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Use Your Illusion

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Everything posted by Use Your Illusion

  1. Use Your Illusion

    From The Observer

    Okay, what about the Royal Rumble match. Or even Wrestlemania 19. His match with Jericho woke up the crowd. That's better.
  2. Use Your Illusion

    From The Observer

    Have you ever seen an Ultimo match then? Like I said his best match outshines HBK's best match. Which has nothing to do with what I am talking about. We'll just conclude you've lost the plot and move on. UYI
  3. Use Your Illusion

    From The Observer

    But HBK can get the crowd into the match much more. Watch the 12/29 RAW match in San Antonio. That's hardly fair, it was his home town and he was in the main event, for the World title. Of course the crowd is going to be hot. UYI
  4. Use Your Illusion

    From The Observer

    Speak for yourself. When I see Ultimo do anything that comes close to some of the great matches HBK has been apart of in the past year or so, then I'll consider agreeing with you. UYI
  5. Use Your Illusion

    From The Observer

    You said worker. Comparing both as pure workers Ultimo is much better. It can't be helped that he is hampered by the WWE style.....I'm sure if they would let him loose and go at it then he would easily outshine Michaels. Ultimo's best match is better than Michaels best match. Hell Ultimo/Lyger at Super J-Cup is better than Michaels best match. Dude, you've totally missed my point here. I was arguing that HBK is one of the top 5 workers in WWE TODAY, not of all time. Also, this only involves workers and their matches that took place IN WWE, not in Japan, not in Ring of Honor or anywhere else. Ultimo's had some fucking unbelieveable matches, I totally agree with you, but he hasnt put on anything note-worthy since becoming a member of the WWE roster, despite what the reason for that occurring is. UYI
  6. Use Your Illusion

    From The Observer

    Top 5 in WWE. London's matches with AJ & Dragon were not in WWE.
  7. Use Your Illusion

    From The Observer

    How on earth do you know that Ultimo can still go like he used to if you are judging his current worth on his previous accomplishments? It just doesn't quite work that way. UYI
  8. Use Your Illusion

    Guns N' Roses at Wrestlemania?

    I think that's meant to be sarcastic but I'm in a bad now so I have to let off some steam. I HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE Limp Biscuit. It pains me to waste time writing his name. And I know I spelt it wrong. I just don't care to go back and fix it. That post reeked of sarcasim, how the hell couldn't you detect that?
  9. Use Your Illusion

    From The Observer

    It's depressing that guys like London, considering they are as talented as people around here make them out to be, are not given the opportunity to showcase that talent on TV. UYI
  10. Use Your Illusion

    From The Observer

    1. Benoit 2. Jericho 3. Ultimo Dragon 4. Paul London 5. Kurt Angle I don't see an HBK in that Top 5. And you can't tell me he's better than any of those 5. Hell some may dispute my top 5 but I doubt anyone with a rational outlook would say HBK is a top 5 worker. Ultimo Dragon!? What the hell are you judging that from? His 30 second classics with Tajiri? I love Ultimo as much as the next guy but, despite whatever the reason may be, he has yet to put on any significantly mind blowing match in WWE that justifies the hype that surrounds him. 1. Benoit 2. Kurt Angle 3. Chris Jericho 4. Shawn Michaels 5. Eddie Guerrero That's how I see things at present. UYI
  11. Use Your Illusion

    From The Observer

    Shawn Michaels is still one of the top 5 workers in the company.
  12. Use Your Illusion

    Guns N' Roses at Wrestlemania?

    Well it is WWE's most favourite band in the world.
  13. Use Your Illusion

    From The Observer

    Um...since when HASN'T HBK always been about himself? This 'stealing the spotlight' thing is hardly revolutionary for Shawn Michaels. Christian or not, you'll be hard pressed to find a more egotistical individual than Shawn Michaels. Rightfully so, if you ask me, the man is brilliant, but this is not the way to do things for the biggest show of all time. UYI
  14. Use Your Illusion

    Guns N' Roses at Wrestlemania?

    Oh, bullshit. Axl would so turn up....maybe 7 years too late, but damn it, he'd be there. UYI
  15. Use Your Illusion

    Guns N' Roses at Wrestlemania?

    What's this 'high fives bps' shit? If the boy was a REAL GNR fan, he'd incorporate it into his username.
  16. Use Your Illusion

    WWE Hall Of Fame

    Any of Warrior's success will be credited to Hogan, bet you.
  17. Use Your Illusion

    What do you look like...

    Warn me next time you wanna post a close up, Mole. UYI
  18. Use Your Illusion

    Disheartening news about Eddie Guerrero

    Careful now, I'm not condeming Eddie, I'm just saying that if anybody is going to snap and go psycho, it's more likely to be someone who's, you know, had a past heavy drug problem like he did. Innocent till proven guilty, I'm with you caboose. UYI
  19. Use Your Illusion

    Marvel vs. DC

    I know jack all about this but it sounds very appealing. Anywhere around cyberspace where I can find out everything that went down with it all??
  20. Use Your Illusion

    Good or Bad

    *joke soars over UYI's head*
  21. Use Your Illusion

    Disheartening news about Eddie Guerrero

    I would have too had he not previously been an alcoholic and a drug addict.
  22. Use Your Illusion

    Disheartening news about Eddie Guerrero

    I'm afraid it sounds like Eddie's starting to go back into Scott Hall/Jake Roberts mode again, unfortunately, if he really did verbally explode on the fan. and its pretty sad really, considering where his careers going right now Isnt that exactly what happend with Roberts & Hall, though? Their careers began to skyrocket and then, suddenly, their alcohol/drug/whatever abuse became so overwhelming that it brought their careers, and dreams of super-ultra-mega stardom, to a schreeching hault? History. Repeating. UYI
  23. Use Your Illusion

    Disheartening news about Eddie Guerrero

  24. Use Your Illusion

    Beyonce Up For The Role Of Lois Lane...

    And with that I go out to buy a new keyboard, as my current one is covered in fucking Pepsi. UYI
  25. Use Your Illusion

    Undertaker 90-97
