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Ed Wood Caulfield

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Everything posted by Ed Wood Caulfield

  1. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Deadly Games feedback

    The quote of the night! This show rocked. Everything flowed well. I skimmed through the show but I read the Elimination Chamber Match in its entirety and I LOVED it. It was way better than I expected. I will say that I'm just a little disappointed that my 2 ideas for the match: PRL climbs one of the sides of the chamber and does a moonsault onto Blurricane. PRL does a FU Elbow Drop onto Zack Malibu from one of the Chambers, were not used. Other than that, I was fine with the match and loved how PRL was one of the Final Three and eliminated Zack Malibu in the process. I'll read the entire show later, but I loved what I saw. I give the PPV a 9. It's the best PPV I've read this year next to AngleMania II. This show gets two thumbs up from me.
  2. Ed Wood Caulfield

    The Deadly Game Thread

    I was going to write a Elimination Chamber music video, but I'm lazy so I just didn't bother. That was the only thing I had wanted to write for the PPV. What exactly is taking the PPV so long to get posted?
  3. Ed Wood Caulfield

    The SMARK Awards

    Worst Raw Wrestlers: Mark Henry, Scott Steiner, Gail Kim, Rodney Mack Worst SD! Wrestler: Nathan Jones Worst Match: Triple H vs. Scott Steiner at Royal Rumble 2003 Worst Angles: Vince McMahon vs. Mr. America, Vince McMahon vs. Stephanie McMahon, Zach Gowen tries to get a WWE contract with help from Stephanie McMahon (I actually found Shane vs. Kane entertaining.....in a Plan 9 From Outer Space sort of way) Anything involving Torrie Wilson Worst ppv: Can't say. The only PPVs I saw this year were Royal Rumble, WrestleMania XIX, SummerSlam, and Survivor Series and I liked them all Biggest Disappointments: Nathan Jones, Sean O' Haire, Randy Orton giving up the RNN gimmick, The Rock only appearing in the WWE for 2 1/2 months and not knowing when he'll be back, Chris Benoit not winning the WWE Title this year, Eddie Guerrero not getting an actual main event push despite his popularity TSM's Most Hated: Vince McMahon
  4. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Top Ten Matches in WWE in 2003...

    Top 10 Favorite Matches of 2003: 1. Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania XIX-March 30, 2003) 2. Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle (Royal Rumble 2003-January 19, 2003) 3. Team Austin (Booker T., Rob Van Damn, The Dudley Boyz & Shawn Michaels) vs. Team Bischoff (Christian, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Mark Henry & Scott Steiner) (Survivor Series 2003-November 16, 2003) 4. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock (WrestleMania XIX-March 30, 2003) 5. Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar (WrestleMania XIX-March 30, 2003) 6. John Cena vs. Eddie Guerrero: Latino Street Fight (SmackDown! ???) 7. Matt Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio (SmackDown! June 4, 2003) 8. Ric Flair vs. Triple H (RAW!-May 19, 2003) 9. Vince McMahon vs. Hulk Hogan (WrestleMania XIX-March 30, 2003) 10. The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan (No Way Out 2003. I'm a Hogan mark. Besides, these are my FAVORITE matches of 2003.)
  5. Ed Wood Caulfield

    End of Year Awards

    MVP of the year : Brock Lesnar Match of the year : Tie between Jericho/HBK and Austin/Rock from WrestleMania XIX Raw wrestler of the year : Chris Jericho Smackdown wrestler of the year : Eddie Guerrero Rookie of the year : John Cena Tag team of the year : Los Guerreros Feud of the year : Tie between Hogan/McMahon (Before the Mr. America angle) and HBK/Jericho. I also liked Rock/Hogan and Austin/Rock just because of Rock's segments on RAW and SmackDown! PPV of the year : WM19 Storyline of the year : Tie between the Jericho/Trish/Christian/Lita love storyline and The Rock's heel turn Announcer of the year : Tazz And I like to nominate John Cena for Most Improved Wrestler of the year.
  6. Ed Wood Caulfield

    What are you listening to right now?

    Quarashi-"Mr. Jinx"
  7. Ed Wood Caulfield

    The Deadly Game Thread

    I'm going to try and send in a Elimination Chamber Unlucky 7 video by tommorrow afternoon.
  8. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    My All-Time Top 5 Favorite Songs: 1. New Radicals-"Get What You Give" 2. Public Enemy-"Shut 'Em Down" 3. Quarashi-"Mr. Jinx" 4. Public Enemy-"Fight The Power" 5. Rage Against The Machine-"Guerilla Radio"
  9. Ed Wood Caulfield

    IZ after Deadly Game

    -Special bonus footage from backstage at OaOasT Deadly Game: Unlucky 7 concerning Puerto Rican Lightning and a certain someone else. -Can we start the show with a Puerto Rican Lightning promo? The promo will be about the results of the Elimination Chamber Match and what happened after the match backstage at Deadly Game. Expect PRL to confront this person in the ring also. -Cuban Wall vs. another jobber. -Colombian Heat vs. some jobber with Thomas Rodreguiez as the referee. -OaOasT North American & Puerto Rican Championship Match: Puerto Rican Lightning vs. A Puerto Rico "Ledgend" Can this be the main event?
  10. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Ratings Feed Turkey Day Edition

    Good show. Nothing was bad and it hyped up Deadly Game real well. I give it a 9. Hey Zack, you forgot to give me credit for writing the Josh Matthews PPV rundown segment.
  11. Ed Wood Caulfield


    Do any of you TSM members own any pets? I, myself, have a small, male black and white cat named Snowball that I've had since August of last year. It's the only pet I've ever had actually. Anyone else got any pets? Or, have you ever had any pets in your life?
  12. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Feedy Poll

    Alrighty then. I'll have my segments in to you by tonight.
  13. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Thanksgiving HeldDOWN~! booking

    Would it be okay if I sent you a PPV Rundown segment and a Elimination Chamber music video?
  14. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Feedy Poll

    I apoligize for not sending in my segments into the show. Can I please, PLEASE send in my segments so that they can be edited in? I had alot of stuff plan to hype up the PPV and I would appercaite it if they were edited in, please.
  15. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Top Five Music Videos

    I got a few more: Quarashi-Mr. Jinx Eminem & Dr. Dre-Guilty Conscience Fatboy Slim-Weapon of Choice Johnny Cash-Hurt Beastie Boys-Body Moving Beastie Boys-Sabotage
  16. Ed Wood Caulfield

    IZ Booking

    I don't think I'll have time to write the match with the other 4 segments I got to do. It could take me all day to do those segments. Can Calvin or Jay or LaParka write the match? What time are the segments suppose to be due in by?
  17. Ed Wood Caulfield

    DVD Releases

    The MST3K fan in me made me want to check out Crossroads and Glitter just to riff on it, and sadly, those movies are as bad as everyone hypes them up to be. Sometimes I was so caught up in how bad those films were, that it was difficult to make fun of it. Glitter even made fun of itself. They're not the worst films ever though. Any MST3K fan will tell you there have been more wretched films made that make Glitter seem like Citizein Kane. Invasion of the Neptune Men for example. I think I may even give Gigli a try, since I think MST3K has made me immune to horrible movies. And I also liked Ready To Rumble. No Holds Barred was worst than Ready To Rumble.
  18. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Top Five Music Videos

    New Radicals-Get What You Give Public Enemy-Shut 'Em Down Rage Against The Machine-Guerilla Radio "Weird" Al Yankovich-Amish Paradise Rage Against The Machine-Sleep Now In The Fire Beastie Boys-Intergalatic
  19. Ed Wood Caulfield

    IZ Booking

    Okay then. Who will be writing that match? And when are the segments due?
  20. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Calculate the day you will die

    Friday, June 24, 2061. I'll be 75. Kind of approate, since I graduated from 5th Grade (the best school year of my life) on June 24, 1999.
  21. Ed Wood Caulfield

    IZ Booking

    PRL bringing the content~!: -Cuban Wall vs. Some Jobber -Puerto Rican Lightning/Calvin Szechstein Segment concerning The Elimination Chamber Match -PPV Rundown -Unlucky 7 Music Video May I suggest that the main event be Puerto Rican Lightning & Calvin Szechstein vs. Blurricane & "Shooter" Jay Darring since it involves the competitors in the Elimination Chamber?
  22. Ed Wood Caulfield

    WrestleMania XX's main event

    I'd like to see The Rock vs. John Cena with Rock putting Cena over. Plus, I LOVE to see the promos those two would have against each other.
  23. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Movies or TV Shows that made you cry

    The original ending of the Quantamn Leap episode "Mirror Image", the series finale of the show, was originally a two part episode with part 2 being aired at the start of the next season. However, NBC cancelled the show and edited "Mirror Image" to become the series finale. Rumor has it, that in the conclusion of "Mirror Image" Al, the bartender, would reveal himself to be God, and he controlled where Sam leaped. They did let you know in the series finale, that Al was more than what he said he was, due to him knowing about Sam's leaps (he said he was just a messenger), but they didn't actually flat out say that Al was God, time, or Fate and the Controller. You would also find out what happened after Sam told Al's wife that he was alive which is where Mirror Image ended. There have been rumors for years that a Quantamn Leap movie would be made to explain what happened right after "Mirror Image" ended. Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell have said that a movie deal has been in the works for a long time but nothing has gotten off the ground. They both said they would do a Quantamn Leap movie whether it be released in theatres, direct-to-video, or a made for t.v. film.
  24. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Superstars of Wrestling Themes

    My favorite Superstars intro was the one from 1990 right after Ultimate Warrior won the WWF Title. The camera zoomed in on Warrior standing in a desert while thunder and lightning struck. Then, for no reason whatsoever, Ultimate Warrior held the WWF World and WWF Intercontinental Title belts over his head, and lightning shot from his eyes onto the belts. I still love that one to this day.
  25. Ed Wood Caulfield

    Notice about IZ

    So, does this mean that I can send you more stuff? Because I could move several segments I had planned for next week to this week.