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Use Your Illusion

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Everything posted by Use Your Illusion

  1. Use Your Illusion

    Heya guys...... I have returned

    Fuck that. Cut him off at his source. Kill TRITEC.
  2. Use Your Illusion

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    At least the Holly model looks really good. I'm dying to see JBL.
  3. Use Your Illusion

    Triple H column from the Torch website

    Kane has been beaten by MATT HARDY. He has no credibility left at all.
  4. Use Your Illusion

    The Bible is literally true.

    I'll rephrase: Disproving the existance of one god does not prove the existance of another.
  5. Use Your Illusion

    The Bible is literally true.

    My knowledge on the early stages of Christianity is limited, as I am still very much a student like you SP. However, is it not likely or possible that 'Mark's' writings could have reached the areas of other scholars of the time, who then could have re-written their own replication (and I use that term very loosely) for their current audience? Additionally, there is not a shred of physical, concrete evidence that even implies Christ ever existed. The Bible isn't concrete evidence, the Gospels are narrative stories that have little to no factual credibility in them whatsoever. The cruicifixtion actually taking place and the documented 'recount' of it are two completely different things, with one likely to never have even happend. I won't go too deeply into this, as I'm not here to win Nank's debate. I just wanted to put a few points forward for you to clarify. UYI
  6. Use Your Illusion

    Triple H column from the Torch website

    This is where I stopped reading as the author lost all credibility. Although Hunter does, apparently, seem to have some "pull," Vince McMahon still has final say on all outcomes. I agree completely. I didn't read a sentence after that either. Randy was bombing as champion and they had zero credible contenders for him after that match, had he gone over Hunter clean. Triple H with the belt is better than babyface Randy Orton with the belt, no matter what way you look at it. HHH needed to go over at the PPV before the abortion became any worse. UYI
  7. Use Your Illusion

    PWG's "Use Your Illusion 3 & 4" on October 9th &

  8. Use Your Illusion

    Bossman passes away

    Traylor was only 42 years old, too.
  9. Use Your Illusion

    Bossman passes away

    Hogan is like Roberts, he'll outlive the next seven generations.
  10. Use Your Illusion

    Tekken: The Live Action Movie

    Uh, no.
  11. Use Your Illusion

    Meltzer's Update for 09/21

    And these people are having CREATIVE problems? Shocking.
  12. Use Your Illusion

    The Bible is literally true.

    I don't think it's meant in a literal sense, Nanks. One's perception and understanding of Christ isn't given to one through divine intervention. Such things are shaped, heavily influenced and impacted upon by one's upbringing, social life, love life, family life, *EVERYTHING* - it constructs the scope in which you view and interpret the world, or your hermeneutical perspective. Therefore if one 'knowing Christ personally' involves a growing understanding and relationship that has been gradually constructed since the moment of birth, then it is entirely true that one DOES know Christ personally. UYI
  13. Use Your Illusion

    So I'm Going to be on MTV Next Month

    This is so fucking cool.
  14. Use Your Illusion

    Fuck I'm going bald

    That's what you get for not answering my PM, bitch. Oh, and I have hair. A lot. UYI
  15. Use Your Illusion

    First image from Mortal Kombat Deception!

    It's unbelieveable how bush league Mortal Kombat seems when compared to, say , Tekken 4. I bought both MKDA & T4 at the same time, back in the day, and MKDA only held my attention through Konquest mode and checking out the Fatalities. I don't think I'll be buying this one.
  16. Use Your Illusion

    Heidenreich/Cole bit from SD

    Didn't Brian Pillman make Marlena his bitch and give her a goth make-over?
  17. Use Your Illusion

    Funny Fable joke from some guy's sig.

    The Joker is a faggot
  18. Use Your Illusion

    First image from Mortal Kombat Deception!

    What are some of the drawbacks of playing 3D fighters online? I've never done it before. I just checked out Mileena's fatality over at IGN.com, quite interesting. My interest is begin to stir once more.
  19. The six-man should be decent at least, albeit nothing we haven't already seen forty billion times on RAW this year already. On a positive note - no more Eugene is a good thing. UYI
  20. Use Your Illusion

    Hey guys.

    Take me down to the paradise city
  21. Use Your Illusion

    Choose Your Fate As A Wrestler

  22. Use Your Illusion

    The Bible is literally true.

    How old is that book, Spidey? I'd be very interesting in reading that, espicially if it offers evidence/proof etc. of Christ's existance. UYI
  23. Use Your Illusion

    WWE confirms Austins and Hogans return!

    Bringing Hogan back would actually make me want to watch SD!/RAW more often. ANYTHING new at this point is a benefit. Except Viscera & Gangrel.
  24. Use Your Illusion

    The Bible is literally true.

    (outside of the Bible) being the key part of this statement. There, I think I'm caught up for now. You're using the Bible as your only form of evidence? Alright.
  25. Use Your Illusion

    WWE concerned over Raw rating

    I'm also really sick of this 'Hunter gets attacked, threatens EZE, gets handicap match' thing that they have been running for years, seemingly.