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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. The bump off the Cell also bothered me. HBK just basically gets up and thrown off another table, almost no selling the fall. It took away some of the initial impact. A couple of other things, Bret ripping into flair for the comedy to me is a joke for a couple of reasons. 1. The person he praises, Foley, in his article was famous for adding comedy into his matches. 2. Bret takes the business and himself, along with his matches, way too seriously. This is entertainment, the Flair flop is hardly something that needs to be corrected because the people like it, and in the end that is what matters. If Bret was so great at adapting his style he should have been able to adapt to Ric Flair, it is not like Flair is chopped liver in the ring. As for Flair, the one thing that really bothered me is that in his book Flair says that not only was Bret not great, but that he was not even in the same league as HBK. I do not believe this has been mentioned yet. To say that Bret is not even in the same league as HBK is a joke. I have heard people argue bret is better and HBK is better, or that they are even. But to make a statement like that shows you have an obvious bias toward someone.
  2. geniusMoment

    This (Half) Week in Baseball

    The reds offered Dunn to the Dodgers before the season for Edwin Jackson, they will trade him for a number 1 pitching prospect.
  3. geniusMoment

    This (Half) Week in Baseball

    If the reds do not do well this week Paul Wilson, Cory Lidle, Danny Graves, Todd Jones, Griffey and possibly Adam Dunn (arbitration) will be available for the right price. For Dunn the reds would want a #1 pitching prospect, for Wilson they would want a solid #2 pitching prospect, the rest would be salary dumps.
  4. Bret is now scheduled to be Dave's guest on WOL this Sunday, I cannot wait.
  5. Bret would never do that angle, and he shouldn't. Bret should just give a classy farewell, leave the realism angle to Foley/Flair.
  6. geniusMoment

    Diva Contest a Work?

    Maybe Steph will win under a wig or something. At the end she could pull it off and say it was me dad, it was me all along. Okay, that was bad, I got nothing.
  7. geniusMoment

    Diva Contest a Work?

    The demographic they want is 14-34, they are much older than that now. Partly because of stupid crap like the diva contest, mainly because they went from attitude to being pussies. People in that age group just do not want long wrestling matches, they want an in your face fuck you type of promotion. All of that pro america crap may get the wwe good press, but teenagers and college kids would rather follow a bad ass promotion than a "I am proud to be an American" promotion.
  8. geniusMoment

    Diva Contest a Work?

    There is a big difference between showing a highlight video of something that occured previously and something currently happening on raw. People do not want to watch stupid fluff pieces about contests, they just want to see the girls strip, it is that simple.
  9. Everyone on this board is more qualified to talk about wrestling than Buddy fuckin' Landel. He said Flair was better because when he arrived at the airport you knew the champ was in town. That is complete crap. I guess Steve Austin wearing jeans and t shirts should not have been champ. Uh oh, one time I saw Rocky wearing wind pants and an athletic shirt, I was so disgusted he was not dressed like the champ I have never enjoyed another match again. Bret was a robot? If you could ever find a seat? I understand Flair did draw some good houses but I could have found about 1000 seats for Flair/Steamboat or Flair/Funk in NY.
  10. geniusMoment

    Official MLB All-Star Game Thread

    I understand Fox gave MLB this great deal. I just wish they had different announcers, I cannot stand Buck or McCarver. Their cutesy back and forth caused me to turn the channel during the game.
  11. geniusMoment

    Diva Contest a Work?

    Once they get to the portion of the contest where the girls do shit like strip, wash vinces limo in thongs and have pillow fights people will cheer, and it will probably increase ratings for that one slot. T&A on smackdown is many times the highest rated part of the show. It will have no effect over long term ratings. I realize this is a hard concept that many of you do not grasp. But, if they took a poll of the WWE audience most would rather see a bra and panties match than a straight up womens match. That is just the way it is.
  12. geniusMoment

    Let's pretend

    To say Sullivan did not have any good ideas is unfair. Sullivan was the main booker when Nitro began and helped bring about Nitros rise. I am sure you can list off tons of bad ideas he came up with, but he never gets credit for any of the good. With that said for whatever reason sullivan is hated by many, when he took over as booker the radicals left.
  13. Funk was seem in a higher light during their feud in 1989 because Flair and him were in main events But, after the feud he was viewed as a Texas legend, the same as before. During the feud with the main eventer basically everyone is looked at in a higher light, it is just natural. But back to the point, I assume then you are saying Flair helped "remake" funk not make him, am I correct?
  14. Mike the one point of yours that I disagree with the most is the point about Terry Funk. If you are talking about their feud in 1989 I think Funk carried his end just fine, I do not think Flair carried him through the feud. Its not like after the feud Funk was a huge name and went on to do great things, after the feud he was pretty much in the same position he was always in. I think it is disrespectful to say Flair made Terry Funk, I think Funk had enough talent that he would always rise to the top. Hell, some of the best ideas during their feud were Funks, such as bagging Rics head. Flair admits in his book he patterned himself after Funk in many ways, such as holding the ropes while delivering chops. I am not saying Funk carried Flair either, I feel it was one of those feuds where each man deserved their respective spot and each man helped each other. I believe you also put Bret Hart on the list. Flair hardly made Bret. Flair grudgingly put over Bret because Vince told him to, the match at Wembley and Piper made Bret a bigger star than the match no one saw against Flair. If all it took to "make" someone was to drop the title to them there would be hundreds main event level people today.
  15. geniusMoment

    Smackdown (*Spoilers*) for 07/15/04

    I thought Sable was going to fired, was that in some news report here or am I imagining things.
  16. They both have had so many good matches I just cannot believe either of them are anything less than great workers. They each have flaws, but no one is perfect. Not Austin, Hogan, Flair, Race, Bret, HBK or anyone else. They both were apart of events that drew big crowds, they both headed up their promotions at various times and neither drew money like Hogan or Austin. Those are all facts. I do not understand why so many of you seem to be on one side of the fence or the other, they both were good performers in my opinion. I have never heard so many smarks criticize Bret and Flair, I feel like I am in some alternate universe. Sure Flairs matches looked alike but I think many of them were damn good matches. Sure Bret was not the most charismatic guy, but I think he could still deliver a damn good money promo. Let me put it to you this way, I would take a 91-94 bret or a 87-89 Flair as the lead in my promotion over anyone wrestling today.
  17. geniusMoment

    Official MLB All-Star Game Thread

    Its funny how all of these teams with new stadiums must fight it out for the all star game, many times still waiting years. Yet, the very second the brewers finish their stadium the game comes. Oh wait, that is not surprising, that is Mr. Baseball Bud Selig.
  18. geniusMoment

    Official MLB All-Star Game Thread

    That guy in the taco bell pitching contest threw the ball like a girl.
  19. Ric played a clever game of disception in his book when speaking about Foley. He tells the readers how he did not have much power because of Hogan and how he was just trying to keep his spot, much less fighting for Foley. He talks about the booking committee and how no one had much power. What he does not mention is Foleys biggest gripes with Flair occurred before Hogan even came into the promotion. Foleys biggest gripes with Flair came during the fall of 93, after he came back from the stupid capt. Jack angles. Flair was the head of the booking committee during this time period, appointed by Eric Bischoff, due to Ted Turner's love of Flair. Hell, Foley even made mention of the meeting where Turner spoke so highly of Flair. So what Ric does is a little slight of hand trick. He says I had to worry about Hogan and Savage and my spot. I was just fighting to survive. When by 1994 Foley was already planning to leave due to his lack of a push. He went from being over and a main eventer, who was over as a babyface, to tagging with Max in high school gyms. Ric was not the sole cause of this, Bischoff and Rhodes contributed, but as the head of the booking committee he had the power to make something better for Jack. Ric said he did not have time to worry about Jack, to me that means he is a bad booker. Because it would have taken me 1 second to think of something better for Jack than a tag team with Max against Ice Train.
  20. Bret is talking about missing shows because he just did not show up or in wrestling terms no showed. He missed many dates due to various injuries.
  21. Now I cannot wait for Brets book, or 3 book set to come out. The fact that he wrote it himself makes me want it all the more. Hearing about his childhood, early years in Calgary, moving to the WWF, his success, the clique, HBK, the changing fans, the screwjob, WCW and finally closure. I cannot think of anyone, in or out of wrestling, whose book I would rather read.
  22. geniusMoment

    New Storm Commentary

    Storm and Dawn teamed in ECW at Cyberslam 2000 against Jazz and Nova. Storm took the "botched" kryptonite krunch, (crunch is better with a k) that enabled Justin Credible to throw down the tag titles and beat Tommy Dreamer for the world title, thanks to help from the turning francine. Sadly I know all of this and the resulting storyline off hand.
  23. I actually thought both of them were great workers, yet they each seem to say the other was not. I am not really sure who to believe. Both I get the feeling are somewhat self assured. In terms of drawing, I tend to think drawing has to do with more than just one wrestler, I think the entire company draws. There are exceptions like Hogan in the 80s and Austin 98. But, in general I do not blame one person for bad gates or give one person all of the credit for good gates. Most people in the NWA, sans Herd, actually agreed with Flair when he left with the belt, even the NWA called him their champion, so I must disagree with Bret on that opinion. Flair did have a set routine, but it did work. Flair did put some comedy into his work, but so did foley, who Bret praised. I think everyone knows wrestling is fake so I see no problem with moves like the Flair flop. I do not want things to get too silly, but I think Flair usually walked that line on the good side. Flair could also cut serious money promos, listen to the buildup for Flair/Race in 83 or Flair/Funk I quit. Listen to Flair after he chased off Orton with bat. I still think they both are great, I just wonder if they actually feel this way about each other, or if this is all over some past grudge.
  24. geniusMoment

    Just picked up some classic PPVs at a store...

    Anyone who lives in Cincy or around there can get any WWF event that came out on dvd, the media play in Florence now buys old dvd's and last time I was in there they had every title begining with Wrestlemania 15 "the ragin' climax." Also Phils records have some old WWF and WCW events on tape, I picked up starrcade 93. With them its hit and miss, but I have seen almost all of the ppvs there at one point or another.