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Golgo 13

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Everything posted by Golgo 13

  1. Golgo 13

    SWF Lockdown Card 8-24-05

    Well, I hope you do. Pwned.
  2. Golgo 13

    Madden NFL 06 Thread

  3. Golgo 13

    X-Men Legends II

    Is that AoA Sunfire I see in some of the screens? Awesome. Who is that in the upper left?
  4. Golgo 13

    The OAO 8/18/05 SD thread!

    They never should've gotten rid of the old black and white intro from back when Steph and then Heyman were running the show.
  5. Golgo 13

    Forget WoW, join KoL!

    I've been adventuring in the Cemetary and Fernswarthy's Tower for what basically amounts to two days and still can't get a disembodied brain.
  6. Golgo 13

    Forget WoW, join KoL!

    The Blood Faced Volleyball increases your stat gains. It's not all that noticeable at first, but today I picked up six or seven points across the three categories without doing anything radically different.
  7. Golgo 13

    Forget WoW, join KoL!

    I know. I'm never taking Goofballs again. Also, the Bloody Hand from the Seal Tooth can be used with a Volleyball to make a Blood-Faced Volleyball familiar, but I don't know what else it could be used for. Having created a Gnollish Autoplunger, for me it's 15 Muscle required, but that could be due to having a Muscle class character.
  8. Golgo 13

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/15/05

    I think Regal and Tajiri in a multi-team match.
  9. Golgo 13

    Forget WoW, join KoL!

    Visit the Mall. That's where I picked up my White Sword (40 Power) and the pieces for an Icy-Hot Katana for whenever I hit 30 Muscle. And you can easily beat the Dr. Hobo quest for Dr. Hobo's Scalpel, which is a (small) step up at 35 Power.
  10. Golgo 13

    Forget WoW, join KoL!

    I have my Meat Car built, but only because I visited the mall and bought most of the parts there, with the exception of the rims.
  11. Golgo 13

    Frankie Kazarian to leave WWE?

    I'm not sure about TNA. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that he left on bad terms. So, it's probably either this or refusing to go along with cutting his hair. Truthfully, unless Meltzer was joking, I can actually see this as being more likely, sadly.
  12. Golgo 13

    Forget WoW, join KoL!

    So has anyone created a clan?
  13. Golgo 13

    Velocity Report *spoilers*

    But they can be!
  14. Golgo 13

    Velocity Report *spoilers*

    London dropped the tassles.
  15. Golgo 13

    Rob Conway or Buff Bagwell?

    They should've somehow capitalized on Conway's resemblance to The Rock or had him be 'The Confidence Man' Rob Conway as per RRR's suggestion.
  16. It's not like she wasn't far off from that point already.
  17. Golgo 13

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Yeah, I'd like more freedom when assigning moves, but it also opens the door for some to just stock their CAWs with a ridiculous amount of big damage moves. It's necessary and more realistic with the way it is now. But if I'm not mistaken, there are supposed to be more move slots this year. If anything I just want the four lists of moves combined into two big ones, eliminating the differences between, say, signature and power, with two buttons assigned to each.
  18. I don't mind this. At least they're not completely locking out third parties and forcing people to ONLY buy first party accessories. And as VX said, it should presumably get rid of some of the awful companies that make crap accessories.
  19. Golgo 13

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Of course, the one I'm hoping ISN'T up to date is Chavo, though I don't see how they could squeeze Kerwin in considering he's been on TV two or three times and hasn't even wrestled. No. And I preferred heel Heidenreich. The Friend and Disasterpiece stuff just seemed perfectly demented when he was a heel. He was in last year's. Hopefully they're able to get in the updates for his current look. That's 25 wrestlers down now. That's, what, 15 more regular roster spots, 5 or so for the women, and 12 or so for the legends? EDIT: I just remembered there was only 41 total last year, not including legends. Hopefully this year's number isn't around the same.
  20. Golgo 13

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Eh. Heidenreich. At least I can listen to his theme song over and over.
  21. /holds up a sign. It says, "Book me." Your television ratings are gonna go down, Tom Flesher.
  22. Golgo 13

    Forget WoW, join KoL!

    I tried searching around for information and didn't come up with anything.
  23. Golgo 13

    National Lampoon rips on Futurama

    I've seen a few episodes of Shinzo while looking for something to watch early in the morning. It's an action anime involving some girl who wakes up in the future, finds that humans are pretty much extinct, and then travels with a few evolved beings of a typically hostile race, as they try to find the last human refuge and spread peace or whatever the fuck. There's some obvious Journey to the West elements there, which I always love, but overall the series isn't any good... still, as far as children's anime in this country goes, it's better than most.
  24. Golgo 13

    Forget WoW, join KoL!

    Is this gonna be another one of those fads that we all do for a couple months before forgetting about it? I just joined as BarbaricBerzerker, the awesomest Seal Clubber in all the land.
  25. Golgo 13

    National Lampoon rips on Futurama

    See, none of that Birdman stuff they referenced ever happened, it was just a dumb generalization. I don't mind Scryed. It's just dumb, fun action, but I'll readily admit it's pretty mediocre.