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jimmy no nose

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Everything posted by jimmy no nose

  1. jimmy no nose

    Use $2 bills, Go to jail

    So awesome. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article....RTICLE_ID=43685
  2. jimmy no nose

    Use $2 bills, Go to jail

    The only time I ever had a $2 I spent it at KFC or some other fast food place and the guy working there was really excited about it and kept it for himself and put 2 1s in the register from his pocket. I have had a convenience store worker not believe a Sacajaweah dollar was really a dollar, but he asked the manager and they took it. I wonder what kind of money the guy is going to get when he inevitably sues over this.
  3. jimmy no nose

    Guns N Roses song leaked

    Here it is http://rapidshare.de/files/1184489/irs2.mp3.html This clip sounds a lot different than the other one did. The first clip sounded more your typical rock song, this one makes it seem a little more out there. I have no idea what goes on in between these 2 clips.
  4. jimmy no nose

    Guns N Roses song leaked

    I just got sent a 43 second clip of a different part of the song by my friend. The quality is a little bit better, but still really bad. I don't know if there's anywhere to download it since all the GNR sites are taking links down. If anyone really wants it I guess I can send it by e-mail or something. It's a little weird that we go 2 years or whatever without hearing anything of this song, then exactly one week after the first clip went around there was a second clip that seems to be from a different recording. Why does everything GNR related have to be so crazy?
  5. jimmy no nose

    It's called Gigantour

    I'm a big fan of Megadeth and DEP, I like Dream Theater, don't like Fear Factory, and don't really know Nevermore. For something like $35 to see 3 awesome bands, plus maybe a few others on the second stage I'll have to go. I wonder what kind of places they'll be playing. Hopefully the come here.
  6. jimmy no nose

    Guns N Roses song leaked

    Is that recorded from the Eddie Trunk show a couple years back? I'm surprised it took so long for anything to turn up. Sounds like it may be a cool song. Can't really decide anything from that though.
  7. jimmy no nose

    Guitar Wolf Bassist Dies

    Wow, that sucks. I just saw them play a couple weeks ago. It's crazy thinking that in the last 2 months I had seen Guitar Wolf and Mitch Hedberg. Glad I didn't miss out.
  8. jimmy no nose

    Mitch Hedberg is dead?

    I just saw him in January and it was great. I was looking forward to seeing him again. I'm very sad about this since there are very few comedians who I actually make the effort to go out and see live.
  9. jimmy no nose

    Early Album of the Year Candidates?

    Although it's gotten a pretty mixed reaction from what I've seen, I'm liking the new Queens of the Stone Age. It's no R, but I think it's easily better than Songs for the Deaf.
  10. jimmy no nose

    And you thought you heard enough about steroids...

    Living in Pittsburgh and listening to Mark Madden's radio show has been fun today since about 80% of the callers have been trying to say how Barry Bonds should have all of his accomplishments taken away while the Steelers 4 Super Bowls were perfectly legitimate, even though there's as much evidence pointing to the Steeler teams as there is to Barry Bonds.
  11. jimmy no nose

    More on the Anthrax reunion..

    I just read something where Scott Ian says that Bush is still in the band even though Belladonna is touring with them. Doesn't make any sense to me.
  12. jimmy no nose

    New System of a Down album preview

    Old topic, but I thought I'd bring it back up because there's another new song. This is supposed to be the first single off the album. It's called BYOB(Bring Your Own Bombs) http://www.fzeroglobal.com/mp3/byob.mp3
  13. jimmy no nose

    The Commonly Confused Words Test

    100 100 100 77
  14. jimmy no nose

    Buy Gran Turismo 4 brand new for £0.99

    I got Grand Theft Auto San Andreas free for trading in three games I bought the day before for a total of $32. They do deals like this all the time around here and I always try to take advantage.
  15. jimmy no nose

    Fight Night Rn. 2

    I've had it since Tuesday the 1st, I think it was supposed to be out Monday the 28th but my store didn't have it in. The game is great. I think it's a big improvement over the first one. You have a little more control over how hard your punches are going to be and there's some between round decision making that can help get you back in the fight.
  16. jimmy no nose

    The NFL Offseason/Pre-Draft Thread

    I saw an article from the New York Post that said that Plaxico Burress's best contract offer so far was from the Giants at under $4 million a year and a bonus of less than $5 million. He came into the offseason expecting about twice that.
  17. jimmy no nose

    L. Coles traded for S. Moss

    I don't understand the trade for the Jets. Coles wanted out of Washington which should have given the other team in the deal some leverage with it. When both players are at their best it's no more than an even trade. Since Coles left New York Moss has proven to be a much more consistent receiver though.
  18. jimmy no nose

    Static-X guitarist arrested

    http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermo...ewsitemID=33435 I'm not a fan of Static-X but I enjoyed his work with Murderdolls and Dope and thought Tripp seemed like a cool guy from reading interviews and stuff. I guess not. That's a pretty interesting way of trying to get away with it, though, saying you impersonate yourself.
  19. jimmy no nose


    I thought the first album was alright for what it was, the second one was kind of over doing it, and that Enemy song isn't very good at all. I think at some point they started thinking they were a real band or something.
  20. jimmy no nose

    The NFL Offseason/Pre-Draft Thread

    The local channels are all saying Jerome Bettis has agreed to take another pay cut and play another season for the Steelers. He will be making $1.5 million this season.
  21. jimmy no nose

    Static-X guitarist arrested

  22. jimmy no nose

    The NFL Offseason/Pre-Draft Thread

    Is Clarett there? He said he was going to WOW everyone. Is he even there or has he decided he'll WOW them with a video tape, slightly edited? Clarett was there. I think they said his 40 time unofficially was a 4.7 and earlier he had run a 4.8. I don't know when they put out official times.
  23. jimmy no nose

    The NFL Offseason/Pre-Draft Thread

    The Steelers are supposed to make some decision about Jerome Bettis this week. I think they want to go with another $1 million deal like he had this year or just cut him. Currently they are competing with ESPN for his services.
  24. jimmy no nose

    Just Came Back From Motley Crue Concert

    I went 2 nights ago in Cleveland, it was pretty awesome. I'm a huge fan and hadn't seen the original band since 1998 so I thought it was gret just to get a chance to see them, not expecting a ton from it. I hadn't been reading the internet too much before the show and stayed away from the concert discussions so I had no idea what the stage show was going to be like. It was quite an experience. Just looking at your set list real quick the ones I notice missing from it are On With the Show and Louder than Hell which were the 2 surprises of the set and I think they've played them every night. I think Nikki's bass solo was more just to give Mick and Vince more of a rest and show of some pyro, he only played like 3 notes on his bass the whole time. Mick was pretty impressive up there, I heard him say that his disease has been pretty bad the last few years and at one point in 2002 he was even given 2 weeks to live. He was also down under 115 pounds as recently as a couple months ago, I don't know if he's gained anything back. Add to that that according to doctors he still shouldn't be walking without crutches from his hip replacement. He was great.
  25. jimmy no nose

    The NFL Offseason/Pre-Draft Thread

    What kind of cap hit are the Browns going to be taking for releasing Garcia? They really don't have anyone else who can start, if they plan on drafting someone this year it isn't going to be much better than last year.