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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    This Week In Baseball

    Actually, I think Mussina is much more likely to ruin it for you. Without him pitching well the Yankees are done. You might as well fold up the pinstriped tents and go back into one of the 5 burrows of hell.
  2. geniusMoment

    This Week In Baseball

    Todays Reds/Cubs game was great. I apparantly had a heart attack in the 6th inning, when I awoke both Madduxs and Borowski's wives were servicing me. Apparantly they wanted to join their husbands in sucking. --Credit Meltzer
  3. geniusMoment


    He was let go because of money reasons. He had no contract, he was just working on a show by show basis, they just stopped booking him. If ECW would have worked out their financial problems he would have been back at some point. He also had heat with the boys for stooging off the size of their dicks to the females in the company. No foolin.
  4. geniusMoment

    This Week In Baseball

    Actually both pitches to Dunn were outside, the question is whether those pitchers were called strikes all day. If they were then wood has an argument if not he should sit his ass down. If Cincy's bullpen had held the lead in Philly and in Chicago they would be 8-2 instead of 6-4. Now wilson is going tomorrow, with his under 1.0 ERA. The bad news is Haynes is going on Monday, the good news is we face Clement, who we always hammer, so expect a lot of runs on Monday. I think the reds will probably split this series with the Cubs, possibly taking 3 of 4.
  5. geniusMoment

    Where is Stacy Keibler?

    Its too bad Nell Carter died, WWE could really use some new eye candy.
  6. geniusMoment

    This Week In Baseball

    The bullpen is good, but every bullpen will blow it occasionally. The big story for the reds today was Jose. He has tremendous stuff, if he pitches like this all season, and that is a big if, then the reds might be a .500 team. That would be quite the accomplishment considering how many people picked them as one of the 3 worst teams in baseball.
  7. geniusMoment

    ESPN.com Power Rankings (Baseball)

    It is not based on games played, unless ESPN is full on total idiots. The Reds are 5-2, in first place in their division, beat the supposed champion cubs in the opening series and are ranked 22. So it is obvisiously not just who played the best in the first week.
  8. geniusMoment

    ESPN.com Power Rankings (Baseball)

    Are you kidding me. The Tigers already lost their best pure hitter, Dmitri Young for 8 weeks. This is the same pitching staff that lost almost 120 games. The Giants have one of the best pitchers in baseball, Schmidt, leading their staff. Kirk Reuter is a solid number 2, AJ is a nice pick up as catcher and if Nenn comes back they will have a very good bullpen, with Nenn and the Intimadator on the back end. Even if Bonds gets hurt the Giants will be much better than the Tigers.
  9. geniusMoment

    ESPN.com Power Rankings (Baseball)

    How the fuck are the Tigers 10 and the Reds 22. I guarantee the reds will win more games than the Tigers. They actually have the Tigers ahead of the Giants. If there is anybody out there that thinks the Tigers will have a better year than the Giants you might as well take a gun and redecorate your walls with your brain, as you are obvisiously not using it to think with.
  10. geniusMoment

    Bradshaw's latest Commentary

    It sure beat the hell out of branding people with Uncle Zeb.
  11. geniusMoment

    Smackdown Spoilers

    What a horrible show. At least I will not watch Smackdown once again this week. I have now gone 2 months without watching Smackdown, so congratulations WWE on turning a very loyal fan into someone completely apathetic about one of your shows. I do not think I could book a worse show if I tried. This is coming from someone who is very pleased with Raw, so I am not just biased against WWE.
  12. geniusMoment

    Bradshaw's latest Commentary

    What a surprise another wrestler hates Russo. What an ungrateful bunch of bastards. Just once, I would like to hear a WWE wrestler say how thankful they are that Russo really helped out their career. Did they just totally forget that when Russo was head writer from april of 97 until he left in the fall of 99 that WWE experienced some of their best business ever, and consequently made many of these athletes rich. It is real easy now to sit back and take shots at someone after they have failed in their last couple of ventures, but how about some respect, as the Acolytes saved your fucking career. I just love how everyone shits on Russo, how now Vince and all of the WWE wrestlers are rewriting history, and how Russo gets blamed for everything bad.
  13. geniusMoment

    The OAO Raw Thread 12 April 2004

    I used to agree with you guys but over the last couple of months I have really begun to enjoy raw. I thought the main event tonight was ****. It seems I have begun to disagree with most of you in terms of match ratings.
  14. geniusMoment

    OAO 2004 MLB Games Thread

    That chick they kept on showing on WGN during the 7th inning stretch, in the pink top with the straps down and big tits, was hot. I would not mind playing baseball with her, I wonder if she would let me steal 2nd or 3rd. Perhaps I could score depending upon the conditions.
  15. geniusMoment

    OAO 2004 MLB Games Thread

    I am glad the reds finally beat Randy Wolf, that asshole always beats the reds. Phillys hitting sucks balls.
  16. geniusMoment

    WWE Bring Back Great American Bash

    Thinking of Torrie Wilson as Uncle Sam makes me want to move to Canada.
  17. geniusMoment

    OAO 2004 MLB Games Thread

    Whats wrong with the Reds television broadcast team. George Grande was one of the original hosts of sportscenter and is a well respected broadcaster and baseball man. MLB thinks so, out of all of the potential broadcasters they picked him to host the Hall of Fame ceremony each year. Chris Welch is a good color guy, they show excitement, and will call a bad play a bad play, even if it is the reds.
  18. geniusMoment

    Something is missing from Smackdown

    Go back and watch Raws from 99 and 98 and then watch the product now. It has been a gradual change. Now even ass isn't said on a regular basis. If WWE is really worried about FCC fines, trust me they are, they will continue to tone down the product more. More so Smackdown then raw, unless FCC succeeds in their attempt to regulate cable television. For instance go back and watch past stipper type contests or matches, the women always used to get stripped down to basically nothing, now in most matches the women get stripped down to gear that is less skimpy than the normal wrestling attire. Ever notice how as of late the WWE will pan their cameras away or go to a wide shot when Austin gives someone the finger. The trish stuff is not nearly as dirty as it would have been 5-6 years ago, surely you realize that.
  19. geniusMoment

    Something is missing from Smackdown

    Get used to no women, with the FCC on a rampage WWE will not put women in sexual positions on network television. Linda said in one of her stock meeting calls a couple of weeks ago they were even changing the language on raw just in case the FCC goes after cable, which they will. One more thing, Fuck the FCC.
  20. geniusMoment

    TNA To Make The Entire Month Of June Special For F

    They are making it special for the wrestlers as well. Apparantly all shows during June will be catered by Waffle House. --Credit Meltzer
  21. geniusMoment

    I have this sinking feeling in my stomach

    I am just glad the whole Jericho-Trish romance angle is done. Talk about killing off your core audience in order to bring in a few desperate love sick females. I have got news for WWE, you still produce wrestling and most women will not watch just because of that fact alone. You drive away more of your core fans than you gain new fans. In WWE women should be sex objects or good wrestlers, that is all.
  22. geniusMoment

    Austin and Vince McMahon at odds

    If Austin leaves on bad terms I could see him doing it as a fuck you to Vince. I do not exactly think Austin is a rational man, in fact I get the feeling he is a lot like his gimmick.
  23. geniusMoment

    Austin and Vince McMahon at odds

    Austin has Vince in a bad position. Can you imagine what the possible ramifications would be if Austin leaves, goes to TNA for their new cable show, and wrestles just one more match. It could possibly make the promotion over night. Plus Goldberg is available, if promoted Austin/Goldberg could be the feud that puts TNA on the map for real.
  24. geniusMoment

    If you were the commish

    Force Carl Linder out of the game. The only good thing about opening day in Cincy was being at the stadium when they announced Carl Linders name as owner. He was booed. Not just a scattering of hardcore fans either, it was amazing, they announced his name and the entire place ripped him apart. I am talking about Vince McMahon in Montreal November of 1997 type of heat. The best thing was seeing Carl look around as he handed the ball off to the vice president with a pissed off look on his face. Yeah, fuck you Uncle Carl. You give millions to the fucking republican party but you can't give shit to your team, that you did not have to buy. I hope you die soon you piece of shit. I am not joking about that either, I literally hope Uncle Carl dies.
  25. geniusMoment

    Media post: Diesel Vs. Bret Hart

    Once again, thank you.