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Golgo 13

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Everything posted by Golgo 13

  1. Golgo 13

    Test markets...

    Not really. We merely have one of many regional bottling plants, and that arena would be the Pepsi Center.
  2. Golgo 13

    National Lampoon rips on Futurama

    It's gonna be a while. It'll air on Thursdays starting Oct. 20th.
  3. Golgo 13

    National Lampoon rips on Futurama

    I'm by no means a fanatical sub purist either, but man, do I hate the Adult Swim Lupin. I've actually never even seen the original, but I'd probably like it more for the reason you stated. In these last five or so years of greatly improved dubbing, if there was ever still an argument for subs, this Lupin is it. I initially thought they may still edit it, but that's probably the cynic in me talking, considering it's about as mature as FMA and that made it through unscathed for the most part... at least thus far. I don't have many worries about it regardless.
  4. Golgo 13

    National Lampoon rips on Futurama

    The only thing I got a kick out of was the stuff about Gore's daughter. After that it took a big spiralling nosedive. It just reeked of bitterness, and as if they forgot how to actually be so, trying to be hip and counter-culture for the sake of it. That's probably the one criticism of Adult Swim that has any legitimacy, yet Lampoon does the same thing and I doubt it's intentional. Even if I disliked AS, I probably wouldn't have found it funny on the pretense of, you know, not having any actual comedy in it. And yes, Case Closed runs early in the morning alongside Lupin. But these are all repeats and Adult Swim isn't interested in bringing over any new episodes... which is fine by me.
  5. Golgo 13

    Madden NFL 06 Thread

    First of all thank you matt for being the only nice person on here. And as for you black lushus, you are just a bitch. Can you understand that clearly? If not let me spell it out for you B I T C H. Grow up ok, so what if not everyone on here speaks good english. I see many other people on here with sub par post and you don't get on them. So stop trying to be a bully and bully me. I don't know who you think you are dealing with I am not a lilttle kid so don't come out your mouth. Now back to the madden topic, hey matt is there anything special you would like to see in madden 06 that you always wanted in a football game? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> HBK isn't the Commissioner anymore. Since I don't feel like reading through any reviews, someone answer this. Is there a single season mode this year or is it just the same old franchise stuff?
  6. Golgo 13


    I thought the chick who played Myra was hot. Now she's dead.
  7. Golgo 13

    SWF Did You Know?

    Come back and go after the World Title, Ash.
  8. Golgo 13

    SWF Title Histories

    Clearly my HGC reign is the best one.
  9. Golgo 13

    National Lampoon rips on Futurama

    Yeah, really. National Lampoon isn't relevant at all besides the occasional Family or yearly Christmas showing and they certainly haven't had an original production that was worth a shit in some time. Not really. Even if they have, it's with good reason, considering their success. Overlooking how poorly the Sat. night block has been doing, they still must have been doing something right all this time, after all. What? All of these meet this two year thing, and certainly aired within the time frame during which you say AS has gone to shit, with many of them still airing, or set to air fairly soon. Milk Chan. Cowboy Bebop. Cowboy Bebop: Knockin on Heaven's Door. Case Closed. ROD. Trigun. FLCL. Lupin. Scryed. Metropolis. GitS Stand Alone Complex. Escaflowne The Movie. Evangelion. And the first two Inuyasha movies. And all of these, while not on AS any longer, meet the two year thing. Reign, which sucks, but that's besides the point. Outlaw Star. Blue Gender. Yu Yu Hakusho. Tenchi Muyo. Kikaider. And assorted Gundam incarnations. The ONLY ones that don't meet the two year theory are Big O (though by the time it DID air on AS, the two years between original broadcasts had passed), Fullmetal Alchemist, Wolf's Rain, Samurai Champloo, and Paranoia Agent. Meanwhile, Inuyasha, Witch Hunter Robin and Pilot Candidate were too close to call. Going by your time frame, Venture Brothers. American Dad has its moments and picked up a bit after a slow start. And only one other show has hit regular rotation, that being Tom Goes. Hey, they can't all be winners. Sealab was taken as far as it could go, and was mercifully put out of its misery. Though its awfulness since the voice of Murphy died was greatly exaggerated, it was hardly anything worth producing new episodes for. Its time was up, and you could clearly tell its writers were tired of the whole thing. Repeats of ATHF that I've seen a million times still crack me up, and the last season showed that it still has steam, unlike Sealab. And they eventually gave in, so who gives a shit? People weren't clamoring for Scryed or Paranoia Agent. Scryed is rather average all things considered. Paranoia Agent comes with lofty praise for the show itself and high expectations for its creator, but it's not exactly fan friendly and at first it didn't seem to be well known outside of the hardcores, and it isn't as heavy on action as other typical AS fare (a nice change of pace). But people wanted Inuyasha, that much is clear just by looking at all the insane fans of the show. They wanted the true successor to Cowboy Bebop, that being Samurai Champloo. They wanted FLCL back. Yet, they aren't watching, outside of the most devoted Sat. Action fans. Let's face it, anime and comedy doesn't have a lot of crossover with the AS fans, which is why Saturday is lucky to get half of Sunday's viewers. But Fullmetal Alchemist experienced success in the slot before, and there were a couple of weeks where the current schedule showed signs of life. But logically speaking, AS chose the worst possible time to introduce the new lineup, with Summer upon us. Anyone with a social life and in their right mind isn't cooped up in the house sitting in front of the TV on most Saturdays, they're all out doing whatever, which doesn't bode well for inaccessible anime in which, if you miss one episode, you're fucking lost. There are more factors that go into this other than "so and so must not like this show." Yeah, they sure knocked AS down a peg. There you go again with the shiny and new. While most of the past year's recent acquisitions have been newer anime (P. Agent, Fullmetal, Champloo), there's still been a place in the schedule for 'older' anime. Anyway, God, Evangelion is so fucking overrated. Yeah, it was a huge influence on anime and any anime fan should watch it at least once (if only for a lesson on how to ruin a good thing), but the awful mishandling of it all during the last half really tarnished it. What I think you're getting at through all this ANGST~ filled cursing is that AS has gotten too big, bloated, egotistic and pretentious for its own good, yet Evangelion is very much the definition of all these things. Whatever. Long story short. AS clearly doesn't like older anime. They prefer shiny and new. Then they go and pick up Evangelion, going against their supposed philosophy, as if someone gave them a nipple twister, a wet willy, or something, and forced them to. Yet they're putting it on Thursday instead of the Saturday death slot, and are giving it fairly heavy promotion, certainly not looking to cancel it prematurely... despite those shitty shit shitheads hating old smelly anime. So which is it? Through it all, I'm surprised there hasn't been any witty Shitarama-like puns from you. Adult Shit should have been obvious. Sorry to anyone for the annoying Mike SC dissection, but it was needed.
  10. Golgo 13

    Those Koreans really hate Japan don't they?

    I'm certain that's supposed to be Zolo in one of them also.
  11. Golgo 13

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    I think London is in DoR2, which bodes well for an appearance in this one. It'd be awesome if the extra belt was the Million Dollar Title.
  12. Golgo 13

    Test markets...

    Pepsi seems to like Denver. It seems they test a lot of their new soda here, including Crystal Pepsi, Josta (I think) and Storm. Coke's OK Soda was also tested here.
  13. Golgo 13

    Undertaker threatening HBK at WM 14

    Eh. Taker not feeling it is comparable, but when I say this, keep in mind that I'm not defending Undertaker in the least for the bullshit he pulled at any time, especially Unforgiven. Yeah, they're both pricks, but the circumstances of each were a bit different. Taker eventually made right, with Brock coming back strong at No Mercy and going over in the HiaC, which is more than a win with awful build at Unforgiven could have ever done for him (keep in mind, I have no idea what the nature of Unforgiven's original finish was, or if the No Mercy end of things was ever the original intent). If Taker had been the one to unseat Brock, then let the rightful bitching commence... but the DQ finish aside, if Taker hadn't manhandled Brock it wouldn't have been nearly as bad. All things considered, Shawn had no choice except to job to Austin. Yet up until Taker changed his mind for him, he was ridiculously stubborn in his refusal to do anything for him. If he got his way, who knows if he wouldn't have just ducked Austin or someone else completely, or even kept the belt to himself once he left and sat at home, which considering Shawn's disposition at the time, isn't out of the question. In either case, if Vince gave in and Shawn had actually gone over, I dare say it would have been the end of the WWF.
  14. Golgo 13

    Bret Hart meeting WWE

  15. Golgo 13

    WWE Signs Tatanka

    Hopefully this is just for the Legends program and the odd appearance, because there's no fucking reason why he should be signed otherwise.
  16. The earliest I've ever gotten a match in was an hour or two before the deadline.
  17. Golgo 13

    Velocity + Ongoing SmackDown Spoilers

    Kinda lame. I like Nunzio and all, but he's pretty much on the same level as Funaki when he won the belt.
  18. Golgo 13

    Kanyon Cutter video

    Positively Kanyon was pretty much the best thing about that whole time period.
  19. Golgo 13

    Dude, we're screwed...

    It'll always be the Gund to me.
  20. Golgo 13

    The OAO Raw thread for 08.01.05

    God, WWE has just been so fucking weird for the past couple months. It's like the absurdity of 2002 all over again.
  21. Golgo 13

    The New Chat Thread

    Apoc and I are sitting in awkward, uncomfortable silence right now.
  22. Golgo 13

    Thoth attempts to post SWF Ground Zero!

    Yeah, what he said.
  23. Golgo 13

    Thoth attempts to post SWF Ground Zero!

    Would've been better if you'd actually posted closer to showtime, you creep.