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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    HomeRun Hiting Contest

    A good derby but nowhere near the level of 99 or the one in the Brewers park, with Sosa hitting ungodly shots. The lack of stars at the end killed it for me, its nice to see the subs do well but I still would have preferred a Sosa/Bonds/Griffey final in some form.
  2. geniusMoment

    HomeRun Hiting Contest

    When Giambi and Griffey were in it I was looking forward to this derby more than any other one, except 1999. Now, I hope Sosa puts on a good show. Houston is a good place for him, with that short porch and the crawford boxes.
  3. geniusMoment

    MLB Mid-season Awards

    If I were to pick a Comeback player, it would have to be Ray Lankford. Here's a guy who was absolutely considered DONE. He didn't play organized ball at any level last season. This year, he's hitting 266/365/435, and building his case as one of St. Louis's all time greats. I guess I spoke too soon. Oh well, my season's over. Might as well find something else to watch.
  4. geniusMoment

    This Week In Baseball

    Last night just about killed me. More than anything I wanted to see Griffey in the HR derby and last night he hurt his hamstring again. They are taking an MRI now. I do not know if I can even enjoy the all star game if Griffey is seriously hurt. I was really looking forward to the next couple of days. God, life sucks.
  5. geniusMoment

    MLB Mid-season Awards

    Comeback player of the year: Ken Griffey Jr.
  6. geniusMoment

    Lets collectively rename the new

  7. geniusMoment

    This Week In Baseball

    The real question is what happened to OctoberBlood, has the reds downfall caused him to leave? Its okay to be a fan of a team that sucks, it just makes you a loser, like me. Who else on this board is a fan of a team that sucks, losers stand up and unite. Together we will form an unbreakable wall of suck, we will be unstopable.
  8. geniusMoment

    This Week In Baseball

    I would love for Barry to come back, I just find the fact that he announced this right after the all star vote somewhat suspect, maybe I am wrong.
  9. geniusMoment

    This Week In Baseball

    Cubs fans should not worry, as they are right in the wild card race. If they cannot catch the Cards it really does not matter, as the Cubs would win in a short series. Can you imagine facing Wood, Prior, Zamb., and Clement in a 7 game series. One last thing, 2 days after being named to the all star team, because everyone thought it was his last year, Barry Larkin announced he will probably play next year, barring major injuries. How strange, just 2 days after the team was announced this decision just popped into his head. Evil genius or asshole you decide.
  10. geniusMoment

    2004 MLB All Stars announced

    I am surprised Larkin made the team, I guess it was a sympathy pick since he is probably going to retire following this season. The only person I really wanted to make the team was Adam Dunn, but I do not think he deserved it. I just wanted to see him crush his 500 foot home runs that he hits in batting practice during the HR derby. Dunn, Bonds and Wily Mo Pena are the only players so far to clear the moondeck at Great American Ballpark.
  11. geniusMoment

    The Geek Hierarchy

    I think wrestling fans are thought more of as dumb jocks or rednecks, not geeks. At least in the schools I went to that seemed to be the case.
  12. geniusMoment

    What kind of shape are you in?

    UYI I do not think anyone will disagree, you are one sexy man.
  13. geniusMoment

    What kind of shape are you in?

    I am a little over 6 feet tall and weight about 192. I work out on average 2-3 hours a day, I am trying to get more muscle on as I want to be a wrestler when I get out of college. Right now I am around HBK size, which I realize is not good enough to make it in the big time, but I cannot seem to get any bigger. After college I am considering steriods, I cannot right now as I play on the baseball team, I am not sure where to get them from though.
  14. geniusMoment

    Wade Keller

    Look at all of the torch talk interviews that he has done, he obviously has some connection to at least a couple of wrestlers. Maybe the stories about the morale are true, some of it probably is not, but I would not discredit everything he says.
  15. geniusMoment

    Kash Done With TNA?

    Kash needs to realize something, now is not the time to leave TNA. If you want to leave fine, but wait a couple of months and see if they can get the FX spot. If they can perhaps Kash could make major money or get a serious offer from WWE. He has been with them all this time, waiting a couple of months would not kill him. This is not a sound business decision on his part.
  16. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    Beltran will probably go to the Mets, Yankees, Dodgers or Red Sox.
  17. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    I am not a fan of Ausmus either, its just that Bagwell takes up so much payroll. I am not sure how much Ausmus makes, but it is probably way too much. It just seems as if the Astros have so many good parts, but it does not seem to equal a whole good team, I am not sure why. Maybe I am wrong.
  18. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    For 15 million a year I consider that a liability. Lets put it this way, if Bagwell is too injured to continue they could easily sign Beltran. Do not get me wrong, I am not wishing injury on Bagwell, I am just stating I think the money would be better spent in Beltran.
  19. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    Will Bagwell continue to play? I understand you would have to be nuts to leave that kind of money on the table and I understand his ex wife, Shauna, took him to the cleaners but damn, he is already rich. I am guessing there is no surgery for this shoulder ailment. The thing is, some clubs have insurance on certain players with big contracts, where if they do not play in so many games the insurance picks up the salary. If his shoulder pain gets worse perhaps the astros could collect on that.
  20. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    Is Bagwells shoulder ruining him at the plate as well, or is it just old age? Its sad seeing him at the plate now compared to just a couple of years ago. I am a reds fan but I feel bad for anyone like Bagwell who plays for one team for your entire career and never gets to make it to the big time. I really thought they had something when they traded for Randy Johnson, I have a gut feeling it is time to blow up the Astros and start over. They still have a solid foundation in Oswalt, Miller and Andy, they just need new hitters. Maybe getting rid of the salaries of Kent, Bagwell, Biggio and Hidalgo (already gone) will enable them to build the team around Beltran and Berkman.
  21. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    Dunn now has 24 home runs and got 2 more RBI's today. Its weird, there is a chance the Reds could have both the leading hitter, Casey, and the leading HR guy Dunn. Whats even more strange is if that happened before the all star game there is a decent chance the NL all star team would not have the leagues leading hitter or leading HR hitter. When is the last time that, if ever, happened?
  22. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    I get the feeling Mr. Williams is on his way out. I just do not see the Astros winning this division with that bullpen.
  23. geniusMoment

    This Seems To Have Been Ignored Nicely

    I have no doubt he has had them before, just ask the Kurds, and would probably have had them again had we not gone in. I guess the question is were the inspections enough to stop him for developing a threat to the United States or other countries.
  24. geniusMoment

    This Seems To Have Been Ignored Nicely

    I do not think there is any question that if he could have Saddam would have made weapons of mass destruction. I have no doubt he attempted to at various times from various countries. The question is, when we went into Iraq did they actually have, or were about to have, weapons of mass destruction? Anyone who claims they know for sure one way or another is either a liar or just insane.
  25. geniusMoment

    Tons Of Backstage WWE News Notes

    To be fair, pretzels are the 3rd most entertaining crunchy snack food. Number 1 and 2 are obvious, so I will not bother in saying something everyone already knows.