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Everything posted by geniusMoment

  1. geniusMoment

    The OAO Raw Thread for the 8th of December 2003

    I wonder if Foley will give a satisfaction guaranteed promise on raw. We all know how great the last ppv was when the babyface gm gave that promise.
  2. geniusMoment

    Shannon Ward/Daffney released

    This is somewhat dissapointing but everyone must realize something. There will almost always be only one women's match on raw. This means they only have room for so many wrestlers, I am not considering the fluffers in this. Jazz has been good to go for over a month and they still do not have a place for her. Another woman would just clog up the scene even more.
  3. geniusMoment

    Malice aka Gigantes found dead

    Once again I will not comment on whether I feel sorry for him until I know for sure what exactly he died from. With that said I am not going to lie and say he was a good worker, as I feel he was not. I did not rush in here to gloat over the fact that he sucked in the ring, the only reason I mentioned it was because others were mentioning he was entertaining. Now, obvisiously different things are entertaining to different people, so no one is right or wrong. I just get the feeling that some people hate someone until its popular to like them, such as when they die, and then all of a sudden that person becomes great.
  4. geniusMoment

    Well, this is a first...

    I am not sure they are taping a show, it sounds as if they are just sending over a couple of wrestlers.
  5. geniusMoment

    Anyone Listening to WoL?

    So they want the 18-34 demo but nothing risque, as well as no T&A. That is reason number five on my top ten list of reasons why television executives are idiots.
  6. geniusMoment

    Malice aka Gigantes found dead

    He was a horrible big guy. I remember when he was the wall and awall in WCW and I saw him in TNA. This reminds me of that Newsradio where the guy died in the copier. Everyone went around and said nice things about him even though no one really knew who he was or liked him.
  7. geniusMoment

    Good news!

    I am almost positive that JR called RVD a hoss in the 6 man tag on raw. I was shocked, how could this be? It turned my entire world upside down. I could not sleep all night, I tossed I turned, it was horrible.
  8. geniusMoment

    Malice aka Gigantes found dead

    Are you kidding? If by saying he could bring it you mean absolutly suck then I agree.
  9. geniusMoment

    Malice aka Gigantes found dead

    Anyone who says he was a good worker is nuts. Yes, he died. If it was because of drugs, I will not say it was, then I do not feel sorry for him. He was in some of the absolute worst matches during the last days of WCW. He could not cut a promo. He was the second coming of Sid, only without the natural star appeal sid always had.
  10. geniusMoment

    One thing I miss about Russo...

    I miss the way Russo used to configure the WWF magazine. This was back during the kiddie days but he revolutionized the outdated rag. Vic Venom, Scoop Sullivan and the Informer how could you go wrong. Everything flowed together in the magazine. He then developed Raw magazine for the more adult reader, again another Russo idea I liked. I stopped my subscription once Russo stopped being involved in the magazines as the quality dropped. Kevin Kelly sucked as an editor.
  11. geniusMoment

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Holy shit, imagine at the end of Mania Chris has just won the world title. All of the wrestlers come out and put him on their shoulders just like at Wrestlemania 10. Just when you think the night is over some familiar music hits. The show ends with a simple handshake in the center of the ring followed by Bret raising Chris' hand.
  12. geniusMoment

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    Reds just named Miley manager. Yeah, I know that isn't really news but I am desperate. I never thought it could get this bad. Hell, I even miss Schottzie.
  13. geniusMoment

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    So what would you guys rather have: Chris win the title at RR or at Mania?
  14. geniusMoment

    What happened at the VGAs

    Yeah, it was nothing very good. Rey/Jericho wasn't even really a match, more of an exhibition. Trish/Victoria continued the WWE's trend of pussying out. In other words the Bra and Panties were less skimpy then the normal outfits worn. They just don't know what people want. But Crippler/Lesnar was tonight so who cares.
  15. geniusMoment

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Match of the year to me. In fact, this match probably goes into my top 25 of all time. I am not sure why, but this match made me excited about the product for the first in a long time. It was kind of like Austin/Hart. There are so many directions they can go from here that would be very entertaining. Unfortunately I don't really trust this booking team, in other words it is a more guarded happiness.
  16. geniusMoment

    It's time to put the Titan Tron to bed

    I agree, the raw set is in desperate need of a change. I am so sick of the big viewing wall, I wish they would go to a simpler design. In my opinion since they are going to have tons of backstage skits that the audience needs to see they should have a big viewing wall. Only have the wall elevated to the roof of the building and bring it down like they do steel cages when something is happening back stage. That way they could go for the simpler design, which I feel would be a nice change of pace. This is possible as I have seen similar set ups at concerts.
  17. geniusMoment

    Wrestlemania XX update

    Fuck!! Foley/HHH was the only reason I was ordering. If that match is off I have no need to waste my money on all the young stars who I do not give a shit about. I mean seriously, outside of Cena who is okay, I don't really like any of them. Not Orton, Batista, Resistance, Maven, WGTT, Heindenreich, the bashams, Jindrack, Palumbo, O'Haire, Cade or any of the other "great" new talent.
  18. geniusMoment

    Latest On HBK's WWE Schedule `

    I just read the HBK interview. The most interesting part to me was obvious. HBK says, "In a couple of years my kid will be in school and he will not get the chance." (HBK was talking about taking his family on the road whenever he wrestles) That means he is planning on wrestling for a long time. Personally I have always been a huge mark for HBK. He was at one time my all time favorite, so for me this is good news.
  19. geniusMoment

    One And Only TNA 12/3/03 Thread

    I hate to say this but I miss Russo. Hell, I even miss Scoop Sullivan, and his little dog too.
  20. geniusMoment

    Ric Flair in WWF 1993...

    Heenan's reaction after the match makes it ****** in my mind. Thats right 6 fucking stars.
  21. geniusMoment

    Latest On HBK's WWE Schedule `

    I get the feeling HBK is going to stay around longer than a year. He will probably stay around until his hair loss becomes even worse. Since deep inside he probably still has that HBK ego he will not be able to take that public humilation.
  22. geniusMoment

    Smackdown Tapings

    If you look at my post I said IF THEY WERE JUST PLAYING A VIDEO GAME.
  23. geniusMoment

    Smackdown Tapings

    But, it was implied. Everyone took it to mean that, just look at the reaction of the board. WWE knew exactly what they were doing, tricking the fans into watching that stupid award show. If all they were doing was playing a video game then that should have been mentioned. To me this is the biggest cheap shot of them all. I cannot tell you how much this pisses me off. This stupid fucking company, I swear to god sometimes I want to burn titan towers to the ground.
  24. geniusMoment

    Smackdown Tapings

    Thats WWE's fault as they promised Mysterio/Jericho. If it ends up being them playing a video game that might be the worst bait and switch of all time. That would seriously piss me off.
  25. geniusMoment

    Smackdown Tapings

    That sounds like an awesome show. But what about Jericho/Mysterio....Does this mean these matches will be taped at the Video Game Awards?