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Golgo 13

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Everything posted by Golgo 13

  1. Golgo 13

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I want Tom Nook from Animal Crossing in it. I don't know how that would work, but it would be awesome.
  2. Also. The farting is lame. GitS is supposed to re-air at its regular time without them, but still. Lame.
  3. The wildpegasus charactor is a whining, annoying joke of a male and is the ultimate representative of everything that is wrong with the human race in general. Among many other wildpegasus moments.
  4. Rasputin write-in for the win.
  5. Golgo 13

    3 White Lacrosse Players from Duke rape Black woman...

    His cousin's friend's brother.
  6. Where are my John Wayne, Rasputin, Vlad the Impaler and Genghis Khan nominations. Farce.
  7. Golgo 13

    TSM Cliches.

    Number 74.
  8. Golgo 13

    TSM Cliches.

  9. Golgo 13

    TSM Cliches.

    20: What was that one thing Rant used to do? Yeah, that thing. 21: It might have been two things. I don't know.
  10. So it isn't really "crowd fighting," it's just like fighting in the aisle or off the stage area like in other games? Weak.
  11. Yeah. That helps also.
  12. It's just speculation, but I think Bret perhaps feels more slighted by Shawn because, no matter what history the two had before that point, he was one of his fellow wrestlers, one of the "boys in the back," or so the term goes, a different relationship than that of wrestler-promoter or management. Not to mention that for years Shawn swore up and down that he had nothing to do with it and lied directly to Bret's face that he didn't, while Vince never denied responsibility and took the heat for it. If not liking it, I think Bret understands in part why Vince did what he did.
  13. I'm under the impression that the Kenzo thing is an urban legend of sorts. There's little corroboration and whatever there is gives conflicting reports, one where Ochiai was simply injured on Suzuki's watch and another where he had something to do with it directly. It's shady, but there's nothing for certain, although HTQ or someone else may be able to shed some light. I liked Kenzo's finisher. I was pretty much the only one.
  14. Golgo 13

    SWF Stats Thread - 2006 Edition

    ...on a soul searching journey, he travels around the world, drifting through the land and never remaining for too long by fading away just as quickly as he came in, a ghost... ...he looks to preserve justice and peace by battling only the strongest and most ruthless of opponents, fighting endlessly until he finds that which he seeks... the mysterous man who murdered his dojo master and who he shall punish tenfold with his righteous and powerful fist of heavenly vengeance... ...all the while loving and romancing the women of the world with vigor and espousing his ideals and life lessons to others he meets along the way, in hopes that they will take heed and live peacefully with duty and honor... ...his epic journey is only just beginning, his great fate and destiny that await him just now unfolding... like thunder he shakes the world with his impact... but fear not, devoted disciples, for you may see him again... someday...
  15. Golgo 13

    Pictures I Like

    maybe he'll have time to get a haircut now.
  16. Golgo 13

    Most emotional/dramatic you've gotten

    I don't. Which is probably a result of the effort I put into it. If I did, maybe I would get more emotional over what goes on. Happiest. Probably when I finally won something when I got the USJL Title. Even then it was basically handed to me, so my jubilation quickly ceded. Otherwise I haven't been a part of anything big or gotten a massive upset win or written a match that I was truly satisfied with. Although giving someone a Mansonality is always fun. Negatively. Nothing really. Maybe a match I thought I should've won here or there. Though there was one time when my team no-showed a tag, six man something or other against Rev. Zero, and I was the fall guy in the opposing squash when the other(s) were better options. Though I quickly realized that if we actually showed, it wouldn't have been an issue. Another time I had a chance for a second USJL reign when both Davis and I were both extremely late, but I was beaten by, like, a minute in getting the match in and it was actually a complete effort, too. Funny how everything here has to do with no-showing.
  17. Golgo 13

    A sensitive issue

    This should've been called A sticky issue.
  18. Golgo 13

    A sensitive issue

    See what I did there?
  19. Golgo 13

    A sensitive issue

    Why do people quote others without adding a reply? I don't mean to be a dick or anything, just curious.
  20. I like those screens, but they need to be saved for PPVs only. I don't get why PPVs now (last time I checked) get the static images while Raw gets the fancy shit.
  21. Golgo 13

    V for Vendetta

    Yep. This one, I assume. http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=68438 There's also this little number. http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=64527
  22. Golgo 13


    I think they'll almost have to with the way the pace has been working out thus far. It's been one and a half seasons and they've been lost for two months at most, which ignoring everything else about the island, doesn't really get across the feeling of hopelessness and doom-and-gloom. The projected five seasons worth of content won't mesh with the actors growing (in Walt's case) and getting older if the show keeps going at this rate (although if you jump ahead I guess it won't mesh then either). If not something as drastic as a year ahead, maybe a one-to-three month jump every now and then with a recap episode ala "The Other 48 Days." It's something I could see happening as early as the beginning of next season.
  23. Golgo 13

    I just got a Gameboy Advance SP

    Advance Wars. Fire Pro.
  24. Golgo 13

    Make me mod of Hardcore Discussion

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