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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    Monday Night Wars/Death of WCW DVD Specs?

    Actually, it is the RISE and fall of WCW, so they should show the good things. Also factor in they could just show highlights of the bad things in the speaking part of the dvd and then load up the extras with full length great matches.
  2. geniusMoment

    Monday Night Wars/Death of WCW DVD Specs?

    These are just the extras? Have they announced the normal matches and angles they are going to show? Why would just the extras be out?
  3. geniusMoment

    Torrie & Sable to pose for Playboy.....

    I didn't say Trish was more trashy then torrie. I simply said I do not picture her as the definition of class.
  4. geniusMoment

    Torrie & Sable to pose for Playboy.....

    Remember how classy Trish was when she stripped down to a bra and thong, got on all fours and crawled around the ring barking like a dog. How about the basically nude pictorial she did with that model who looked just like her, now that says class. What about when she stripped down for that game of poker on heat, when I saw that I thought man what a class act. Look on the bright side, Torrie-Sable will dominate smackdown for the next couple of months. The entire show will be focused around two women with awesome talent, who happen to be sexy, as well as classy mind you. The above post was brought to by sarcasm or and escaped mental patient, you decide.
  5. They cut out most of the music. On the wrestlepalooza dvd the Lawler angle is totally intact. The only music during this angle is Taz's and the Gangsters, both of which are songs they can play. There are no cuts, they flow straight from Dreamer-Raven into the angle all the way through Douglas-Taz.
  6. The WWE will use this as another reason not to give Chris the title. They do not want to expose the business you know. Thanks a lot.
  7. geniusMoment

    Greatest ECW Angles

    The going out of business angle. They have really went all the way with it. Many of their stars are even appearing on the competitions shows. I cannot wait to see how it concludes, does anyone who subscribes to the torch or observer have any insider info?
  8. geniusMoment

    The Old School questions thread

    The March 4 1996 raw was taped in the Cincinnati Gardens, I was there. I found the matches to be standard raw fare for that time period. None of the matches were match of the year candidates or anything. The only thing that pisses me off now about the show is due to the HBK dvd. On the dvd they list the HBK-Hart confrontation with piper where they announce the iron man rules as occuring somewhere else. The fact that I can see me a couple of rows back, as well as the Xavier banners hanging in the rafters, prove them wrong. Cincy deserves credit for that segment. Also, how stupid are the WWE producers and editors to let something like that slip?
  9. geniusMoment

    The 2004 Royal Rumble Card

    Thats too many matches. I want 2 minutes between each wrestler.
  10. geniusMoment

    WWE in 2004

    Turner doesn't own TBS or TNT anymore, it is owned by Time Warner. Turner used to be merely a figurehead, now he is not even that, he sold his stock. He wanted to buy back the braves but did not have enough money.
  11. geniusMoment

    Which wrestlers will die in 2004 ?

    It is not disgusting for us to ponder who may die. It is disgusting for wrestlers to destroy their lives with drugs, killing themselves way too early.
  12. geniusMoment

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    Johnson has a screwed up back. He offered to come to Cincy, he is from northern Kentucky, but the reds signed Cory Lidle instead.
  13. geniusMoment

    Ole Anderson is GOD

    After the stories Al Snow and Mick told about Ole I wouldn't spend one dollar on that piece of shit. I am certainly not going to buy his book.
  14. geniusMoment

    Dick Slater arrested..

    Damn, he really was dirty.
  15. geniusMoment

    The Pro Wrestling "Dirtsheets"

    I think Keller, and especially Mitchell are the best writers out there. In terms of respectibility I would go with the Observer. If you are just looking for WWE and TNA coverage I would go with the Torch, however, if you want international coverage Observer is the best choice. The added bonus to the torch is you get to get into their VIP website, which for a longtime fan like me is very interesting, as they have numerous old issues online. In the end though all major stories come out on the internet, so don't expect any info that is not available over the web.
  16. The real story here is the troops deserved to see Torries golden arches. Thats what they all came to the show for, even the women. The thing was, I was watching this show with my family at my grandparents house and now they think even less of wrestling. So now for the next month I will hear constant questions about why I watch that crap. Seeing basically nude women girating is my idea of a good time, however, watching them get down while my grandparents are in the room ranks up there with pleasuring myself with a handful of broken glass.
  17. geniusMoment

    La Parka arrested!!!

    I don't care what La Parka did, even rape or murder, he should not only be released but given a castle because he is mother fuckin la parka.
  18. geniusMoment

    Eddie Guerrero's Age?

    No way Terri is 37 and Sable is 36. They haven't seen their 30's in a long time.
  19. geniusMoment

    You Dumb Bitch

    I never even check whats in the bag until a get home. I wonder if she drove all the way home if she would have actually made it back to the restaurant or if she would have started back and stopped.
  20. geniusMoment

    TNA deal with WGN very likely

    Are you kidding? I loved the Network, it was the best ECW angle post 97 in my opinion. Where is the coffee Paul?
  21. geniusMoment

    Mick Foley's Greatest Hits & Misses

    That can't be right. They have 3 matches from WCW and 5 from ECW. I bought the best of Cactus from ECW and already own most of the WWF matches. The reason I was buying this was for Cactus from WCW. I really hope that isn't the list.
  22. geniusMoment

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    Lets see, the reds sign fucking no one. I am sick of the shit going on with this team. I really got into the cubs last season, perhaps its time I switched over. The only problem is the cubs don't broadcast as many games over WGN as they used to. How much does that season ticket pass cost if I want to watch the cubs games this year?
  23. geniusMoment

    rip mike lozanski

    He had long blonde hair in ECW, he is on one tape of mine wresting RVD in Fort Lauderdale at the War Memorial. Wasn't anything special but wasn't bad either.
  24. geniusMoment

    Smackdown/Velocity Match Listing

    You guys forgot about the Dawn/Sable/Torrie bikini type contest. Yeah, that will put asses in the seats.
  25. geniusMoment

    TNA deal with WGN very likely

    TNA is losing money now. If they don't do this they will just die slowly. Sure, this probably won't work, but what else can they do. What if they can catch lighting in a bottle and run with it. Vince put all of his money into Wrestlemania 1, if it failed so did he.