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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    I do not care about the all star game anymore, just the home run derby. I feel the derby can make a new star much better than the all star game, you are all alone on the field and a great performance is all on you. Last year Hank got good rub for being the hero but nothing compared to some classic home run derby performances. Its too bad Bonds, Sosa and Griffey will not be in the derby this year.
  2. geniusMoment

    On a light note in the news.....

    Damn, if at 14 I had the chance to have relations with a girl like that I would have considered myself the luckiest boy on the face of the earth.
  3. geniusMoment

    It's time for you, the POSTERS, to decide!

    Thats not what you said last night.
  4. geniusMoment

    Marney: RIP

    Nasty cheese grating accident, she can no longer have children.
  5. geniusMoment

    Brock Lesnar ESPN.com article

    After reading that I now understand why some of the people on this board hate Brock. What an asshole.
  6. I want good wrestling, but I also want good storylines to help sell the matches. I will not deny ROH has good matches, I just cannot get into the product, sorry. To me it would be like watching two high school kids wrestling at the local gym in a match equivalent to a flair/steamboat classic, the match may be good but to me it is just not the same.
  7. I always looked at the belt as a mere prop, wrestling is fake and therefore I look at wrestling in eras: The Hogan era The Flair/Bret then all Bret era The HBK era The Stone Cold era The Rock/HHH era And finally the HHH era In my opinion those were the guys pushed, or cared about the most, since the 1980s. Right now I consider a transition period, much like with Nash in the mid 90s or Savage in the 80s or Sid/Undertaker in 96-97. All of those men held belts but none were considered the biggest stars during their reign.
  8. I cannot explain it, I hear everyone rave about it and tried watching it. I just cannot get into it, I do enjoy the workrate its just that nothing really draws me into it. I will probably get ripped on for this, but I have a hard time getting into something when it is in front of 500-1000 fans in a local gym. ECW was my favorite promotion and I realize they ran in small venues, it just seemed to me like they were a major promotion, even if they were not. I loved the raws in the manhattan center, also a small venue, but once again it still appeared as if the WWF was a major promotion, which they were. I see ROH as just a small indy with no real shot of getting a lot bigger. Hopefully I am wrong.
  9. I have a black box and did not watch one second of that ppv. What does it say when a die hard fan, who used to order every ppv from 92-00 and go to every house show in the area, does not even watch a show for free when they are charging $35 for it. An absolute disgrace of a ppv. For the first time ever I see no hope in watching anymore. I have not seen a smackdown show since wrestlemania, I have no desire to continue watching anymore. For years I have watched friends start and then stop watching wrestling, I never thought I would no longer watch, I thought I would be a fan for life. But I have had it. The thing is I am not even really mad anymore, I am just tired of caring. I wish I liked TNA or ROH, but I just do not. I have a feeling this may be it, it makes me very sad.
  10. geniusMoment

    Astros win Beltran sweepstakes; Dotel to A's

    I don't know Al, with a 4 game sweep the Astros could be 10 games back, that is pretty tough to make up.
  11. geniusMoment

    Jeff Hardy to stay with TNA

    They are trying to bring in that 18-34 year old gay male demographic.
  12. geniusMoment

    Astros win Beltran sweepstakes; Dotel to A's

    They are already 6 full games out, it will be hard for them to come back if they fall more than 9 games back. They need to win now, or hope the wild card comes out of the central. I realize the wildcard as of now would come from the central, but if the teams continue to play well, especially teams everyone thought would suck like Cincy and the Brewers, you will have to face a much harder schedule than the east or west teams.
  13. geniusMoment

    Ken Shamrock Returning Next Week!

    Which had nothing to do with him going back to WWE. WWE did not give a fuck he lost a UFC fight, they would still market him as a bad ass. Shamrock would not except the schedule WWE wanted him to work. Plus he would have had to restart the angle with his "sister". Okay, I made the last part up.
  14. geniusMoment

    Bonds was given steroids

    That and getting into a fight with Jim Leyland during Spring training. That and getting into a shoving match with Andy Van Slyke during an April game against Cincy. That and getting into a verbal spat, which almost came to blows, with fellow asshole Jeff Kent.
  15. I have no clue why this thread is here, all I know for sure is I am a little dumber for having read the posts. Give me the 30 seconds of my life you took away. And change your pants, why the fuck do you wear the same pair everyday?
  16. The average WWE viewer is now 34 years old, which is a scary thought. If it gets much older they will get next to nothing in advertising revenue. This could become a major story in the coming years. As for T&A selling, I feel it sells more than a straight up Torrie/Sable match.
  17. What I find funny is they went from having tons of T&A, whatever that beach crap was going to be. To having some T&A, the divas hosting or whatever that crap was. To just a straight up match between Sable/Torrie. I do not care as I am not buying the ppv either way, but if I were trying to sell a crappy ppv I would load it with T&A like they originally were going to, as that would inspire some buys. Do they honestly believe that Torrie/Sable in a normal match would sell more, talk about being out of touch with your audience.
  18. geniusMoment

    Astros win Beltran sweepstakes; Dotel to A's

    This might not be a great deal for the Astros. They have a very weak bullpen now, if Lidge gets hurt they are in deep shit. They took a major gamble, they cannot sustain any injuries in their relief corps now. When I first heard about this deal about a week ago I was not sure how I felt about it. The astros could very well blow some late leads. Also, I doubt the stros plan on resigning him, therefore they lose Dotel for the longterm, they had better win this division now and go far in the playoffs or I feel they will blow up the team and start over.
  19. geniusMoment

    the One and Only Smackdown thread 6/24

    I watched Smackdown, well about an hour of it, for the first time in months tonight. I enjoyed the cruiser battle royal, I always like to see London do one of his nice flip over drop kicks. Kenzo was sucky, and lost to gunn, I guess they already gave up. I thought the Sable/Torrie segment was funny in a campy sort of way. Also, maybe its just me. But the last time I saw sable was at Wrestlemania and her tits did not look near that size. I knew she needed new implants, did she get them bigger or was it just the outfit she had on?
  20. geniusMoment

    Review of Flair's book

    Even though I did criticize what he said, these are only quotes, I will need to read to the entire book to give a more accurate opinion. Its just that in Foleys book he also pointed out how Flair was one of, if not the best performer of all time, hopefully Flair can point out the positives with the negatives.
  21. geniusMoment

    Review of Flair's book

    I agree. But, I think everyone here will agree there are some basic standards which make a good to great wrestler. Someone in Flairs position knows as well. To me, he is not being honest, he is lying in order to further an agenda. Maybe I am just to gullible, but I felt Foley gave his honest opinion, right or wrong.
  22. geniusMoment

    WWE going to implement changes?

    Is Vince Russo a preacher yet?
  23. geniusMoment

    Review of Flair's book

    Flair is a self serving ass. How can I take any of his opinions seriously when he rips on Savage, Hart and Foley and yet will probably praise AA. Nothing against AA, but give me a break. Comparing Foley to Beefcake, just because you sucked so much as a booker that you could not see the star power in austin and Foley does not mean they sucked and were created by Vince. Both of those men put a lot into their own characters. One more thing Flair did not actually write this book so how can the reviewer even compare it to Foley. The reviewer was obvisously biased.
  24. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    Whenever I go to Chicago I think about going to a Sox game, then I quickly come to my senses. As going to a ballgame is fun, but not worth your life. I would not even stop my car at a stop sign in some parts of the southside of Chicago, much less spend time going to a ballgame.
  25. geniusMoment

    The OAO Raw Thread - 6/21/04

    Which is why Eugene is the most over character on RAW. But, the WWE's average demo is now 33-34 year olds. It used to be the 14-30 demo which is what they really want. There is a difference in advertising revenue. All I know is I am not going to tell my college friends, "Hey, lets go watch this inspirational retard on Raw!" Get back your attitude you God damn WWE pussies. I think Vince must have lost his balls in an accident.