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Golgo 13

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Everything posted by Golgo 13

  1. Golgo 13

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    The roadkill is entertaining but Kenny is as good as done. He'll never have a meaningful role in WWE unless we suddenly find out about some hidden pliable charisma underneath all the bland. He needs change all around, whether it's getting some new gear, changing his last name again, or something else. To think he was the stand-out in the Spirit Squad
  2. Golgo 13

    13th Hour Prophecies

    THE MAIN EVENT - TRIPLE THREAT - WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix © vs. Johnny Dangerous vs. Alan Clark ---> Maddix. SUB-MAIN EVENT - BRITISH RULES MATCH Toxxic vs. "The Beast" Gabriel Drake ---> Toxxic. SWF CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Wildchild © vs. The Fabulous Jakey ---> WC. INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP #1 CONTENDERS MATCH "The Dean of Wrestling" Jay Hawke vs. Zyon ---> Hawke. BERMUDA TRIANGLE MATCH - HARDCORE TITLE Jimmy the Doom vs. Austin Sly vs. Manson ---> An Octopus. SPECIAL ATTRACTION Kibagami vs. Manson ---> I'm feeling really good about this one, dudes. MANSON.
  3. I just looked and YouTube has the match in two parts and the stretcher SSP afterwards. Watch and enjoy heel Kidman.
  4. That was pretty good. It was after Kidman concussed Chavo with a knee to the side of the head and they started the angle as a result. As I recall they had to drop it after the stretcher attack because London broke his nose a couple weeks prior.
  5. Golgo 13

    SWF 13th Hour 2007!

    That would be Zed attempting a comeback.
  6. Golgo 13

    The Youtube Thread

    Wow. Check out the rest of that guy's videos. He has a fuckload of stuff.
  7. Golgo 13

    So Leena's banned.... again

    View Member Profile -> Posts, you lazy fucks. It's there.
  8. I think as long as a move is sold not only in the ring but by the broadcast team as a surefire killer anything can get over even if a bunch of guys do it. Look at the FU or Spear. I don't necessarily think it's an issue of something being overdone or everyone seeing it all before. I reckon small guys need to do this stuff because without some kind of flash they just end up working the same style as the other stiffs on the roster but don't look nearly as impressive up close or when doing so and in WWE don't get nearly as much time. The only real advantage any of these guys have is their athleticism and agility, so let them use it. Every move in wrestling is inherently dangerous. Just because one guy like Kidman can't control himself and really shouldn't be doing this stuff doesn't mean nine others are prone to the same. There are always room for freak accidents whether you're doing SSPs and Lionsaults or powerbombs and suplexes.
  9. Golgo 13

    OAO One Night Stand

    Only two weeks after the last PPV, yes, it is a bad thing.
  10. Golgo 13

    So Leena's banned.... again

    Kinda lame especially with the whole dense thing recently and what looks like a double standard when another poster uses a racial slur and gets a slap on the wrist, but I suppose she had her reputation not to mention multiple chances.
  11. I could've sworn the SSP and 450 were banned a while ago. Like way back when London allegedly complained and got stuck with the losing streak gimmick. The fact of the matter is these are professionals, not some kids in the backyard, but no matter what shit is bound to happen. Someone is bound to fuck up on a powerbomb and they certainly have before, just like you have fuck ups on SSPs or even on the basics of basics like hiptosses and suplexes. Frankly I don't think any one type of move has a higher rate of botches than another.
  12. Golgo 13

    OAO RAW Thread for 5/28

    Carlito's pretty awesome again too.
  13. Golgo 13

    OAO RAW Thread for 5/28

    I'm loving Orton right now. I'm serious.
  14. Golgo 13

    SWF 13th Hour 2007!

    If you've already picked up my stats, check out the latest.
  15. Golgo 13

    Skull Radio~!

    One as strong as MANSON giving a Lariat to someone only six inches taller who just got the tar beat out of him is by no means a stretch. But since the Lariat is his trademark, after all, it becomes more about James (or anyone in that position) coming to know who did it by going for it. The proper Curbstomp on someone of his size and the overkill there was the bigger problem, as were the segments before and after which would've been better if broken up, but which I didn't like all that much due to a number of reasons. Regardless it was all senseless, overt violence which is partially what MANSON is about. Maybe I can build it into a few self-written matches during off weeks to fill out the card and make it mean something but I don't know if I have that in me. Sides. It's MANSON. If he wants to hit Godzilla with a Lariat he'll make it happen.
  16. Who's the gambling addict? iggymcfly? Him.
  17. Golgo 13

    Tomko - TNA's Batista?

    Wasn't there supposed to be this great, new gimmick 3D was due to come in with? Instead we've been getting nothing but the same old. I wish we could at least see a heel turn or something here against the Steiners who seem to be the clear favorites after showing them up on the mic. And it's real easy to call a WCW guy a reject and it's an association that's far more harmful than recently washing out with WWE. It's nothing against Sting especially since he's pretty much beloved and may be one of a few that's immune to this, but there is that whole thing about, you know, WCW being totally awful in its last couple years, being sold off for bottom dollar and then buried, not to mention it being so long after the fact. It's an association that does no good for anyone at this point besides someone like Sting, or Flair, which is why I don't get TNA being so insistent on guys like Tenay and Jarrett. Anyway, Tomko definitely has that vibe. I don't know if it's there as much as it was with Batista, but it's definitely there. If the retards in Orlando can back a big dude with a tramp stamp like Hoyt they can definitely buy into Tomko as Batista Lite.
  18. Golgo 13

    Dear Porno

    It's the mosaics that do this to them. They need to push the boundary on whatever they can legally get away with and all because they can't view a proper pussy in porn. Though they started turning weird long before that. The numerous civil wars, having your ports opened up by force after being a remote and isolationist country for centuries, the disbanding of the Shogunate and Meiji Restoration, the most destructive weapon ever used in conflict being dropped on you, twice, and after that possessing no real culture of identity of your own with the exception of what comes to you from America will do a number on any nation, not to mention the very prevalent sexism and various social stigmas like the whole 'work like a madman until you die' thing they still do. It's no wonder Japan has lost its mind.
  19. Golgo 13

    SWF 13th Hour 2007!

    If I had known then we could've set up another double no-show between Silent and Manson.
  20. I believe Shane has been groomed primarily to succeed the business and finance side of the company.
  21. Golgo 13

    Good one guys

    I like to think someone clicked on the link to the split dick cumshot I posted a few weeks ago in LSD.
  22. Golgo 13

    Pictures I Like

    Here's a YouTube video with her featuring some more chokeslams. Chokeslams of Doom The guy who posted that on YouTube has a lot more. http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=puroresusuki
  23. Golgo 13

    I was going to not post, but...

    Oh. It was a place called DDTWrestling which I guess became this.
  24. Golgo 13

    I was going to not post, but...

    From what I remember Downhome was an admin at some other wrestling board. I forget what it was called, but the members and other staff revolted against him, and he was stripped of his status and banned by the other admins. He came here as a result with Brain and some others from that board following him. They began trolling him, spamming the board, etc., and because it happened here, some of us went over there to do the same, and it went back and forth a few times until everything was forgotten. They're the ones that spoiled DH's real name and posted his picture.
  25. Golgo 13

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Yes. Most of their themes are Dale Oliver/TNA productions. You can usually tell which ones are and aren't since they all have this similar quality to them. In any case Storm's theme bears heavy similarities to Shooter Jennings' Electric Rodeo. On another note Chris Harris' More Human Than Human rip-off is dreadful.