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Everything posted by Cavi

  1. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Hey Reek, cool to have another join the Buffyverse discussions here Indeed, though it would have been nice if they had eventually explained the "Buffy won't choose you" bit.
  2. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I hated how little screen time Xander got in Seven. Stupid SiTs stealing his spotlight.
  3. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I believe the Boreanaz directed ep should be coming up soon. That should be interesting.
  4. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Lame movies. Personally, I don't want to see a Buffyverse movie made. I don't even want another series, but I would take that over a movie any day.
  5. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    On another note, I was wondering why we hadn't heard anything of the Buffy Thankgiving Marathon on FX yet, so I checked out the new TV Guide and it looks like they aren't having it this year. Weaksauce! Especially since this would be the first year we would have every ep to choose from.
  6. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    The Angel/Spike fight was so badass. Return of the uber jumping abilities! Fury and DeKnight, who wrote the episode, sure seem to love big adventure elements. Last season they did "Awakening" which had that whole Indiana Jones vibe, and last night they had the whole bit with the cup. Cool stuff. This episode definitely got me all hyped for rest of the season.
  7. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    WHOA!!!!!!!! That was a swerve.
  8. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Tonight's episode looks badass. DRU~!!
  9. Cavi

    Fantasy ReMakes

    Chase HQ II: Special Criminal Investigation is what I think your talking about. That game was made by Taito. Like Sakura said, he may be thinking of Lucky & Wild, which was indeed done by Namco. Large sitdown cabinet with a steering wheel and two guns that allowed two people to play at once (though, I believe, there also was an upright cab version of it). It was quite a neat game.
  10. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    10/10. Booyah! Second time I tried it I got an 8/10, as the questions changed. On an Angel note, I don't know if somebody already posted this spoiler of sorts, but it's fairly big news, so I thought I would mention it. Here it is: Spoiler (Highlight to Read): charisma-carpenter.com is reporting that Charisma is reprising her role for the 100th episode.
  11. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah, I also noticed the reusing of sets every so often. Like Pylea was used in "Selfless" for the way old school flashbacks with Anya.
  12. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    He was the guy in the episode "Hellbound" who tormented Spike and tried to send him to hell (though, I believe his actual name was Pavayne, not Rebane). I agree.
  13. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I believe they did it for the second episode, but that's it, I think. And yeah, Goddard delivered again.
  14. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I so marked out when Wes just unloaded on his pops/robot. I got a laugh out of Angel and especially Spike at the end. Quality ep, I thought. Dru!!
  15. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    The return of DUAL PISTOLS WES~!!
  16. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Spike telling Andrew about onion blossoms while on the motorcycle is gold. "Tell anyone we had this conversation and I'll bite you."
  17. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah, that ruled.
  18. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I enjoyed the episode. Fun stuff, yet still developed the larger arc, as already mentioned. I could see it go either way with Angel turning human if this is indeed the last season. Building it up like he no longer believes in the prophecy could lead one to think that they would make it so it really was legit, but then again, having him stay as a vamp is something I could see Joss do. Some other tidbits: Angel: "Did you know the devil built a robot?" Wes: "El Diablo Robotico." I got a kick out of that. Anybody else notice that the man that visited Number 5 in the flashback was Holland? Nice touch there.
  19. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    That is the episode "Billy" from Season Three.
  20. Cavi

    Finished With Buffy Season Three

    Yeah, Richard Wilkins III is just a pimp. The dude is great. "'[reading from book] The beast will walk upon the earth and darkness will follow. The several races of man will be as one in their terror and destruction.' Aw, that's kind of sweet. Different races coming together."
  21. Cavi

    The King of Fighters 2003 thread

    I hope seeing Garou Terry means we will get new sprites for everybody (or more likely MOTW rips in some cases), but you never know with those folks... I have never liked Tizoc. I say bring back Duck King once and for all.
  22. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Humorous episode. Spike being all happy about Gunn pissing in Angel's chair was funny.
  23. Cavi

    "Fake Emotion" - FFX-2

    Boo to this bit of news! I wish they would have kept either of the Kumi sung versions, even though the english one does indeed have some less than stellar spots. I guess this means this Jade girl will be singing "1000 no Kobota" as well. Hope these new versions are decent.
  24. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Off the subject, but in the latest SFX mag, Joss said Ripper is not going to be a show. If they do end up doing it, it will just be a one shot deal.
  25. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Haha, I remember that.