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Everything posted by Cavi

  1. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I thought of Evil Willow right when I saw Fred/Illyria.
  2. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Wow. That was tremendous. Amy and Alexis were incredible. This stuff has already been mentioned, but Wes shooting that dude, Gunn/Gunn, Lorne owning Eve, the Spike and Angel stuff, all awesome. Gunn finding out he was the one who signed off on the sarcophagus getting imported was great, as well. Joss delivering the greatness, again.
  3. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Entertaining episode. The aforementioned "Geppetto" line from Lorne ruled. Great to see Knox get owned, as well. I got a laugh out of that one puppet talking about "edutainment." Next week's ep looks to be good. Yeah, it was indeed Fury.
  4. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I don't want the Buffyverse to continue after this. I don't want a spinoff, a TV movie, or a film. Buffy and Angel are my favorite shows of all time. They go far beyond simply being television shows for me. That will always be the case, and I'm sure it is the same with some others. I feel that since this is the end for Angel, though, then it should be the end of it all. I just really, really hope that they have a great resolution to the whole story. Buffy needs to be in the finale.
  5. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah, I also wondered about Cordy. The others seemed like they didn't know about it yet. Hopefully that is resolved next episode.
  6. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I really enjoyed tonight's ep. Definitely liked the early Initiative stuff, like Naitch pointed out. Got a kick out of Lawson saying the US government wouldn't experiment with vamps, like the Nazis were doing. I also thought the final scene with Angel and Lawson was top-notch. Great dialogue. Next week's looks freakin' wacky!
  7. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah, I know my sister got her DVD set last Friday. Not sure if it was from Amazon, but an online order nonetheless. I'll be going out here in a few hours to get mine.
  8. Cavi

    Favorite BtVS Season

    I agree. I did not care for the Willow/Kennedy ship. Like with what JMA said, I viewed Willow falling in love with Tara as just a love thing, not really becoming a full-fledged homosexual. Willow and Kennedy didn't match either, in my opinion. I thought Kennedy came off as a rude person a lot of the time. As for the original subject of this thread, I don't know if I can really narrow down a single season as my favorite. It changes when I get into the vibe of a particular one.
  9. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Adding my thoughts, which echo what some others have said. I thought the episode was by far the best of the season. The swerve at the end with Cordy was great. A moving resolution. Awesome stuff. Lindsay was pimp. Very cool fight, and I especially liked how the "City Of..." score was worked in. The references ruled. The bit with that devil-ish owned! Classic Whedonverse right there. Spike flipping out over the Xbox was funny, but damn, I would have thought a show such as this wouldn't fall into the cliche of using old school sound effects with modern consoles.
  10. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    The Beast really did have a badass voice, I thought.
  11. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Oh, indeed. I just received my copy of the limited edition "Chosen" Willow the other week from them. Vamp and Dark Willow look to be really cool. As for last night's episode...Andrew! Great stuff with him. He always owns. I also quite liked the final scene with Spike and Angel.
  12. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Season Six rules. I always find the Troika especially awesome in "Flooded" and the aforementioned "Life Serial." "Bargaining" is my favorite season opener. I just love that ep (well, episodes).
  13. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Off the current subject, but I got my tickets for this upcoming convention and I will be getting my picture taken with not only James Marsters and Tony Head, but the entire Troika as well. I guess I will get to experience Tom Lenk's hoss new hair firsthand. Awesomeness!
  14. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Very interesting episode. That sort of stuff definitely gets me hyped for the rest of the arc. And Andrew in next week's ep, I marked out hardcore for that. I don't remember what else she said, but the "Can you say jumping the gun? I kill my goldfish" line is from "The Prom."
  15. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I also thought this ep was on the weak side of things. Just sort of bored me.
  16. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    And the Addams Family movies!
  17. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah, that's what I meant. That seasons Four and Six didn't have the same sort of resolution that the others had. Even though I'm a fan of Season Six and happy that the show continued, I still think "The Gift" would have been the best finale for the series.
  18. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    The thing I fear is if WB were to pull the plug without a good amount of warning. It would suck to end the show without some big resolution to the story. I know Joss used to say how he wanted to end every season of Buffy as if it could be the last (sans seasons Four and Six), because he knew the possibility of not being renewed was there.
  19. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Thanks. I'm liking your new Angel one. I was watching "Triangle" the other evening. Spike talking about the onion blossom rules.
  20. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah, I'm not sure how much it goes for. The insert in the book says it's a run of 500 copies.
  21. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I got a Fray hardbound signed by Joss for Christmas today. Awesomeness!
  22. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    The Initiative (the HQ itself) still existing in Season Seven. Jane Espenson was called out on this in an interview earlier in the year. She said the original script had them breaking through a cement block, but for some reason or another, it didn't make the final shooting script. She then spun a bit though, saying that what the government guy said at end of Season Four was hyperbole.
  23. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    In the episode she tells Willow that when she first saw a vamp, she freaked out, told her parents and they put her in a clinic. Yeah, it does lend itself to the idea that she still is in the clinic, and that the Buffyverse is just in her head, but nonetheless, I think writing in that she actually was in a clinic, when it goes against what had occurred on the show in the past, just for the sake of one episode was weak.
  24. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    When Buffy tells Joyce about the whole vampire bit in Season Two, she is in shock. If Buffy had actually been in an institute for bringing the subject up years earlier, don't you think Joyce would have said something?
  25. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    The thing that really bugged me about that ep was Buffy telling Will she actually was in an institute. What was that crap? Hello, Season Two! Granted, the episode was written by someone who had never written for them before (and never again, mind you), but you would think someone on the staff would have pointed out how ridiculous that was.