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Use Your Illusion

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Everything posted by Use Your Illusion

  1. Use Your Illusion

    Need advice...

    Wear glasses. No-one could hit a guy with glasses.
  2. Use Your Illusion

    Need advice...

    No one cares, Slayer.
  3. Use Your Illusion

    Need advice...

    Do this one.
  4. Use Your Illusion

    First image from Mortal Kombat Deception!

    IGN.com have posted some awesome new MK screenshots. I attempted to post them here, however I was unable to. The new screenshots, which include Kombat Chess and Puzzle Kombat shots, are located here UYI
  5. Use Your Illusion

    Need advice...

    He won't get the chance to mess with him again if he kills his whole family. He'll be in a lovely correctional facility receiving thorough anal rape from other guys who need plenty more correction than himself. I was conveying my message in the most extreme way possible. I don't expect him to actually slaughter his entire family. Just his immediate family. UYI
  6. Use Your Illusion

    Need advice...

    Fuck all these suggestions. Kill his mother. Kill his father. Kill his siblings. Kill his grandparents. Run over his dog. Fuck his sister's dead corpse. No way in HELL will he fuck with you after that. The smart fighter attacks his opponents emotions, not his body. *gong* UYI
  7. Use Your Illusion

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    EDIT: Shut up, UYI
  8. Use Your Illusion

    Halle Berry Won't Return In X-Men 3

    Like she needs it. And if everyone was sucking my proverbial dick, I'd buy into the hype as well. You can only be told something enough times before you start believing it yourself. UYI
  9. Use Your Illusion

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I suck at it as well. I usually find myself sitting there, hitting the L2/R2 button like a mad man, which works. Beating Lesnar can be done, but you need to be crafty. Usually, I go outside, grab a chair and re-enter the ring. Knock Brocky down before hand so he doesn't cause you any trouble. The ref should instantly start walking towards you. When he does this, run at him and nail the fucker with the chair. You can then proceed to chair-shot your way to victory. Take the time between shots to either throw the chair at the ref on the mat, or do a running elbow drop. This will ensure he doesn't wake up and DQ you. That's the method I employ, and it always works. Cheap, but you win. UYI
  10. Use Your Illusion

    Spiderman 2

    Because any game I'm not good at must suck, that's why, junior. In all seriousness, I played it a bit before taking it back today and I actually did begin to get the hang of swinging. I began using the L2 button while doing it to really fly in between buildings etc. However, I can't help but feel that I'm not controlling Spider-Man, I'm controlling his un-coordinated retard twin brother. But like I said before, the fight scenes and movesets are UNREAL. Totally fucking awesome. UYI
  11. Use Your Illusion

    Spiderman 2

    Rented it last night. I fucking hate this game. I don't know what it is, but I find controlling Spidey while he web-slings close to impossible. Chasing a getaway car is UNBELIEABLY frustrating and hard. The fighting and combo system is awesome, but that's it. Thumbs way the fuck down from Mr. Illusion Back to Blockbuster with this little monkey. UYI
  12. Use Your Illusion

    GNR Behind the Music

    Not to mention his stage dive that came out of no-where, in the middle of Rocket Queen.
  13. Use Your Illusion

    What program will HHH suck the heat out of next?

    Amen. Hunter's opening promo on RAW last week was awesome too. He plays the role of a total asshole so well.
  14. Use Your Illusion

    What program will HHH suck the heat out of next?

    Fuck this bullshit. Triple H has done nothing but add to the Eugene character, if not made it even better. Hunter is an awesome heel, and he is seriously workin' it with Eugene. Suck a dick, the lot of you. UYI
  15. Use Your Illusion

    The OAO Showdown: Legends of Wrestling Thread!

    Holy shit! It got the Scroby Rental Seal of Approval?! RENT THIS GAME NOW
  16. Use Your Illusion

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    Can a Spidey-fan cover this one for me: Is MJ still alive in the comics? If not, under what circumstances did she meet her demise? UYI
  17. Use Your Illusion

    The OAO Showdown: Legends of Wrestling Thread!

    Isn't it great how when Owen hits an enzuguri, his opponent falls to the ground clutching his lower spine. And by great I mean 'not great at all'. UYI
  18. Use Your Illusion

    U.S. Government vs Video Games Part 97

    Yeah the Friendship finisher and the Baby finisher (which I forget it's actual name) were two of the nastyest, gruesomest ways to finish off someone. I hate these people I really do. You're an idiot.
  19. Use Your Illusion

    GNR Behind the Music

    That's the only conclusion I can come to. I can understand doubt arising if they had simply stated 'sometime this year', but the information was quite specific, so it had to come from somewhere. It was due LAST November too, wasn't it? UYI
  20. Use Your Illusion

    Dave Meltzer's Great American Bash Review

    I think Bradshaw has stepped up his wrestling for Bradshaw. I mean, honestly, who gave Bradshaw a chance of pulling ***+ matches, even if it was with Eddie Guerrero? Guerrero couldn't pull * out of people like Kevin Nash or Nathan Jones or any of Hoss, Inc. so I think Bradshaw deserves credit where credit is due. At least he's gotten to a level where he can be led through a better-than-average match. Oh, no doubt, JBL has really stepped up his game. The thing is, Bradshaw at his best still leaves us with bad matches. He tries, yes, but he just isn't an entertaining wrestler as much as he is an entertaining character. I highly disagree with Meltzer's star rating for that match. No way in hell was it ***. In fact, Judgement Day was better and it wasn't even ***. While it is going to come down to a matter of opinion, I just cannot see how anyone could give it anything higher than **3/4. UYI
  21. Use Your Illusion

    Dave Meltzer's Great American Bash Review

    If only JBL could back up his character in the ring, because his gimmick is one of the best WWE has delivered in a good while. What I don't understand is the demotion of Booker T. Book is obviously the best contender on SD! for the top heel position, however they continue to degrade him and have him float around in the US division with the idioctic John Cena. The way I see things, Eddie should of retained then gone on to feud with Booker T while JBL could have faced the Undertaker or possibly Rob Van Dam. For shame, Vince. UYI
  22. Use Your Illusion

    What kind of shape are you in?

    Are you flirting with me?
  23. Use Your Illusion

    GNR Behind the Music

    Well, Axl would have gone ballistic had the BTM program gone ahead and stated a release date that was wrong, and we haven't heard anything from him yet. It gets to the point where GNR fans begin to grasp onto whatever microscopic points they can find in order to justify believing in the latest rumour, which is a sad indication of how things are right now in GNR land. As per usual, time will tell. UYI
  24. Use Your Illusion


    Wait, did Hoff call Kotz 'baby'?
  25. Use Your Illusion

    What kind of shape are you in?

    6'2, 180 lbs. I'm also really hot. UYI