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Use Your Illusion

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Everything posted by Use Your Illusion

  1. Use Your Illusion

    Ready for the Revolution?

    Grandfather of video gaming, Mr. Miyamoto has been interviewed by IGN. This interview is set to the tune of 'Same Ol' Situation' - Motley Crue. MARIO 128 NEVER EXISTED More slick shots of the Rev, for those who haven't seen it in different colours... Link
  2. Use Your Illusion

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    I'm finally seeing the beast Saturday night. I CANNOT WAIT
  3. Use Your Illusion


    No, the thing was alive while he did it. Can't say I'm too hopeful about it being the same way now though.
  4. Use Your Illusion

    Xbox 360 design officially revealed...

    That's Microsoft's next monster. There is what appears to be a detached hard drive on top of the actual console, so make of that what you will. UYI
  5. Use Your Illusion


  6. Use Your Illusion

    Sigma Star Saga

    Looks pretty cool. The incentives for me purchasing a DS are growing by the hundreds with this bloody E3 thing going on.
  7. Use Your Illusion

    Ready for the Revolution?

    Sonic Rush uses both freakin' screens for levels, though. It's a really cool and fun change from putting in some half-assed touch function. Plus Castlevania is coming soon, if that remotely interests you. I don't know what to make of Nintendogs. Not out here in Oz just yet, and it does look a little cutesy for me. Shame you can't rent these things.
  8. Use Your Illusion

    Kylie Minogue has breast cancer

    She's 37 this year. God damn she looks good for 37.
  9. Use Your Illusion

    Ready for the Revolution?

    Despite Nintendo's Revolution coverage, they sure as hell are doing a great job of making me want to buy a DS *really* badly. Have you people seen Sonic Rush? Advance Wars DS? Mario Kart? Super Mario Bros? NOSTALGIA OVER F'N LOAD!
  10. Use Your Illusion

    Ready for the Revolution?

    And Andrew beat me to the ballshot on that one.
  11. Use Your Illusion

    Ready for the Revolution?

    Nintendo *are not* nice guys though. Nintendo were fucking ruthless in the 1980's when video games were just starting to move into the homes of consumers, doing exactly what Sony, EA etc. do today. Guess you could even compare it to the whole WWF vs WCW thing, what with Vince bitching and moaning how WCW was being cheap when, in reality, they were only doing the same shit he was guilty of doing many years prior. Maybe not to THAT extreme, but you see my point.
  12. Use Your Illusion

    E3 2005

    Say what!? It has!?
  13. Use Your Illusion

    E3 2005

    Pfft, hell no.
  14. Use Your Illusion

    Marty Jennetty

    I want HBK vs Jannetty!
  15. Use Your Illusion

    Ready for the Revolution?

    True. Plus, judging from Nintendo's conference, it seems as though they've finally come out and said 'Hey, we know we aren't the king of video games anymore, we know most of you will buy Xboxes or Playstations, but, in case you are tired of all of that, here's your alternative'. I must say that the concept of downloading a slew of previous Nintendo titles (Shhhh, they aren't meant to know about emulators) and playing them all on one system is really cool.
  16. Use Your Illusion

    E3 2005

    Woah, I thought my last adventure in handheld land was too long ago, but VX beats me out. Last handheld I had was a Gameboy Pocket Clear. Thing of beauty, that.
  17. Use Your Illusion

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Grievous 'collects' the lightsabers of the fallen Jedi he has slaughtered as symbols of his victory. He does not, in any way, use the Force though. However, he is one bad ass lightsaber fighter with, like I said before, four arms to weild sabers in.
  18. Use Your Illusion

    E3 2005

  19. Use Your Illusion

    Ready for the Revolution?

    I'm still shocked that the Big N would team up with IBM to make their next machine and have it underpowered.
  20. Use Your Illusion

    Real current picture of me.

    You're both fat asses.
  21. Use Your Illusion

    Kylie Minogue has breast cancer

    Total bummer, she's post-poned her tour here in Australia because of it (understandably). Fortuantely, she's caught it early, so she should be fine. It's *all* over the news here though. God damn it, Australia is so desperate for legitimate stars it's not funny.
  22. Use Your Illusion

    E3 2005

    No concrete information yet, but we've finally got some more Final Fantasy XII shots... My eyes bleed from the sheer beauty of it all. More pics over at IGN. UYI
  23. Use Your Illusion

    Ready for the Revolution?

    The actual conference is a few hours away yet. I'm not quite sure what the hell to make of this '2-3 times more powerful than Gamecube' comment. What the hell does that result in? XBOX LEVELS? Yes, in today's generation it is not as important to be the almighty super-powerful console, but JESUS at least TRY. I'm very interested to see what the heck Nintendo does to cover its ass on this one. Pretty slick design though, I think I like it best out of the three.
  24. Use Your Illusion

    E3 2005

    It actually gives Nintendo a chance to really blow us away, as both Sony and Microsoft are clearly sticking to the guns they have (just look at the upcoming games for the PS3). If Nintendo burst onto the scene with something completely accessible, yet different to both Microsoft and Sony, they could really pick things up for themselves. Could they beat Sony and reclaim their spot as number one? I doubt it. Could they move into the number two spot? Likely. Time will tell
  25. Use Your Illusion

    PS3 design officially revealed...

    Please, let's not bring Mortal Kombat into this discussion. For the sanity of us all.