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Everything posted by Cavi

  1. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah, had it just about a year ago. In regards to that article you posted from Buffy.nu, the "SMG quit and that's why it ended!" hype always bugs me. It was like this huge shock to some that the show was ending, yet I thought it was to be expected. Back when the two season deal with UPN was signed, both Joss and Marti said they weren't too positive it would continue after that. If this is indeed the last season of Angel, then I'm alright with that (just as long as they finish everything out, of course).
  2. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Fox really is whoring it out for Region 2. I get a kick out of "extra special value-added material" for this Best Of DVD. It will probably be the mentioned trailer for Season Seven and nothing else. Maybe they can throw in some Dark Angel stuff, though.
  3. Cavi

    Genesis/SNES Games

    To add to the bit about the NHL games, I always thought the SNES versions of all of EA Sports' games were pretty weak when compared with the Genesis ones. The gameplay always felt sloppier to me. Would make sense that the versions were different since different teams did the games.
  4. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah, Landok. Ah, true. I remember Adam Busch mentioning that in an interview once. Yeah, it wouldn't, but some higher up at WB could be thinking "This is GOLD!"
  5. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    An odd rumor making the rounds today (I'll put tags on this, though I don't know if anybody would care anyway): Spoiler (Highlight to Read): Supposedly Clay Aiken, of American Idol fame, will be guesting in an upcoming ep as Lorne's cousin from Pylea. Whether this turns out to be true, or falls by the wayside like the Britney Spears Buffy Season Five rumor, remains to be seen. If that is true though, I wonder how his cousin would know of music since it doesn't exist in Pylea (or maybe it does now; or maybe this cousin is living in this world in the first place).
  6. Cavi

    Urban Gaming Myths.....

    The one about Ermac being in the first MK is a favorite of mine.
  7. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Could have used better pictures of SMG for those Collections DVDs. That Season Six promo shot of Alyson is also constantly used, though I guess that makes some sense since they never did do studio promos for the last season. And "Billy" is indeed a quality ep.
  8. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    UGH!!!!!!!! Fuck Fox! Those stupid motherfuckers. I just got home from picking up the DVD and popped it in. I went to "The Gift" to see if the incredible "Previously On..." was included...IT'S NOT!! What bullshit.
  9. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah, he would indeed be good, but Vince wouldn't go for him. A hoss like Kakistos though...
  10. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    When at the bookstore the other day, I saw she had done another racy photoshoot for some sci-fi mag.
  11. Cavi

    Ratchet and Clank 2

    This is the next game I'm picking up. I was a big fan of the first, and I have faith Insomniac will deliver again. I was also extremely fond of the first Jak, so I was hyped for II. After playing through it, I can say I was pretty disappointed with it. The whole "living city" stuff is rubbish in my opinion. It takes too long to venture about from place to place and the controls for the hovercars are pretty sloppy, which is rather odd for a Naughty Dog game. I found things other than just that to be poorly done. Trial-and-error crap plagues the mission design, which hurt the flow of the game for me quite a bit. Personally, I'm glad to hear the new Ratchet is more of the same. Instead of trying to be "innovative" and "edgy", I thought Naughty Dog should have just done the same old with Jak II since that's what they are best at.
  12. Yeah, he was in the comic. Mayor Wilkins was in, as well. Now he should have made an appearance in the game.
  13. I read an interview where the developers put over how "funny" it was having in Sid...sad. While I like Season One, it is one of my least favorites. Season Four gets the good nod from me in that case.
  14. Cavi

    The New OAO Buffy Thread

    I'm still pissed at Fox for that OMWF DVD. What rubbish. Browsing Amazon UK a week or two ago, I noticed they had all the Buffy seasons (sans Seven) listed for Amaray releases this month (Amaray being the normal plastic type DVD cases). I wonder if that will extend to the US.
  15. Cavi

    The New OAO Buffy Thread

    I thought I recalled Anya dusting a couple Ubies.
  16. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    That rules! "Oh hey, look. There is some over in that patch of sun. I'll get them!" It's also funny when he sees himself in the mirror and goes on about his hair.
  17. Cavi

    The New OAO Buffy Thread

    Yeah, Fray uses the same weapon. In addition to the SiTs suddenly owning Ubies bit, since when were Anya and Andrew fighters? Granted, Andrew didn't do much, but they both should have been down in a second, like Wes in the Season Three finale.
  18. Cavi

    The New OAO Buffy Thread

    I agree. I definitely would have liked a two hour event, similar to the premiere and finale of Season Six. I thought Caleb should have been in the final battle. He and Buffy should have had a big showdown. Instead, he jobbed out early on which I thought was fairly weaksauce.
  19. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah, they just started syndication of it this fall (only on weekdays, though).
  20. Cavi

    The New OAO Buffy Thread

    Indeed. UPN got its props for allowing that to air in full. Recently, Marti said "Chosen" ran quite a bit longer than expected, so they ended up doing a decent amount of editing. I'd like to see, or at least read about the stuff that was cut from that.
  21. Cavi

    The New OAO Buffy Thread

    OMWF does indeed rule. One little bit that I always catch is during Dawn and Sweet's number, you can see Michelle not moving her lips at times whilst her vocal singing track is playing. And then during Buffy's number when Anya and Tara back her up, you can see Amber mess up in the background. Joss probably knew of that stuff though, as he has mentioned how they were extremely short on time when shooting.
  22. Cavi

    The New OAO Buffy Thread

    I love the scene in "Primeval" when... Spoiler (Highlight to Read): they are infiltrating the Initiative. I mark when Will and Buffy hug Xander. Yeah, often have I seen straight up S1-3 fans. Four is the second least liked by the majority, after all. Even Tony Head himself once said he thought it just didn't work. I really enjoyed how it was a transition into the latter half of the series, though.
  23. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    A comment on the DVD bit: The Collector's Edition DVD sets are simply what Fox calls the Region 2 sets. Like the Region 2 Season Five set has a sticker that says "Collector's Edition" on it, yet it was the only version released there, so it's not really some special edition. For every set, both regions have the same numbers of discs. As far as I know, none of the sets have seen a Region 3 release, which would be a Chinese release. Unless this person is mistaking Chinese for Japanese, but even then, I think only the first season has seen a straight Japanese release (i.e. not a UK import) and that was just earlier in the year (and I don't believe that had any Japanese text on it either; it was also called a "Collector's Edition"). So, sounds pretty iffy.
  24. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Word, Rudo. "The Gift" is my favorite episode ever. So much awesome stuff in it. One of the things being the incredible scoring by Chris Beck. I always have to give that props.
  25. Cavi

    The New OAO Buffy Thread

    Season Five has and always will be a favorite of mine. I really liked the overall arc. In terms of the last season, CWDP and Storyteller are top tier in my book.