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Golgo 13

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Everything posted by Golgo 13

  1. Golgo 13

    13th Hour Word Count

  2. Golgo 13

    PWTorch notes on TNA

    Jarrett can't even pull off the role of lead heel.
  3. Golgo 13

    Stupid stuff that pisses you off

    The immature, low class, white trash heathens who don't even have the good sense to frame their posters. It raises the context of that poster so much more with a proper frame. Gawd.
  4. Golgo 13

    Was ECW music as important to you...

    The answer is simpler then you think: Homicide is not New Jack. He sees a black guy wearing "gangsta" clothes and assumes they are the same persona. New Jack and Homicide, are worlds apart and if you can't pick up the subtle differences in what makes them so despite the similar appearence and tendency to involve themselves in insane brawls, you never really understood either men. Is he required to list all the subtle differences and every little idiosyncrasy separating the two just so he doesn't get reamed? You know full well what he means. They may as well have the same gimmick and indeed, it is because of the similar clothing, because that's what gives off the first impression to the casual watcher. Get off your high horse.
  5. Golgo 13

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Somewhat covered in Andrew's post and link about this kind of stuff, which goes on to talk about EB Games/GameStop's policies. It's all bullshit. The focus on quotas and edicts like the much rumored 'Five Nos' handed down by corporate bosses who haven't so much as interacted with customers in decades (if they even know anything about the field they're in) just kills me and does more harm than good for the specialty game store industry (if any of them are truly specialty anymore, since they all seem intent on devoting space to and pushing DVDs I can get anywhere else). If I say no to your discount card, a pre-order for an upcoming game, or whatever it is, it means I don't want it. Ask me once, maybe again to double check, but anything over that is overkill. Especially if it's in the tone ELM described, which is what this is about. I don't care if you need me to fill your quota so your boss won't get on your ass, it's not my problem and being rude to me or anyone else after declining whatever you're pandering won't help matters.
  6. Stop with the logic, guys. You're blowing my mind.
  7. It's all moot in the long run anyway. Will Tazz's fans care enough to let their perception of him shatter? No. Will the marks aka the majority who already see Tazz as just an announcer care? No. That is if either group even noticed the earth-shattering, reality-bending punch from Lawler in the first place. It's just an exchange and brawl when all is said and done and once Tazz and Lawler both go back to being has beens in the booth it'll all be forgotten and ultimately inconsequential.
  8. His gimmick was dead when he began feuding with announcers years ago and then became one himself.
  10. Golgo 13

    WANTED: New Marker(s)

    I'll take the main events.
  11. Golgo 13

    13th Hour Predictions

    THE MAIN EVENT - SWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH LAST MAN STANDING Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix © vs. Michael Stephens ~ Stephens. SWF INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH - TAG TEAM TURMOIL! (w/out the tag teams!) Aecas © vs. Insane Luchador vs. Stryke vs. Manson vs. Matt "Cosplay Master" Myers ~ Myers. BATTLE OF THE WORLD TOUR ICONS "The Divine Wind" Akira Kaibatsu - The Seoul Survivor VS. Zyon © - The Patron Wrestler of Athens ~ Zyon. HOUSE RULES - KING'S ROAD MATCH Va'aiga vs. JJ Johnson ~ JJ Johnson. SWF HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH - CAGE MATCH "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins © vs. Sean Davis ~ Honestly? Whoever shows. The Dead Precedents vs. Tom Flesher and Charlie "Grappler" Matthews ~ Flesher and Grappler. Cruiserweight Match Wildchild vs. Grendel ~ Wildchild. Austin Sly vs. Jimmy the Doom ~ Doom.
  12. Golgo 13


    Yeah, I heard about that. One can only hope.
  13. Golgo 13


    Hey, uh, opponents, if you grabbed stats earlier today, forget those. Get the new set.
  14. Golgo 13


    Keep up, Mole. Bad, extremely low budget video game movies, specifically, mostly in the last few years with more on the way, and the only reason he's able to do it is due to some kind of German tax shelter law. I want to say he's manipulating and abusing that law, but from all accounts he does it by the book and uses it as originally intended. That and some of the ridiculous things that come out of his mouth.
  15. Golgo 13

    Animal Released

    anyhow when heidienreich went, it was only a matter of time. fans dont want to see animal as a solo heel I'm sure they don't want to see him in Village People chaps or like he belongs with the bear section at a local pride parade either.
  16. Golgo 13

    OAO Raw Thread - June/5th/06.

    In all fairness to Sabu, I thought they laid Cena out in a weird way, much too far from the turnbuckle where (I guess) he was supposed to jump from and did. Though he still shouldn't have tried it from that distance, especially with his rep since it was bound to get messed up. But he could've just been attempting to be a glory hog with the long jump and the guys did have Cena set up right, so whatever.
  17. Golgo 13

    OAO Raw Thread - June/5th/06.

    Hansen's Energy Drink. It was even in his Tron video.
  18. Golgo 13

    OAO Raw Thread - June/5th/06.

    They gotta make this Charlie's gimmick somehow. He just happens to be around and Lillian keeps getting knocked the fuck out while Haas continues on completely unaware or just doesn't care. Turn him heel if you want and feud him with Viscera while beginning to team him with Shelton again.
  19. Golgo 13

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    I love YouTube. It has them all. The Bleach filler isn't bad. It's good, even. It keeps the character development going, doesn't betray everyone's personalities, makes sense within the context of the show. It's cool with me.
  20. Golgo 13

    'Lockdown' Promo

    Yeah, I don't know if Janus will even allow it. I figured it would be declared a double no-show since I got it in late and murdered the reigning champion, after all. I've actually been contemplating a change to all caps for some time, just for the hell of it.
  21. Golgo 13

    The Official Pay Per View Stuff Thread

    I have no idea.
  22. Golgo 13

    Civil War

    http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=79927 That thread explains it.
  23. Golgo 13

    'Lockdown' Promo

    You should know I sent in a Mansonosity squash, which in hindsight wasn't such a hot idea. Spike is one thing, but... yeah...
  24. Golgo 13

    Clerks 2 - The release date is almost here...

    Speculation on basic, freely available plot points aren't spoilers, especially when they've been revealed by VA themselves or publications like USA Today.