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Posts posted by HarleyQuinn

  1. #2: Keep it short and simple. Don't make it a 3 story epic cuz it'll bore the reader but don't make it a 10 line skip job either. Pull the reader in, then finish so the reader wants to read more.


    As an RPer myself, I completely and wholeheartedly disagree. There are some stories which you just cannot break up, and if they were going to read your RP anyway, length will not deter people. You simply have to be a good writer to pull it off.

    Yeah, meant that just don't drone on and on and on with a story when you could wrap it up quicker and still have it be just as effective. I probably could've worded it a lot better, meh.

  2. The Clown Jester's entered herself in...erm, I entered myself...fuck it, whatever.


    As far as the RPing goes...as V said up there, make sure ya talk about your opponent. Hell, as a 5-6 year RPer, I'd be more impressed if you could build your character in an RP whilst talking about your opponent but that's just me. Honestly, it's really easy to work on giving your character a little depth while trash talking your opponent(I've sorta..hope that I've mastered this somewhat).


    Key Tips

    #1: Don't curse or if ya do, give yourself a limit. Makes you come off as more creative and more experienced.


    #2: Keep it short and simple. Don't make it a 3 story epic cuz it'll bore the reader but don't make it a 10 line skip job either. Pull the reader in, then finish so the reader wants to read more.


    #3: Push your character through your words and build a past for him/her. Helps the reader begin to understand the depth of your character and using scenery that adds to the depth also helps.


    #4: Have fun and have confidence in yourself. Give yourself one idea you want to accomplish and RP towards that goal, whether it be verbally dismantling a certain opponent or just building your character's backstory.


    That's all I can think of at the moment...

  3. I think Shockey himself's a bit overrated. Yeah, he had a great rookie season but he only put up 2 TD's. Also his arrogance really irks me as he makes a big deal about a lot of normal catches. In my opinion, unless it's a Touchdown or a big catch in a tight game(EX: 23 yard gain in a 24-21 game with 4 minutes left in the 4th) then you can showboat otherwise just play and stop being so full of your hype.
