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Golgo 13

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Everything posted by Golgo 13

  1. Golgo 13

    Real World/Road Rules Challenge

    The only one missing from there is Beth S. from RW LA. Maybe with good reason, since she was completely plain and unremarkable.
  2. Golgo 13

    Which soda is better?

    I've always liked 7Up, yet haven't had it in a while, and I liked Sierra Mist more when it had caffeine and was called Storm. Sprite is the better of the three, yet it inexplicably has the one of the worst ad campaigns of any soda brand in years. That talking doll can fuck right off.
  3. Golgo 13

    Okay so, I banned Shoes Head

    He could always change it back to a Yu-Gi-Oh sig he used to have. I think I'd rather have that.
  4. Golgo 13

    Hi, I banned Anglesault

    Indifferent to this whole matter. WDI can take him full time now.
  5. No. A lot of them do make for good unintentional comedy, however.
  6. Golgo 13

    Report: New Iran Missiles...

    That's because you're a dumb alcholic fuck. Great retort. I have no idea where you pulled the "alcholic" from. Considering the money you took was used to buy booze... People resort to mockery because it's not like anything else gets through your skull. I'm sure America is going to launch missiles at European cities, it only makes sense for someone like George W. HITLER~ to do! If you think that's the case, you really are deluded. We may dislike some of these countries, they may dislike us, but we're still each other's allies at the end of the day despite differing on some ideologies. Considering the collective world could take us out in one fell swoop if we were to even consider this, this wouldn't be a wise thing to do and truly only an anti-American fool would think we, for even one second, would do it.
  7. Golgo 13

    Amy Lee

    I don't know why I quoted your post. Sorry. I would like to believe he and Alice in Chains Chick engaged in some sort of murder-suicide pact. Or he accidentally killed her, similar to Lennie and Curley's wife in Of Mice and Men, and he went out in a hail of police gunfire afterward.
  8. Golgo 13

    New Motley Crue song

    When Simple Plan writes your material, it's time to hang it up.
  9. Golgo 13

    Amy Lee

    I would too. You could say I'm her #1 Fan! By the way, visit my forum, dudes. I would love to have you there!
  10. Golgo 13

    I don't understand what the Blazin' Squad is.

  11. Golgo 13


    I personally never experienced any problems and haven't come across a decision I can remember that I disagreed with.
  12. Golgo 13

    Corey Lazarus

  13. Golgo 13

    Smarkdown predictions

    MAIN EVENT - TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Team ANGER (Christian Fury and David Cross) © vs. Hollywood Boulevard (Todd Cortez and Ghost) vs. Revolution Zero (Sean Davis and Toxxic) - Manson. BATTLE OF THE BEHEMOTHS Carnage vs. "The Icon" Max King - Manson. OBLIGATORY HARDCORE MATCH FEATURING DANNY DAGDA Danny Dagda vs. Manson - Manson. CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins © vs. Kaine - Manson.
  14. Golgo 13


    That should've been her WWE gimmick.
  15. Golgo 13


    Boy, that takes me back.
  16. Golgo 13

    Why can't I get college basketball on GC?

    Yes. Thing is, Nintendo is waiting until a broadband service becomes profitable and mainsteam to roll out the big guns. Four to five years, according to Miyamoto, which will be well into the next cycle. However, by then it'll be too late because the others will have already established their brand in the eyes of the fans, third-parties, the press, everyone. Nintendo's strategy may be sound the short term, but not in the long. Currently, as much as it may not be true, Nintendo is unfortunately perpetuating and enforcing the stereotype many have about them, and we saw the trouble that's gotten them in with the N64 and now the Gamecube. While they'll always have their hardcore fanbase, if they do nothing to help themselves and adapt somewhat, they'll continue to fight for a mere distant second or worse.
  17. Golgo 13

    I need a good RPG.

    It was supposed to come out for the 64DD, and I had heard some rumors of them doing it for Gamecube, but it's been in developmental hell for so long... Pretty much the last I'd heard of it: http://www.gamersmark.com/news/2003/03/1/2298/ I don't recall it showing up at 2K3's E3, and if it had it would have showed up by now. If it comes out and it still is worthwhile I'll be shocked. However, Kirby's Air Ride actually came out (it was originally an N64 game), so maybe there's still a chance. I think I've mentioned it here, but Mother 3 was rumored to be on the GBA, as was a Mother 1+2 compilation. My interest was revived by the topic, so I looked around a bit. One of the guys behind the Mother series, Shigesato Itoi, was quoted saying Mother 3 would be out in 2005, and Miyamoto said in Famitsu Magazine that it was still under development and would be released "soon." In addition, Mother 1+2 is currently out in Japan. Although stuff is popping up which says Mother 3 is a DS release instead, but this is largely unofficial hearsay.
  18. Golgo 13

    SWF Halo 2 Clan

    I'll join in spirit, for I don't have an Xbox. Although if I did, I would likely be your MVP. This is all based on my domination in Goldeneye, of course. I'm assuming the two are similar.
  19. Golgo 13

    What's with All the New Divas?

    Melina is otherwise known as Melina Perez. She's hispanic. I find it more disturbing that Kim and Jazz were dumped in favor of these countless girls who I can't tell the difference between and look to have absolutely no viable skills beyond that of a stripper, and whose only use, ultimately, is appearing in a Divas shoot every six months. Anyway, people don't care about them not because it's too much eye candy. It's because these generally talentless broads lacking any personality or look are placed into pointless timewasting skits and segments like we saw on Raw.
  20. Golgo 13

    What's the worst WCW Nitro Ever?

    I vaguely remember a show where the entire first hour, possibly more, was one long shill where there was absolutely nothing but advertisements for merchandise. I don't even remember if anything else took place besides that.
  21. Golgo 13

    Widescreen vs. Fullscreen

    Another one I heard, I think said on this board by someone relating a story. Some think they aren't getting the "full value" of their television/DVD with widescreen, because the picture isn't filling up the screen. Which one of you jerks voted for fullscreen? Fess up.
  22. Golgo 13

    Widescreen vs. Fullscreen

    Widescreen. I doubt you're gonna get any responses other than that here.
  23. Golgo 13

    Wrestlemania XXI - Xbox

    That's probably the best Triple H I've ever seen, although Spike needs his evil goatee. These are all probably just demo screens anyway. This already sounds better than SvR and Day of Reckoning.
  24. Golgo 13

    Methods of Vengence Needed

    The best thing you can do is being there for her, not entertaining thoughts of petty revenge which will accomplish nothing in the long run. Hacking, signing him up for stupid shit, that's what kids do. There's really no option outside of physical intimidation, which could come back to get you later, or dare I say, turning his pot use against him by anonymously dropping a dime, which is an extreme step reserved for use by only the most callous of assholes. Anyway, one other thing. Though it's somewhat unrefined, telling her to get over her problems is sound enough. Hate the guy for being a misogynist piece of shit who used your friend, not for any of that other stuff.
  25. Golgo 13

    SWF Smarkdown Card, 11/22!

    Dace set up a forum a while ago, located here. We can fall back there next time this happens.