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Use Your Illusion

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Everything posted by Use Your Illusion

  1. Use Your Illusion

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    NWA in my game is ready to be bought out, pity I don't have the funds to cover it though. I've single handedly dropped WWE from Global heavyweight to 6% over Global company with my federation (Which began at war with NWA and with Hulk Hogan as the 'financial supporter' giving me 5 Mill to get started. This meant Hogan on an Unsackable with me, but eh, I'm a Hulkster mark and loved it), Global Order Wrestling. I just wish I had the cash to get Jeff Jarrett and really drive in the stake through Vince's company. UYI
  2. Use Your Illusion


    Couldn't of said it better myself. UYI
  3. Use Your Illusion

    Paul Bearer rips into WWE...

    I just checked the first page as I thought it was reletively recent. Thanks anyway, J. UYI
  4. Use Your Illusion

    Happy Birthday Papacita~!

    Bare my children! Uh, yeah. Happy B'day bro
  5. Use Your Illusion

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    It's crazy and completely random as to how warped the game can get. In my game, I had WWE firing EVERYTHING in sight with talent - i.e. Jamie Noble, Kidman, Tajiri, Hurricane, Rhyno, and signing anything with a big name, such as Sting, Sid Vicious and Roddy Piper. This was done as a desperation attempt to make money as the market was low and Vince's ship was sinking fast. It's great, because they're talent keeps you're company from going under. UYI
  6. Use Your Illusion

    Future House Show cards giving away

    Exactly. Which is why they should turn fucking Jericho heel. He's been in that character since his run-in with The Rock back in 2001 over the WCW Title. Triple H is only 'effective' as a heel, Jericho is versatile and diverse. They need to take advantage of this, plus the fans are just DYING to have a hero to cheer for. Jericho's their man. UYI
  7. Use Your Illusion

    Smackdown Spoilers...

    Brock/Gowan, with McMahon as the referee has been pulled from the card. That was reported on this site, in this folder, earlier on. So calm down yer horses, Nanks
  8. Use Your Illusion

    Smackdown Spoilers...

    That's like saying: "Mole, don't be gay" You just know it's going to happen.
  9. Use Your Illusion

    Smackdown Spoilers...

    Who needs their Paul Wight fix?
  10. Use Your Illusion

    Which Jackson is Better

    Keeping a good public image plus some videos that do get regular air play on BET and MTV. Where are Michael's videos? Whoop-de-doo. Fact of the matter is, MJ will never, ever be forgotten through his music. Janet will only be remembered as 'Michael Jackson's sister'. Children I am part-time teaching at the moment, whom are 12 and 11 years of age, are doing a music assignment on their favourite artist. Everyone of them is familiar with MJ's music, which, like any good music, spans generations for eternity. Janet has never been that good. UYI
  11. Use Your Illusion

    Which Jackson is Better

    Michael has always been fantastic, pre & post-vitaligo. Invincible wasn't to much of my liking, but everything from HIStory back has my seal of approval as some of the greatest music ever written. 'Unbreakable' is really the only song I dig on Invincible. 'Tis time MJ just retired and went into seclusion (erm...well even more so) out of the way from the public. I swear if his mental health deteriorates anymore (and really, could you blame him?) he'll go even further off the edge than he already has. UYI
  12. Use Your Illusion

    Unforgiven 2003 Promo Poster

    Last week. Excited? Yeah, I thought so too. IYU
  13. Use Your Illusion

    From The Inside - 8.16.2003

    Fuck yes. Seeing as I've never really looked into the product and just heard all the hype, I'll pick up that DVD for sure. Awesomness indeed.
  14. Use Your Illusion

    SummerSlam 2003

    Haven't we really had great SummerSlam's since 1996? '97 wasn't THAT crash hot, but Owen/Austin & Hitman/Taker was the shit for me, I loved every second. It's saddening that for SEVEN years they have put on a decent show and now they're gonna piss it all away with *THAT* sorry excuse for a wrestling card. However, they might suprise us just yet and get God to perform a modern day miracle, other than that - get out your disappointed faces because you're going to need them. UYI
  15. Use Your Illusion

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Bummer. Same thing happend to me. I brought Sting into my WWE game because I was drastically short on Main Event Faces, and needed someone until RVD & Edge were out of their respective feuds and could main event. He turns 45, his stats plummett (yet he still remains 99 in the overness and one of my main merchandise draws) so I feel it is time for Sting to recieve his pink slip. Then I get the e-mail: 'Sting has married one of Linda McMahon's unknown daughters' Sting = Unsackable at $120,000 (which is actually damn cheap for Sting). Great. UYI
  16. Use Your Illusion

    The person above you thread!

    ^ & < are two of few people who are long time RVD marks. *Sigh*, we're a dying race around here...
  17. Use Your Illusion

    Unforgiven 2003 Promo Poster

    Hello and welcome to The Smart Marks.com
  18. Use Your Illusion

    Heyman's Return Cancelled

    Shit, I had forgotten ALL about that angle ever happening. What a shame, it could of been so memorable. Wouldn't of saved the invasion angle, but it would of restored a little credibility. UYI
  19. Use Your Illusion

    Heyman's Return Cancelled

    Brock so needs Heyman there to do his promos for him. Heyman just made Brock come across so fucking bad ass when he first came into WWE, it's a pity we're stuck with McMahon. If this angle fails, it's LESNAR'S fault, remember that. UYI
  20. Use Your Illusion

    Insurrextion 2003

    Well considering they've only done ONE RAW PPV, it's hardly impossible to top. Eh, who am I kidding? The next one will fucking blow too. UYI
  21. Use Your Illusion

    Which Jackson is Better

    You could put the entire Jackson family against MJ, and he'd still own all their asses. UYI
  22. Use Your Illusion

    Heyman's Return Cancelled

  23. Use Your Illusion

    Guilty pleasures? Matches your love...

    Hogan vs McMahon - WMXIX I fucking loved every second due only to the fact I'm the biggest Hogan mark on the planet. If it was any other two guys, I wouldn't of looked at it twice though.
  24. Use Your Illusion

    Vengeance buyrate

    ::shudders nervously:: I hope you meant if it was Sunny pre-1998. Not Sunny now, even though she's not as bad as Missy Hyatt. I don't think ANYTHING is as bad as Missy. Tammy asking 'Are you ready, boys?' while stipping down to her granny panties on Nitro was enough to put me off eating forever. ...and that was THREE years ago. I shudder to think what it looks like now. UYI
  25. Use Your Illusion

    When are you going to die?

    Oh come on, as if you didn't see THAT coming. Someone with your tendancies shouldn't be alive NOW, consider yourself fortunate. Thursday, January 17, 2075 - I meet Death. I'll be fucking 90 years old *Sigh*