called up Brandon Claussen, their best pitching prospect. He is supposed to be like a young Denny Mclain, both in terms of talent and character.
  13. geniusMoment

    Why is Shane Douglas an interviewer in TNA?

    I would personally rate the hour long 3 way dance with Funk and Sabu as being ***1/2, although I can see why some would disagree. I also liked the match Douglas had against Cactus before Cactus went to the WWF.
  14. geniusMoment

    Why is Shane Douglas an interviewer in TNA?

    I thought he was pretty good in his first WCW stint and in ECW until late 97.
  15. geniusMoment

    OAO Diva Search Thread

    Jesus, I had never even heard of her. If she is this popular why did they kick her off?
  16. geniusMoment

    Why is Shane Douglas an interviewer in TNA?

    Now, all they need to do is move Douglas into Wests' spot, and I will be happy.
  17. geniusMoment

    This (Half) Week in Baseball

    Before everyone gets too pissed, have they even announced what the injury is? Maybe he will not even miss a start. Besides, if he is hurt the cubs have the prospects and the money to get Randy Johnson, if their ownership will step up. And Doc what is wrong with being a Reds fan. Its not like I can control what happens with the ownerships decisions. Would it be better if the minute my favorite team sucked if I just jumped on to the band wagon of the Yankees or some team like that?
  18. Austin said Flair was the greatest wrestler of all time in Flairs book. Of course he also said if he had to pick anyone, he is speaking about during the current time period, that would have the best match on the card as a heel or face it would be Flair. That is total bullshit, Flair is not the best worker anymore.
  19. geniusMoment

    OAO Diva Search Thread

    The only part I saw was when coach eliminated some chick, I think her name was Karen McDougall or something like that, and the crowd chanted You Fucked Up and booed, HHH eventually went on stage and whispered something into coaches ear and they continued. That is all I saw but I found it humorous. For people who watched, why did they get so upset when this girl was eliminated?
  20. geniusMoment

    WWE 24/7 should be like the NFL Network....

    How is that, I did not have ESPN classic.
  21. Bret said in his movie HBK was a phenomenal performer.
  22. geniusMoment

    WWE 24/7 should be like the NFL Network....

    I would prefer just air events uncut. I want to see an entire event not just pieces of great matches. I would rather the network just show old shows and ppvs in order 24/7 nonstop. I would start some shows in the early 80s, some in the late 80s, some in the early 90s, some in the late 90s, and so on. That way you would have a taste of everything.
  23. What does being world champ have to do with anything? But, since you brought it up, listen to Micks promos as champ, they were many times funny, remember testicular fortitude. And Flair can have a serious match without comedy.
  24. Cactus in ECW put comedy into his spots. Micks whole angle with Goldust in 1996 turned into comedy, especially on house shows where mick was calling him mommy and wearing the gold boots. 1997 Mick was full of comedy, from the msg video before his match with Hunter, his wearing a pick me steve sign in the summer of 1997, turning into Dude Love. You are wrong Mick did put comedy into almost everything he did.
  25. Never saw the match, but would like to. My point was not that Bret could not adapt his style, I was just pointing out how Bret criticized Flair, saying most of their matches sucked because Flair threw in comedy spots. Since Bret prided himself on adapting his style my point was why did he not adapt his style to Flair in most matches.