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Everything posted by Cavi

  1. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Along with what Mole said, it was mentioned in a few interviews that Alyson didn't want to sing any lines at all in OMWF, but she eventually gave in and did those few. And speaking of her, she and Alexis got married this past weekend. Congrats to them. She has also signed on for an NBC sitcom due next fall. Let's hope that actually sees its way onto the schedule, unlike Nick Brendon's Fox comedy. Cheeseman in Superstar's sig! Nice.
  2. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Since the episode was such a big deal, they decided to bring a DVD out for it (in Region 2 territories, at least). A whole DVD dedicated to this one episode, packed with heaps of extras. It sounded quite awesome...yet what we got was far from that. It's easily the worst Buffy DVD Fox has ever put together. The transfer is for crap and the extras, and lack thereof, are inexcusable (there are NO extras related to the episode itself, yet stuff from a non-Whedon show, Dark Angel, is included instead! WTF!?).
  3. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Amazon already has it up for that date. I highly recommend the OMWF soundtrack. I think it's by far the best of the three Buffy soundtracks. The stand-alone DVD for the episode is crap, though. I ranted on it back in the Buffy thread.
  4. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    In regards to Cordy, there was rumor that Joss and David Greenwalt (co-creator and former executive producer) were in disagreement over where they wanted to take the Cordy/Angel relationship, and that was a part in Greenwalt leaving to go do his own TV series (Miracles and Jake 2.0). Who knows if there is truth to that, as he always speaks well of the series in interviews and has remained on as a consulting producer.
  5. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah, true. Wonky Buffyverse physics.
  6. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    It's also odd that he could sit in Angel's chair, yet he like fell into the desk after trying to attack him.
  7. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    The seasons overlapped though, with the crossovers and whatnot. The time from when Fred called Willow (even though that was out of order, anyway), Willow showing up in LA, Faith returning on Angel, and then Faith leaving LA and showing up on Buffy seemed longer in the Buffyverse than in the Angelverse. That all had to happen in the span of two weeks according to what Joss said.
  8. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I'm not sure about that first question, but as for Joss saying it was only two weeks, he said it in a couple interviews. I thought it was pretty odd, because as you pointed out, Buffy's season sure seemed longer than that.
  9. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    At the beginning of tonight's episode, it said it was nineteen days ago in Sunnydale when they showed the bit with Spike destroying the Hellmouth. But I forgot how the Buffy finale was after the Angel one, so who knows what the whole deal is.
  10. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I enjoyed the episode. Only nineteen days have passed since the events in Sunnydale. And Joss said Angel Season Four took place over the span of just two weeks (despite it seeming longer over in the Buffyverse). So, from October 2002 to October 2003 real-time, it has only been a bit over a month in the Whedonverse. Weird.
  11. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah, that was weaksauce how they handled the hyping of the end of the series. I also have the OMWF poster
  12. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    That is so true! Other than the Season Six premiere and OMWF, UPN never had decent hype for the show. Like you said, WB treated it as top tier, since it was just that. Certain episodes weren't just episodes, they were hyped as big events. The promos WB created destroyed pretty much anything UPN ever did.
  13. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Another tidbit about "Innocence" is that it was the first ep shown in the Tuesday night timeslot ("Surprise" was shown the night before).
  14. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Zap2it has ratings. Smallville got a 4.3. Interesting tidbit is that Season Six actually did better than Five overall.
  15. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Senior Partners = Ubervamps Ok, I shouldn't even kid about that. I know I sure don't want to ever see those lame buggers again. The bit with Harm talking about Cordy was so Joss. Funny.
  16. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    During the transition to the next scene (when they usually do the shots of LA and whatnot) after Gunn first appeared, they showed the panther, and then during the one after Angel killed the dude, they showed Eve looking at the blood on the wall. I thought that was pretty cool.
  17. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I found that to be quite a good premiere. Angel blasting that dude's head off with the shotgun was unexpected and badass. Cool little tidbit I took note of: the score in the first scene was the same music theme used in the first Angel episode.
  18. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I'd rather watch it not knowing what's going to happen. So I'd like to stay in the dark. Word to that. I have always avoided spoilers. I hate knowing what is going to happen. The trailer and preview on the WB website is about all I check out before an episode airs.
  19. Cavi

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    "Full of Grace" is the one from that episode. The song on the soundtrack is from "Grave."
  20. Cavi

    25 most UNDERrated games of all time

    I don't see how NOLF is underrated. It won numerous end of year awards and scored well across the board (as it should have, in my opinion, as I think the series is quite excellent).
  21. Cavi

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    I didn't really have a problem with Riley (or Blucas). I thought his exit from the series in "Into The Woods" was quite well done. And on another subject, I just got the new soundtrack. The coverart is fairly cool. Just a subdued shot of the graveyard with a statue in the foreground. On the back, there is a Season Seven shot of Buffy, one of Caleb, and one of a stupid Bringer (WTF is that doing there!?). The tracklisting is a bit different than what was originally listed. Michelle Branch is out, which is weaksauce as I wanted that version of "Goodbye To You", but Sarah McLachlan takes her place~! The Joss Whedon written Angie Hart track from "Conversions With Dead People" also makes an appearance. Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Radio Sunnydale: Music From The TV Series Original Track Listing: 1. Buffy Main Title Theme - The Breeders 2. Goodbye to You (Bronze Mix) - Michelle Branch 3. Bohemian Like You - Dandy Warhols 4. There's No Other Way - Blur 5. Can't Take My Eyes Off You - Melanie Doane 6. Sound of the Revolution - Lunatic Calm 7. Out of This World - Bush 8. Pavlov's Bell - Aimee Mann 9. Stop Thinking About It - Joey Ramone 10. Key - Devics 11. Ballad for Dead Friends - Dashboard Prophets 12. Original Score - Rob Duncan Final Track Listing: 1. Buffy Main Title Theme - The Breeders 2. Stop Thinking About It - Joey Ramone 3. Bohemian Like You - Dandy Warhols 4. Everbody Got Their Something - Nikka Costa 5. Key - Devics 6. Sound of the Revolution - Lunatic Calm 7. Ballad for Dead Friends - Dashboard Prophets 8. Blue - Angie Hart 9. Pavlov's Bell - Aimee Mann 10. There's No Other Way - Blur 11. Prayer of Saint Francis - Sarah McLachlan 12. The Final Fight (Original Score) - Rob Duncan
  22. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    5 PM eastern, starting today. Wahoo!
  23. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah, I just know that whatever it was, it happened in Buff vs. Drac.
  24. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Buffy once gave a vamp a hurricanrana. It was rather cool.
  25. Cavi

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    WBUW At one point in time, the affiliate carrying Buffy would show four eps a weekend. It ruled.