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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    "It's a Black man's game"

    Cena you missed the point of what I was saying, I was saying Griffey is black not because of the music he listens to or the way he dresses but because he is an African American. As for Rasheed what about the time he pushed his own teammate and then through the towel in his face, it was in Portland but I do not know the guys name. As for a future question, yes I also consider Bobby Knight a thug.
  2. geniusMoment

    "It's a Black man's game"

    I love this, this is why I take african american studies classes as electives each semester. I guess I am one of the few white people who enjoy discussing race issues. Cena I was saying the same thing, Jr. is african american not because of what he listens to but because of what he is, an african american.
  3. geniusMoment

    "It's a Black man's game"

    You do know of Rasheeds record while with Portland right, just look up his record its open for everyone to see. I do not consider an accent a sign of being a thug, its the way you handle yourself in the interview.
  4. geniusMoment

    "It's a Black man's game"

    Are you kidding me? You have been watching basketball for 20 years and have never heard a thug interview on a post game show. The last interview I saw was with Rasheed Wallace before the finals. And no someone having cornrows does not mean they are a thug.
  5. geniusMoment

    "It's a Black man's game"

    Don't you understand that by saying he is acting black you are just furthering stereotypes. Its one big circle that feeds off itself, its up to you to try to break it.
  6. geniusMoment

    "It's a Black man's game"

    No its just that the more positive black images rarely get shown by the media. Being a thug is not black, its just being a thug. Go to any college or school and it is obvious to see the difference.
  7. geniusMoment

    "It's a Black man's game"

    Why? If you disagree with something I said tell me why? I believe in judging someone on their own personal morals not the color of their skin. I just do not understand how they can say he is not really black? Are you telling me that you agree with them?
  8. Its been 4 months and 1 week for me without SD. Now I have started a raw streak thanks to Eugene. God do I miss the competition of the Monday Night Wars. I remember reading in the torch a couple of years back about how in a few years we will not look back at the flaws of the shows but about how that was one of the greatest times to be a wrestling fan. I guess the torch got one right, as I miss those days oh so very much.
  9. geniusMoment

    "It's a Black man's game"

    Its not the color of the players that causes me to dislike the NBA, its the hip hop thug mentality. Just listen to the interviews after the game, I cannot understand half of what the thugs say, and I am only 21. Its funny because Griffey Jr. is my favorite baseball player, but whenever I mention that to any of my african american friends when the NBA argument comes up they say he is a white man with black skin. I am not sure what that means, aren't they generalizing their own race? To them if someone comes from a well off family, who speaks correctly, and is a devoted family man does that make them white? Is it because after the game he listens to country music in the locker room not rap? Is it because he does not call women bitches and has never been caught smoking weed or arrested at all? Because I am in college classes with african americans who also do not do any of those things. Does this mean they are also not "truly" black?
  10. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    What do you mean? Griffey has not played bad, he has been pitched well and perhaps is a little over anxious due to 500 but its only 2 games.
  11. geniusMoment

    3PW June 19th

    After everything that happened you are still pimping their shows. I am not going to a show where the talent is going to take me back to the locker room and threaten to kill me.
  12. geniusMoment

    Spoilers for 6/10 Smackdown

    Dude he still wears that dress and those panties for Rob, he just does not tell many people about it.
  13. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    Good news for you Bruiser as not only did the Reds lose but Larkin also got hurt. It could possibly be a sports hernia or just a minor strain, he is getting checked out today. If he is down the Reds will have a hell of a time staying .500 much less making a run at it.
  14. geniusMoment

    WWE announce new Australian tour

    Did RVD even sign his new deal? I thought his old one ended before July 12.
  15. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    Another bad loss. That Reitsma trade looks worse with every passing day. If that trade is indicative of O'Briens talent scouting ability I shudder to think about what the reds drafted this year.
  16. geniusMoment

    OAO Bad Blood Predictions Thread

    My prediction for Sunday is: I watch Griffey nail 500 in Cleveland and say fuck you to the WWE as I do not waste my money on this crappy ppv.
  17. geniusMoment

    MLB All-Star Balloting Begins

    Good to see Griffey begining to make some space between him and 4th. With the pursuit of 500 I expect that gap to widen.
  18. geniusMoment

    MTV to Launch Nation's First Gay TV Network

    What? A gay channel, that is without question the gayest thing I have ever heard. I mean seriously, doesn't Viacom know how gay this makes them look?
  19. geniusMoment

    Raw 6.07.2004

    I will be watching the Cubs-Cards game tonight. WWE has bored me the last couple of weeks, I hate the Eugene character and its almost a given he will have 3 segments.
  20. geniusMoment

    The 2004 MLB Amateur Draft

    I am a little dissapointed the Reds drafted a high school pitcher, as they always seem to not turn out or get hurt for the reds. With that said Baseball America rated Bailey as the high school pitcher with the best fastball, breaking ball and command, as well as saying he was the closest to the major leagues out of all of the high school pitchers.
  21. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    Cincy drafted Homer Bailey, a high school pitcher with a 97 mph fastball and a hard curve. How long before he needs tommy john surgery like every other reds pitching prospect gets?
  22. Why didn't these girls tell me? If I knew they were so sore I would have personally given them massages, complete with happy endings.
  23. geniusMoment

    This Week in Baseball

    Today was the last day of the homestand, they are in Oakland next. By the way Reds win, stupid Yankee announcer dude clearing throat sound, Reds win.
  24. geniusMoment


    The problem is the show was basically just an infomercial for their ppv. Even when ECW was giving away big matches with a much bigger fanbase in a better timeslot they did not draw. TNA needs to make this show feel like something special or it will fail. Except for Jarrett this show did not get anyones personality across.
  25. geniusMoment

    Super Crazy

    He has been eating..............................a lot!!!!!!!!! Okay, it would have been funnier if I was the first to reply.