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Golgo 13

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Everything posted by Golgo 13

  1. Golgo 13

    Board colors?

    adminbot happened.
  2. Golgo 13

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Is anyone else playing Audiosurf? It's pretty fun, only $10 and with some improvements would be worth far more and prime for a bigger release. The only real downside is no controller support at the moment (except for the 360 pad, I think), which is easily solved with something like Joy2Key anyway.
  3. Golgo 13

    Bad Candy

    I hate Cadbury Creme Eggs. Or at least I think I do. I just remember not liking them at all.
  4. Golgo 13

    Bad Candy

    Fucking winner.
  5. Golgo 13

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    That Mayweather press conference sounds awesome. They need to pull a double turn or something since the guy is such a great natural heel.
  6. Golgo 13

    This week in the NBA

    He'd fit well with the Nuggets and they need him badly, but I don't think they can afford it. In about three weeks Atkins comes back anyway, but who knows if he'll fit given that he's only played about three games this year. Anything to get Carter down to a situational/third option though.
  7. Golgo 13

    Promo: Natural Selection

    On the road sometime before From the Fire, comes a blank screen, followed by static and distortion, and finally Manson in his wrestling gear with a towel draped over his head, as he sits in the corner of a makeshift dressing room at some unknown venue. "The place where I am right now doesn't really matter, but the time is a short while after Can't Get a Date, where… to my disappointment, my friend and partner, Michael Alexander, defied the odds by defeating me and retaining the SWF World Heavyweight Champion." "He has the night off, one of the perks of being the man in the SWF right now, I'm sure, while I'm here in some forgotten and godforsaken town at the request of Landon Maddix." "While Alexander was given the night off, I was given the option, and I… said no. I didn't know why, really. I don't like the idea of risking my neck in front of a crowd that can't… no, a crowd that doesn't want to be saved and doesn't appreciate my efforts and attempts to do so. I'm doing it for them, to take those that can't help themselves and give them the pleasure of following me to Elysium, but they continue to refuse." "They're complacent being where they are, and if there's one thing that's different between me and them, it's that I don’t settle. I guarantee their path only leads to an empty existence of nothingness, a notion I wholeheartedly reject and spit on, because I know what it's like to be in the dark, without hope and stuck in a dismal, dreary place like this. I'm not content being a farmer or a factory worker, something common... that isn't the life for me. My brand of pride is different, I make the attempt to better myself, to become stronger, faster, to reach heights no man has before, to ascend, by any means." "I don’t need anything I might get from the people in this empty town. I don't need the money. I don't need pats on the back for coming out or the favor of Landon Maddix. No, it must be because of that. My pride and that, which are intrinsically linked. It always comes back to that which anyone here or in the world is afraid to face, that… is their internal darkness. The part of yourself that's willing to hurt yourself and others in order to get what you want, the part of yourself that likes seeing what it can do and how much it can ravage." "It's something of an instinct, and though I am better than the average man, it's something closer to the reasoning of beasts that I always come back to. I'm willing to embrace it, to savor it in order to push myself ahead and stay ahead of the curve, and it's why I'll always be the better man, basically superior." "I can never forget that feeling of seeing red. No matter how much I may change and mellow over the years, what I did to Michael Alexander I'm willing to do again. If I have to be the bad guy, to feel the pulse of life and hold their heartbeat in my hands, wash myself in their fear and taste their agony, I'll be that. I'll be the beast looking for nothing more than to satiate his own bloodlust." "I'll admit it, it's painful. It stirs something that man has been trying to push down for hundreds of thousands of years, and I'm no different, and all because of the antiquated notion that we're a level above. It honestly hurt me deep down to bloody Alexander and go that far, to do something so vile to someone I can call my friend. However, it feels so good to give in, and to say you're nothing more than an animal and embrace your repressed instincts, well, it really only brings you closer to the truth of the world itself." "No, I didn't like it, really, but I'll do it. Yes, in the battle with Michael Alexander it was the most painful of all, because this is my friend's blood on my hands, buried beneath my fingertips, staining my skin and tainting my soul no matter how much I try to wash it away, but again, I'll carry the burden." "Though because of that… since I did go that far, I can say I am better than you." "It may be a truth no one wants to hear, especially Michael, but since I went ahead with it and did it when he couldn't, it proves that I am still the more dominant, more willing half of Slaughterhouse Five! The result of that match be damned… between the strength in my arms, the power I command and my will deep inside, it's something I'll always have over you, Michael Alexander!" "It's not enough, though. I still need what you have, whatever it is besides the title that makes you tick, which is why I'll stay by your side, Michael. For as long as it takes, we'll remain Slaughterhouse Five. I won't quit or stray from reaching the goal of World Heavyweight Champion, though, so while I'm at your side with my sword and shield in hand, I hope you realize who the better half of Slaughterhouse Five is." "I'll never be second best to you or anyone, Michael, but if you need my support in order to keep the SWF World Heavyweight Championship warm before passing it on to me, then I'll give you all I have. I'll kill for Slaughterhouse Five if I need to and I hope you return my kindness by showing the willingness to do the same." "Which is why… Jake, Taiga. Because I am who I am, it's my onus to tell you about the bullseye on your back. Jake, as part of Revolution Zero, you live in the past, hanging on to what was. We proved as much when Alexander took Toxxic's Heavyweight Championship. Meanwhile I look to the future and what's ahead, and let me tell you, it shines bright. Not only for myself, but for the whole of Slaughterhouse Five, and I'll prove it." "Meanwhile, Taiga, you have your whole life ahead of you, so why? I don't know why you've come to the SWF. Frankly, I don't care, but why risk it? Because if you step in with me, you'll be hurt… badly. You can step out of this now, but if not, I can't guarantee your safety. You'll be nothing more than what I said, a means to an end for me to better myself, to change into something better than great. Yes, I've seen the future and no matter how it goes down, I'm telling you that you aren't in it. So, Jake and Taiga. Either accept this, drop out and escape with your health intact, or become a victim of evolution."
  8. Golgo 13

    This week in the NBA

    I really hate the idea of a short term rental who we may not be able to keep and has a chance of not fitting in at all and eventually becoming a disruption. The guy is just a question mark going to a team with two main guys, multiple dominating personalities and a lot of questions themselves, who's going to want his own touches and be more than the defensive stopper the Nuggets need. Perhaps it was overblown and not that big of a deal, but we saw what happened in Sacramento after the honeymoon. The only thing I can say is that the guy may shut up and play hard in these last few months if it's for a contract somewhere else, and if it helps Denver get out of the first, that's all the better. As for Kleiza, he's not a great defender, but he already gets along with the team and fits very well into the system, and should be a cheaper option who would help the Nuggets for years to come. Like I've said before, I think we need to try and deal with Memphis. If not on defense, we at least have a chance of dealing with our secondary issues. Hell, I wonder what the chances of getting Andre Miller back is, which would address both defense on the perimeter and the point guard thing.
  9. Golgo 13

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    I've always thought part of the introductory period for all message boards should include a read-only period and/or a hazing ritual where you're limited to one board to post on and everyone else gets to mercilessly pick at your faults and break you down. But they would just wait out the read-only period and the latter takes too much effort. So leave them be, since most of the really, really terrible new posters all come for the wrestling shit anyway, and if they make their way out of that, the process of natural selection will eventually pick out those without hope. Just be thankful Enigmecca aren't spreading their filth elsewhere on the board.
  10. Golgo 13

    Buying a New System -- Need Advice

    It's worth mentioning that the PS3 has no regional lock-out, if you care about that at all. I used to be a hardcore anti-PS3 guy, but it is looking better as new games come out and prices continue to drop. Granted, a lot of these games will eventually surface elsewhere, but it's worth the extra x amount for peace of mind and free online if that's another factor that matters to you.
  11. Golgo 13

    Buying a New System -- Need Advice

    The 360 version of SvR08 is slightly better than the PS3 when it comes to customization. The Wii version doesn't even factor in. Storylines are kind of a weird thing to care about, but regardless, this year's version is trash all around. If it's any consolation, TNA Impact will be out this year and looks to be coming along nicely, and Fire Pro Returns is a cheap option if you buy a backwards compatible PS3 or a now inexpensive PS2... though FPR and presumably Impact will lack a story mode. The 360 has its problems which, though I don't have one, make me cautious of ever buying it. Though the 360 is said to be coming out with a Blu Ray add-on in the near future, thus taking away one of the PS3's advantages. Anyway, 360 is cheaper in all forms than the PS3, but there's always the possibility of RRoD hassles. Personally, since the PS2 is dirt cheap and I already have one anyway, when the time comes I may just get a basic PS3 unit along with the Wii, since I wouldn't need backwards compatibility. The PS2 + base PS3 option is only $30 more than a fully loaded 80gb PS3 anyway, albeit with less space.
  12. Golgo 13

    This week in the NBA

    I'm gonna play some homer here. The Iverson/Melo concern is such a tired one by now. It's certainly true that they're the only two big scorers on the team, though because of the various inconsistencies and inconsistent minutes of Kleiza and Smith, waiting for Martin to come back into form... which he nearly has, and the only concern now is to see if he can hold up... and the injuries to Nene, along with Camby's only offensive game being his spot-up jumper since he has no post-up, have left the Nuggets with no real choice. Frankly, every time Camby spots up at the top of the key looking for his own shot, it only takes away from what he should be doing all the damn time, staying inside. I think the debate has been put to rest, honestly, and the criticism is only cited by those whose only consistent exposure to the Nuggets is through the media and their own year old plus concerns. Each of their PPG is down and Anthony himself has improved, since he's actually grabbing rebounds and looking to pass now. Granted, no one knows what'll happen come playoff time, but I think things will continue as they have been. What'll really sink the Nuggets is their horrid defense and having no true, defined third option/consistent perimeter scorer. It won't do anything about their defense, but I think Mike Miller is Denver's best bet out of all the trade rumors.
  13. Golgo 13

    From The Fire Availability Thread

    I'm pretty sure I'll have internet access (Clusterfuck) and won't be sick (Can't Get A Date), so I'm up for something.
  14. Golgo 13

    SWF "Can't Get A Date" (Card)

    So. I didn't turn anything in. Got sick, tried to slog through the couple days before deadline in order to finish the match, but couldn't last. Manson blows his shot again, the end.
  15. Golgo 13

    Do we still have a chat?

    I guess it's still up, but everyone had stopped going there.
  16. Golgo 13

    This week in the NBA

    No. No. No. This had better be bullshit.
  17. Golgo 13

    Help me find Super Nintendo ROMs

    http://board.zsnes.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.ph...p;highlight=360 Try whatever they say there. I wouldn't know from personal experience.
  18. In the center of a filthy, grimy ring dimly lit by the lights hanging above is a single chair, upon which Manson, in jeans and leather jacket sits, thinking, as we fade in. "It doesn't take some kind of genius to figure why this scene is familiar," he says, leaning forward, resting upon his knees. "Since I know he's watching, I'm sure it hit Michael right away. It's gone through some changes, but it's the very same ring in which he ran down Toxxic before doing the unthinkable in taking his belt, but I'm not here for a retrospective. It's definitely not some sort of mindgame nor because I'm particularly superstitious. He wouldn't fall for any of it anyway, so it'd be foolish to try. No, it's nothing more than an appropriate place for just this occasion." "But, the reason I've broken my silence, why I'm doing now what Landon, Suicide King, or Benjamin Hardy couldn't get me to do, is because the time is right. I owe everyone, including Michael Alexander, what I'm about to say." "It'll be Manson versus Michael Alexander in a few days time. We've been set against one another by conspiring forces, our stars set to collide. We're on a path of destruction the likes of which will cause the ground to split and swallow every being whole, and, in fact, destroy what we know… the universe, everything we hold dear… and after the fear and uncertainty passes… we know nothing will ever be the same again." "So, the question is … after all the good, why things have come down to this, Manson and Michael Alexander in a fight for the World Heavyweight Championship… and, in fact, for our life, our destiny," he sighs, before running a hand through his hair, before leaning forward once more. "I have nothing against Michael Alexander. There's a reason why we became Slaughterhouse Five. There is no better combination, we're both superior beings. It was inevitible that we would find some common ground. But maybe it's because of that, being of a similar mind that we would fracture at some point. This was also inevitible, perhaps. But for all the talk of forces conspiring to drive a wedge between the uncrowned Tag Team Champions and the best team in the SWF, of all things working behind the scenes, whether it be the ownership, or something higher, like fate, destiny, or a god at work, it's all bogus," he says, rising from his seat. "Let it be known, then, that while Michael Alexander, the rookie sensation was defeating Toxxic much like Toxxic had before, I was turning everything on my end, bringing us to this point now. While Alexander was setting a new standard, I rose up and reminded everyone of the kind of man I am, why I should be feared. Now that we're down this road, now that it's happening, there's no choice… but to see it through to the bitter end." "Despite those like Johnny Dangerous, Landon Maddix and others set on my path, looking to deter me, they couldn't withstand my strength, nor the fate that brings us here now. If I may be called a bull, let them be the victims of a stampede, simply unfortunate enough to be standing in the way and ground into the dirt by a savage, rampaging beast looking for blood… and, though it may be a bitter pill to swallow, Michael Alexander, now I want what you have. Even if it means assuring our destruction, I'll stop at nothing to win the World Heavyweight Championship." "I have professed to divinity in the past and we know God to be loving and benevolent. However, no benevolent being would ever fathom doing what I've done nor what I'm prepared to do, and that, friends, is to go through anyone and everyone in my way by any means necessary. If it means wielding that power and ensuring my legacy and dominion over the world, I would do it. Yes, I've said before that I'm willing to burn and maim in order to do so, to establish my place and enforce what I hold to be true… and what kind of loving God would do that?" he asks, sliding his hands down into his jean pockets. "So, Michael Alexander. My comrade, my… friend, even it means the annihilation of what we've built in Slaughthouse Five, I ask you this. As one man to another, don't show me any mercy, don't hold back. Because I expect you to do so, I want you to come at me with everything you have, and I shall do the same. If you don't… then I promise that you, Michael Alexander, won't come out of this alive…" he says, as he turns his back to the camera, walking into the black, and we fade out.
  19. Golgo 13

    Help me find Super Nintendo ROMs

    Everything I have bookmarked. coolrom.com romhustler.net emuv2.com emuhustle.net rombomb.com snesorama.us Or just say fuck it and grab a torrent. Take a look here if you're looking for a smaller batch.
  20. Golgo 13

    An old debate brought up again

    I like the old way of doing things and used to hate the idea of this or of becoming the OAOAST/other federations, but as we evolve and basically try to stay alive, it becomes necessary to take a risk and try things like this and other ideas we wouldn't even have considered before. If it actually brings people in, as long as it doesn't completely betray our identity, I'm for it. For some, basically handling two characters at once would keep things fresh and cause them to stick around. Like Bruce said, too, no one says these teams have to break up, since they would presumably stick around and would be in more of a true tag team fashion, and feuds can be carried by just the one half of the team competing per week. I don't think it would be awful to have one half of the team be a designated 'primary' character, either, with which you can go after titles other than the tag belts. Especially as we continue to place increasingly less focus on things like match records and overly detailed title histories. I actually think it's advantageous to write these things by yourself, which was my initial concern. But, much like the non-competitive tomato cans, which has worked fine, we may as well give it a shot.
  21. Golgo 13


    It's tempting because he's the type that'll try continually to get back in and would provide some entertainment that way, but I'll say no, since I'm a zero ban advocate.
  22. Golgo 13

    Radical Opinions

    Teaching kids about the Beatles and how to avoid the temptations of Yu-Gi-Oh would solve all of this.
  23. Golgo 13

    Dumbest Comment of the Day at TSM

    That's a whole new standard there.
  24. Golgo 13

    The OaO Raw Is Taped thread - 11/2/2008

    God. Why couldn't they bring him in as the Ripper.
  25. Golgo 13

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Yeah, it's as a result of the Marvel license changing hands. But at least now there is hope for Marvel vs. Capcom 3! I had no idea the license was up in the air until you mentioned it. But I doubt the Marvel Online cancellation has anything to do with that. The agreement that ended was with EA, which involved fighting games only, as far as I know. There are wholly separate licenses for adventure and role-playing games. While returning to Capcom would be amazing (and I would want them to concentrate on Marvel fighters alone before MvC3, anyway), and although it would seem they're the only contender in the running, it's not a sure thing.