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Golgo 13

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Everything posted by Golgo 13

  1. Golgo 13

    Movies folder not working...

    Strange. I'm getting it for some threads, but not for others. It's now happening in Video Games, the HCTP and DDP/LOW:Showdown threads in particular.
  2. Golgo 13

    No New Registrations?

    On the subject of no registrations, I think it's high time we bring it back, if only gradually with probationary measures (i.e. 24 hrs. to get out the confirmation e-mail, a 'read only' forum for the first couple days where hopefully they'll take the time to read the rules, or if it's possible, limiting the number of signups to a set number per day). I mean, there's always gonna be trolls, and thankfully more often than not, they get found out sooner rather than later. But at least now, with the stop on name changes, it'll be less confusing as to whether someone is a troll or not.
  3. Golgo 13

    Skin Suggestions

    A WDI-esque skin, definitely. Maybe a few variations on black/red, with black/blue, black/gray, etc etc. Just... something with black as the dominant color. ::hates white layouts::
  4. Golgo 13

    Information Regarding the Upgrade

    As Spiff said, there's a 'Fast Reply' option in My Controls > Board Settings, which will turn it on permanently.
  5. Golgo 13

    Downhome Hatred?

    The thing is, Prime is just a gimmick. RobStone is legitimately that stupid and ignorant.
  6. Golgo 13

    Nintendo's "mystery machine" uncovered

    I'm one of the minority who loves the GC controller. Yes, I think the action button layout could've been much better, but once I got used to it, it was damn comfortable and it feels a lot sturdier than the N64 controller. My only real complaint is the size of the d-pad.
  7. Golgo 13

    More news on the "Benoit to Raw" move

    You forgot the source given at 411... Anyway, although it shouldn't be brought up again, especially considering the multiple discussions on it lately; I never chipped in. But if it does happen this way, screw them.
  8. Golgo 13

    Just wondering....

    There are some USB cables out there that'll allow you to convert the controller for use on a comp.
  9. Golgo 13

    HTM slams Flair on his website

    ... Honky Tonk Man.
  10. Golgo 13

    SWF Lockdown Card!

    He's 230. I don't recall what the WF's rules for cruiser classification are, but in some circles, 230 is acceptable.
  11. And fantastic comprehension skills.
  12. I don't have a problem with this. I can buy it as a finisher, but only because of Stan Hansen. Of course, Bradshaw is no Hansen. Agreed. They need to ditch it and go with the super hot shot they used on Heat recently, which is at least better than the dropkick finishers. Speaking of the dropkick, how about when Holly was using it as a finisher? The Dudley Dog is horrible. As is the Stratusfaction.
  13. You know you're not bothered by it. You just admitted you see it as joking around. Even though I think the rule is a bit silly, nothing I see here constitutes a death threat or wishing for it to happen. You're just headhunting here, nothing more.
  14. Golgo 13

    Hogan, Hart Want To Start New Wrestling Promotion?

    Didn't they already do this minus Bret? And it failed miserably.
  15. Golgo 13

    SJL Wrath Card - January 18th

    Isn't Maddix still in line for a shot? Eh. Nevermind. Just re-read the announcement.
  16. Golgo 13

    Diamond Dallas Page added to LOW:SHOWDOWN!

    Steiner signed a licensing contract with them before ever signing with WWE.
  17. Golgo 13

    The WWE Folder

    Remove the emoticons....seriously do we even need them?? Nine times out of ten, I do try and contribute something. If I always posted inane shit like that, you'd think I would have more posts. And in this instance, the smiley was clickable, pointing to the previous thread which is no different than what others do in cases of multiple threads. Why I do it this way, I don't know. I just do, maybe for a sardonic twist that isn't something along the lines of coming out and calling someone and idiot for not looking at the folder listing. To be perfectly honest, I despise smileys and before this one time, can't remember the last time I used one. I would rather have them gone completely due to the rampant overuse of them.
  18. Golgo 13

    WWE News...

  19. Golgo 13

    Spanky quits WWE

    Anyone but Mike Sparks! In all seriousness, while I am disappointed and slightly pissed that Spanky left, it doesn't surprise me either. Once he was past the "being demolished by Undertaker" thing, he got over pretty quickly, yet WWE couldn't be arsed to do anything with him other than mini-feuds with Matt and Cena.
  20. Golgo 13

    Name this song.....all I know is.....

    Herb Alpert - Spanish Flea
  21. Golgo 13

    Are TNA fans...

    Smart marks. Aside from the local Nashville crowd, I can say that rarely would anyone know of TNA if they weren't involved on the internet (the general gathering place of smart marks) in some way.
  22. Golgo 13

    Where is EZ Money?

    Yeah. EZ was one of the original WCW signees when WWF bought them. Then he proceeded to rot in HWA until being released.
  23. Golgo 13

    Von Dutch...

    They are very expensive, about $75.00 for that hat. I have seen some for $45.00, which is also a lot, but if I had extra cash I would buy it. Jesus Christ. Seriously, what's the point? Buy a different brand hat in the same style for $5-$10 and save the rest of your money for something that you won't regret buying in a year.
  24. Golgo 13

    Crimson Comments

    First show of the New Year. Yay. Manson Promo: Eh. The end result wasn't as good as my ideas for it were. Likely because I don't have a penchant for commentary, or crowd atmosphere. I talked so much, that it goes against the Manson character. I'm not also a good 'pure' writer, so deviating from the format I knew best was a mistake... Oh, screw it, you got the basic point. DD v. Fruity Frankie: Yeah. Maddix v. Clark: Good stuff. Ending seemed rushed though. But whatever gets the win. I like the story going into the the eventual World Title Match. Royal/Spike Promo: Funny stuff. Stoner references from films. I like. Casey/Helmsley v. Spike/Royal: By the Grace of Todd, this was great, solid stuff all around. I liked Todd being Todd, playing nice, manipulating Spike and the fans to get what he wanted, until the big moment at the end when he had no more use for Spike.