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Ed Wood Caulfield

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Everything posted by Ed Wood Caulfield

  1. Ed Wood Caulfield

    all-time top three wrasslin' games

    1.(tie) WWF No Mercy 1.(tie) WWE SmackDown!: Here Comes The Pain 3. WCW/NWO Revenge Man, I miss the days of No Mercy, WCW/NWO: Revenge, and WrestleMania 2000 when EVERYONE on the roster was in the game. I loved playing as anyone from The Rock to Viscera.
  2. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Degrassi Junior High

    Speaking of Emma, whatever happen to that black guy she was dating for like two episodes? I know they broke up, but he just disappeared afterwards which has always puzzled me. You can still see him in the opening credits though. Oh, and Ellie is the hottest girl on the show.
  3. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Recent purchases

    Saturday Night Live: The Best Of Christopher Walken The Self Destruction Of The Ultimate Warrior
  4. Ed Wood Caulfield

    10/13 Booking

    -PRL needs a match this week against anyone. I'll even put the 24/7 Title on the line. If you need a match, PM me. -Lightning Crew interview -Spanish Fly segment -PRL segment
  5. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Booking for 10/6

    I'll send you PRL's segments either later tonight or tomorrow morning. Can you edit them in please?
  6. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Day of Reckoning 2

    Damn is the Royal Rumble match hard! How the hell can I win when I got 3 wrestlers ganging up on me every second? It's impossible to win.
  7. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I still remembered what I said the first time I saw the "My Name Is" music video: "Oh great. Vanilla Ice Jr. He'll be gone in two months." The first time I saw Christina Aguilera's "Genie In A Bottle" music video it was the same thing: "Oh great. Britney Spears Jr. She'll be gone in two months."
  8. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Day of Reckoning 2

    Heh, I've just started the story mode, and in the semi-finals in the tournament for the World Heavyweight Title, I took on Chris Jericho. I gave Jericho a belly-to-belly suplex, a kick to the stomach, and then I did a roll up and got a pin. Took all of 50 seconds to beat him. I thought that was hilarious. The CAW mode is okay, but I think it could be better. You can't create entrance gear, nor can put text on your wrestler's gear. I'm also disappointed that "No Chance In Hell" isn't in this game, since that's the theme I always use for my CAW of myself. I used Cena's theme instead. On the bright side, I love creating my own entrance.
  9. Ed Wood Caulfield

    What are you listening to right now?

    Beastie Boys-Car Thief
  10. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Whatever happened to Smilez & Southstar? I remembered loving "Tell Me" back in 2002, although I seem to be the only one who enjoyed that song. It wasn't even a big hit. Also, whatever happened to Lumindee? She had a big hit in the summer of 2003 with "Never Gonna Leave You (Uh Oh)" then she disappeared off the face of the earth. Did she even release a second single? I have a bad track record when it comes to predicting who will stay popular and who will be a one hit wonder. When "My Name Is" came out in '99, I was certain that Eminem was going to be a one hit wonder who would disappear in two months. I thought Britney Spears was going to be a one hit wonder too.
  11. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Booking for 10/6

    -Has Spanish Fly gotten his mask back? -Tha Puerto Rican needs a match for next week, so if anybody is free, PM me. The 24/7 Title will be on the line. -Spanish Fly vs. Vitamin X
  12. Ed Wood Caulfield

    World Without End booking

    OAOAST 24/7 CHAMPIONSHIP "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican (Champion with Stephen Joseph Popick) vs. Spanish Fly (Challenger) Vitamin X vs. Otaku II
  13. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Booking for 9/29

    -PRL will do something
  14. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Dirty Deeds feedback

    Hey, where's the PRL/SJ-Black T match?
  15. Ed Wood Caulfield

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    That's interesting, since I've loved Invasion Of The Neptune Men since the first time I saw it, and it's my favorite episode.
  16. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Booking for 9/22

    I'm not going to have my match done in a half hour, so just save a spot for me on the show please.
  17. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Just in case

    Good luck man. Hope your house doesn't suffer much damage.
  18. Ed Wood Caulfield

    9/15 feedback

    It twas a good show. The Zack/Leon/Maria segment was hilarious. I loved it. Once again, Masked Man Of Mystery did a great job with one of my Lightning Crew members. I can't wait to see what happens with Spanish Fly and Otaku II next. I'm disappointed that Hoff never sent me his part of our match, as I was looking forward to writing it. Oh well. Thumbs up.
  19. Ed Wood Caulfield

    1000 Reasons why Late Night with Conan O'Brien

    128. Conan at the movies.
  20. Ed Wood Caulfield

    1000 Reasons why Late Night with Conan O'Brien

    127. The Walker Texas Ranger clip where Walker gives a necklace to a young Mexican girl, and the mother saids, in the most monotone voice, "Oh Walker."
  21. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Recent purchases

    My birthday was last Monday. Most of my presents were DVDs, which were: Chappelle's Show Season 1 Uncensored Chappelle's Show Season 2 Uncensored The Simpsons: The Complete Sixth Season (I actually like the Homer's head box) Arrested Development Season One The Critic: The Complete Series The Monday Night War: WWE RAW IS WAR VS. WCW Monday Nitro Futurama Volume 1 The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Collection Volume 6 The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Collection Volume 7 The Greatest Wrestling Stars Of The '80s Mystery Men
  22. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Family Guy and American Dad for 8/18

    I laughed the most during the scene where Meg went out with the guy who was the narrator on Superfriends and the guy saids "Meanwhile, under Meg Griffin's bra!" and then they cut to the next scene. The fact that they just stopped at that line and went to the next scene was great. I thought American Dad was hilarious. The scene where Stan is singing with a guitar wearing an Amish beard made me laugh the most. And I always love parodies of 1950s educational shorts so the "masturbation is bad" short film was great.
  23. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Booking for 9/15!

    Has anybody heard from Hoff?
  24. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Dirty Deeds Booking Thread.

    "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican & Stephen Joseph Popick vs. Black T
  25. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Booking for 9/15!

    -"The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican cuts a promo on Spanish Fly -Otaku II vs. Cuban Wall