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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    The One and Only 2/19/04 WWE SmackDown thread...

    Hey, if you like the product thats great. It just seems that sometimes since there is so much negativity around here you try to balance it out by being overly positive, to me that is annoying. I am sure to many other posters it is refreshing to hear someone praise the product, as there are some good things about WWE. I also like someone who praises what they like, instead of being a sheep and ripping apart the product just because everyone else does. I just also want to hear the good and the bad.
  2. geniusMoment

    MLB 2004 Predictions

    Comeback player of the year: Ken Griffey Jr. Remember I said that!
  3. geniusMoment

    The One and Only 2/19/04 WWE SmackDown thread...

    His constant negativity is annoying, but not as much as your eternally optimistic point of views.
  4. geniusMoment

    Former Colorado Kicker Says She Was Raped

    She could be my tightend anyday.
  5. geniusMoment

    Is there anybody around St. Louis?

    For all of the st. Louis talk you can handle go to the st louis today website and go to the cards talk forum. It is the most active baseball forum I have found, for any team. www.stltoday.com
  6. geniusMoment

    Chyna not on the 2/18 show

    I see it as TNA stumbled into a good situation. Finally, their incompetence and complete and total stupidity has paid off. Now, if only they could stumble their way into good wrestling. Or how about making a profit. Maybe they could actually build stars or have a good business game plan.
  7. geniusMoment

    Student Group Offers Whites-Only Award

    Do I need to explain everything to you guys? There are truly only two groups of people: good looking people and ugly people. Good looking people get everything handed to them and ugly end up being janitors. There should be an ugly person scholarship. Just think 9/10 of the people on this site would be going to college for free.
  8. geniusMoment

    Vince's wrestlemania announcement

    Wait a minute. Don Callis just quit, it all makes sense now. I have figured out the masterplan.
  9. geniusMoment

    Vince's wrestlemania announcement

    Linda/Steffi 1st ever mother-daughter HLA match. If Linda wins Steph is force to have HLA with Linda. If Steph wins Linda is forced to have HLA with Steph. Either way the fans win. YES!!!!!
  10. geniusMoment

    Vince's wrestlemania announcement

    Linda McMahon is going to be in playboy.
  11. geniusMoment

    Comparisons to 1996-1998

    Anyone who saw Mick and Austin in ECW knew what they could bring to the table. Virtually every smart fan at that time was clamoring for their elevation. You obviously were not one of them.
  12. geniusMoment

    News on Tommy Dreamer

    Beulah was in the crowd at an MSG raw about a year ago. The sultry diva looked as hot as ever. I am surprised no one on this site pointed it out.
  13. geniusMoment

    The NFL; Only Real Fan Friendly Sport

    Well, your point was obvious. If anyone on this board does not know that a salary cap would help competitive balance they are complete morons. Do you want 100 posts of people agreeing with you?
  14. geniusMoment

    WB Cancels Angel...

    Asscrack McGee has just signed the petition, hopefully that changes some things.
  15. geniusMoment

    The NFL; Only Real Fan Friendly Sport

    If one looks at the statistics in a broad sense baseball is by far the most popular sport in the US. Each team plays 81 home games, with the average attendance around 25,000. There are thousands of baseball games on television each year, versus a extremely limited number of pro football games. While average ratings will show football to be much higher, total ratings have baseball winning almost 10 to 1. Baseball kills football in merchandise sales, the only thing football has is that great television deal. However, baseball also has a damn good billion dollar deal with fox and a solid deal with ESPN.
  16. geniusMoment

    Brutus Beefcake bust

    Hogan has already done more than enough for this guy. How much help do you want him to give Brutus? If he helped him here I would bet anything he would just waste it on more coke. Brutus made big money in the WWF and then Hogan got him a plush job in WCW, making mid-six figures. If he wasted all of that what could Hogan do now?
  17. geniusMoment


    I do not agree with your use of the exclamation point in that title. Most Nitros were not all that exciting.
  18. geniusMoment

    Vince as announcer

    You just watched Rumble 1996, what about, "Yokozuna was just dumped uncerimoniously out of the ring by Yokozuna." Or how about, "Thats firm and proper."-Mr. Perfect talking about Marlenas excertionally toned and tanned legs.
  19. geniusMoment

    What will be the Main event at WM?

    It all depends on what role, if any, the pink and black attack is going to play. If Bret agrees to be special ref I will personally guarantee the three-way-dance will go on last. And that is a personal guarantee from me. ME!
  20. geniusMoment

    So What Did You Think Of The Contract Singing?

    *Directs himself to the television to watch IC champ HBK against World champ Bret Wait a minute, in which direction did the laughs for that joke go?
  21. geniusMoment

    (International?) Heat Matches

    Still, anyone who went to tv tapings during the Prime Time Wrestling/Early to mid 90's Raw period would never call that show one of the worst ever. Unless of course you like jobber matches over and over and over and over and over again.
  22. geniusMoment

    (International?) Heat Matches

    I was at a raw one time where they promised us Bret-Bulldog in a cage and ended up giving us Duke Droese/HHH in a cage. Also on that same raw they had about a one hour time period between matches. Due to the taping schedule we had the break between one of the four shows being taped, a Vader interview where Yokozune crushed a fake Cornette and the HBK/Hart/Piper interview segment which set up the iron man match. The next match out was HBK/123 kid.
  23. geniusMoment

    From The Observer

    Guess what, the reason why HBK used the Big man dominates little man concept so much is because in WWF/WWE that is who you fight. Nothing looks worse than a little man dominating a big man. You need that big man dominates the little guy storyline for the match to make sense. Look at HBK/Hart from their battles in the early to mid 90's, the HBK/Jannetty series and the HBK/Steve Austin (as the ringmaster) series to see HBK working a different style.
  24. geniusMoment

    From The Observer

    I never argued HBK was better than the crippler. What I find to be a joke is that some people consider HBK to be a bad or average worker. As has been mentioned above their are certain elements that make up a good worker and HBK has many of them.
  25. geniusMoment

    From The Observer

    Damaramu, one of the ways to get your point across is to point out what credible sources confirm your opinion. Earlier I named the wrestling journalists who confirm my opinion that HBK is a great wrestler.