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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    TNA notes from the Torch's Jason Powell

    How long before Russo books an evening gown holy water match?
  2. geniusMoment

    20 years ago tonight....

    I don't believe this is said enough around here so I am going to say it, Fuck Hulk Hogan.
  3. geniusMoment

    Royal Rumble

    HHH/HBK-**** Rumble-*** Eddie/Chavo-*** (I would give it more, however, I do not feel they will give it much time) Noble/Rey-*** (Again, time issues) Tag match-** Overall I am looking forward to this ppv, wow, that is the first time I have said that in a long time. I actually would not be surprised by a **** rumble if Chris stays in for the duration. I have high hopes that this ppv will lead to a Crippler/HBK main event at mania. I actually have high hopes that WWE will turn things around and the road to Wrestlemania will actually be fun. Please don't let me down Vince, I want to like the product, I really do.
  4. geniusMoment

    WWE Releasing Cena DVD in March

    I wish WWE would start an ECW style dvd series, with the best of the promotion as a whole, not just individual wrestlers. I like the individual wrestler series but there is also room for a best of a promotion series. How awesome would a best of WWF or WCW series be?
  5. geniusMoment

    WWE Releasing Cena DVD in March

    I feel hardcore wrestling fans are the ones who buy these dvds. That is why Ric's DVD did so well. I feel a Crippler DVD would do better than rap mistakes. If anyone would rather watch an hour of fuck ups over 6 hours of awesome wrestling I will personally find out there favorite sports team and have Carl Linder buy it. Trust me that is just about the worst thing I can think of. One more thing, Fuck Carl Linder, Fuck UDF and Fuck your insurance company. You killed baseball in Cincy you piece of shit, I hope you suffer and then die.
  6. geniusMoment

    OAO TNA 1/21/03 thread

    I have not watched TNA in a while, even though I have a black box, so I cannot comment on current Callis, but at one time I felt he was the best talker in the business. His interview from cyberslam 2000, where he tells tajiri to give the belt to Rhino, ranks up there with some of my favorite promos of all time. A little sucky sucky in the limo.
  7. geniusMoment

    Chairshots to the head

    Sickest chairshot I have ever seen was from the Elks Lodge during an ECW event. The Dudley's were fighting Balls and Axl. There was a spot in the match where Gertner was supposed to take a fireball to the face. Gertner pussied out and the move looked like shit. Balls went to the corner and picked up his trademark chair. He then proceeded to hit Joel Gertner as hard as he possibly could directly in the face, actually silencing the crowd. It was a different sound then usual, even the crowd was stunned. Later Balls said that is the hardest he ever hit anyone with a chair, he said he is surprised Gertner survived it.
  8. geniusMoment

    Hulk Hogan Set For Jimmy Kimmel This Week

    I wonder if he will wear a bandana to cover up that bald head. The glare coming off that melon might blind the first couple of rows. --PANTIES
  9. geniusMoment

    Just watched the Foley DVD

    In the end all they want is cash. If Vince throws a little money at them they will all of a sudden realize that they do not mind the scratch logo again. You can bet if Vince ever starts up the wrestling network the panda people, not TNA, will get a hefty some of money and the WWE will once again have attitude. Get it
  10. geniusMoment

    Am I the only one???

    I can tell you one thing, you are the only person who thinks a Janes Addiction album should be album of the year. Am I the only one who thinks Janes Addiction sucks?
  11. geniusMoment

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    Yep, ESPN reported Kaz quit for family reasons.
  12. geniusMoment

    The Old School questions thread

    In Mick's book he talks about a relationship he developed with a veteran of the ladies circuit prior to meeting Collette. Does anyone know who this is, he said Adrian Adonis wrote a song about her called "Mighty Big Girl".
  13. geniusMoment

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    Of course. I love opening day here in Cincy. Usually I even go to the parade. For as long as I can remember I have went to opening day, it is tradition. The reds even screwed that up last year, making tickets available over the internet the way they did locked out many of the local fans in favor of national vendors.
  14. geniusMoment

    ICP's site says they're debuting

    I loved their entrance music in WCW. Hell, I even liked the music from their WWF run.
  15. geniusMoment

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    I hope that Brewers scenerio repeats itself here in Cincy. No more Linder.
  16. geniusMoment

    ICP's site says they're debuting

    What's the matter, you guys don't like those side show freaks, you better watch out or they will smack your cheeks.
  17. geniusMoment

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    Cameron's 1999 numbers with Cincy tell an interesting story. He was damn good for the first couple of months. Pitchers began throwing him high fast balls, and guess what, he sucked the rest of the year. So his overall numbers were good, but they did not tell the whole story. He started out as the leadoff hitter and played well. By the end of the year he was the 8th place hitter and being booed and criticized by the whole city, call it the Reggie Sanders effect. Even Marty would make sarcastic remarks about how he could never put the bat on the ball. Also, whoever said strikeouts are not that big of a deal has never played the game at a high level. I can tell you this much: every coach I have ever had, including summer camps with major league coachs, describe strike outs as the worse case scenerio. By putting the ball in play so many good things can happen, only one bad thing could occur, a double play. Also, Cameron is so god damn fast that he would not hit into that many double plays, especially on the grass at Shea.
  18. geniusMoment

    Steamboat at WM XX newz

    Well, if Angle will not wrestle tell him to stay the fuck away from the shows. I am sick of seeing Austin, Mick and all of the other non-wrestlers clogging up the screen. They should have one show with just wrestlers, raw, and then make smackdown a show filled entirely with GM type roles.
  19. geniusMoment

    2 New Matches added to Royal Rumble card

    I actually hope they are short. I want 2 minute intervals not long matches before the rumble.
  20. geniusMoment

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    Cameron is good for defense and thats it. He has a horrible on base percentage and strikes out way too much. Anywhere you put him in the lineup there is going to be an immediate easy out. I have never seem someone who hits .230 get such good press. He became a joke in cincy midway through his only year here and was routinely booed by the fans.
  21. geniusMoment

    Who wants to recap the last 5 months?

    I can sum up the last 5 months in one word: PANTIES!!!!
  22. geniusMoment

    Wrestler Entrance Themes

    The one wrestlers music in ECW I did not like was Jerry Lynn's, it sounded like a bunch of loud noise and grunts, not music. Lance Storms Rob Zombie song was good, but, my all time mark out music had to be from Superstar Steve Austin. That song still gets stuck in my head, and there are not even any words to it.
  23. geniusMoment

    Crisis Meeting Scheduled for RAW

    They never said the wrestler made the remark during the meeting for everyone to hear. It probably was just one of the guys telling one of his friends after the meeting what a bunch of crap the meeting was. This takes no guts, in fact it happens in every place of employment.
  24. geniusMoment

    Picked up the Mick Foley DVD tonight...

    You know what pisses me off. I come to this site and without fail a couple of days before a dvd release people begin talking about how they picked it up early. I try to just shrug it off but I can't help myself. I need to go out and search for it now like a fish needs water. I never seem to find it and I waste a couple of hours. By the way this is nothing against the original poster I am just pissed at the situation and what will, without fail, take place over the next couple of hours.
  25. geniusMoment

    Flair/Funk I quit

    Funk's piledriver is supposed to look that way. Instead of doing the jumping piledriver, that Paul Orndorff used, Funk does the sit down piledriver.