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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    The OAO Raw Thread - 6/21/04

    No chance in hell. No chance in hell. No chance in hell that I am even going to turn on tonights raw. An entire program built around that stupid retard Eugene. WWE is now officially dorkier than star wars or role playing games. Do they actually think the 14-34 demo like this crap. I would be embarrassed to watch tonight in front of my friends.
  2. geniusMoment

    News on new tag team/Nova/Alexis Laree

    Alexis could not win the Diva search, WWE would be in violation of false advertising laws. I am in college right now majoring in advertising. Then again Vince feels he is above the law, so go ahead and try it. I hope a class action lawsuit sounds nice.
  3. geniusMoment

    WWE Trying To Get Back Old Fans

    In order to get those fans back WWE needs to do something they will not do, they need to get back attitude. I do not mean crash tv, what I mean is get back to having hip or cool television instead of characters that non-fans will immediatly see as dorky. (Hurricane, Rosey, Frenchies, Mordechi, random bad foreigner) Having HBK prance around stage and having Jericho performing as a pussy babyface also does not help matters. The reason Mick Foley was successful was because he connected with the fans, with his dorky persona. Yet, people do not want to watch an entire promotion filled with dorky characters. I am a huge wrestling fan but I will not watch a show I know Eugene will be on in front of my friends in fear of never hearing the end of it. A couple of years ago the WWF combined all out no rules action with bad ass characters, swearing and sophmoric humor (DX, Val Venis etc...) and sex appeal. (They still try to use sex appeal only they use it wrong. They seem to be under the preception that people cannot take straight T&A, that they need to always put some comedy in to lighten the mood. Fuck that, their demo wants straight T&A.) Now the characters all seem to be based on a fan base who play role playing games with their friends on Saturday nights. Their constant pro-America stuff may get them good press but it makes them come off as another dorky company. In order to get the demo they want they need to come off as an in your face I do not give a fuck promotion.
  4. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    In the 9th Graves walked the leadoff hitter with a 1 run lead on 4 pitches. Sanders swings at the first pitch he sees, which was a ball, the next pitch is a ball. The next pitch is a hanging slider, which Reggie misses and Renteria is thrown out trying to steal. Sanders then swings at a ball in the dirt and pops out. So far in the inning, 8 pitches 7 of which would have been balls. But there are two out and no one on, you figure Graves at least has a shot, no this is Graves. The first two pitches to the next batter both balls. He then hangs a sinker which Anderson smacks for a hit. Lankford comes up, the first two pitches, both balls. Lankford then hits a 85 mph fastball and gets a double. That is pathetic, an absolute embarassment, a poor excuse for a pitcher. Womack then gets a luck hit, he would have beaten it out without the bobble and the game is tied. Another blown save by Graves, that is 3 blown saves in his last 4 chances. 85 mph fastballs and hanging sinkers suck, you suck Graves.
  5. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    Fuck you Danny Graves. You are a piece of shit pitcher who should not even be in the big leagues.
  6. geniusMoment

    Time Slot Petition

    What if I bribe him with a leaf I pulled off an old oak tree from a field in southern Ohio.
  7. geniusMoment

    Time Slot Petition

    Not even if I get a middle aged business tyrant ass motherfucker to sign it.
  8. geniusMoment

    Time Slot Petition

    I do not mean to be a prickly pear, but dynamite a joke need not be funny to be a joke. Jokes bomb all the time. I am considering starting an online petition asking for a formal apology from you. If I can get enough signatures will you consider it?
  9. geniusMoment

    Bonds just won't shut up

    When Dan Wilkenson left the Bengals he said he would never play in Cincy again, that it was the most racist town in america, he said it because the press reported how he punched his pregnant wife in the stomach. Its nice to see we have moved down to number two.
  10. geniusMoment

    Time Slot Petition

    All right, who is the clever little devil who signed as AssCrack McGee. This is serious business and a joke like that could cause these executives to reconsider this wonderfully thought out plan. All yeah, it was me, nevermind.
  11. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    The major rumor in Cincy is that the Mariners asked for Austin Kearns for Freddy Garcia, money is not the issue as the Reds have been given the okay to spend money if they are in contention. Dan O'brien is trying to decide whether or not to make the deal, one if they are willing to give up Kearns and two if Garcia would make them a contender.
  12. geniusMoment

    Primetime Impact?

    If you are supplying most of it, who is supplying the rest?
  13. geniusMoment

    Raws from 95 to 99

    Get all of 97 from begining to end just for historical purposes, throw in jan. of 98-April of 98. The change from January 1, 1997 to May 1, 1998 is absolutly amazing. It was one hell of a ride I wish never ended.
  14. geniusMoment

    News, Rumors & Notes!

    No Foley for a charity named after Al Snows sister?
  15. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    Is it just me or is Nomar almost always hurt? He is like the Austin Kearns of the AL.
  16. geniusMoment

    Latest Bradshaw ramblings

    109. He has his own column at WWE.com.
  17. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    I thought Lidge was their set-up, or are you counting that as middle relief. In general I have always heard: Closer, Set-Up guy, Left specialist, Middle guys and a long guy.
  18. geniusMoment

    The OAO Raw Thread for 06/14/04

    For the love of god, not the t.v. Anything but that.
  19. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    Damn, Al bringing the sass. I do not think god wants the reds/phils to play the 3rd game of this series. It would be crappy if the game is called and thome goes back to 399.
  20. geniusMoment

    Bradshaw To Be Fired?

    I wonder if we can get to 100?
  21. geniusMoment

    Bradshaw To Be Fired?

    17. He "breaks in" new talent 9-16 were uninteresting reasons
  22. geniusMoment

    Book alleges doping by Armstrong

    I can't say anything bad about belgium, as I really like their taste in breakfast foods.
  23. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    No chance in hell the Phils will be down by 7, remember they are playing the reds. Its much more likely the Reds will be down by 7, in which case there is no point in trying to take an extra base unless you can make it standing.
  24. geniusMoment

    Book alleges doping by Armstrong

    People in cycling can have a high profile? The only one I have ever even heard of is Lance Armstrong. For that matter the only race I have ever heard mentioned in the U.S. is the one in France.
  25. geniusMoment

    The One and Only Bad Blood PPV Thread

    The match will probably be a draw and HBK/HHH will go on to headline every ppv for the next 5 years in order to settle the score.