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Golgo 13

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Everything posted by Golgo 13

  1. No big losses there, although Palumbo was fun while with the FBI.
  2. Golgo 13

    Album skits

    I'm with Lushus. I see anything of the sort as unnecessary filler and a waste of time, although if it actually involves the band, I don't know, playing music, I don't mind it. I never bother with them if I can help it.
  3. Golgo 13

    I needed that...

    Someone also called me yesterday, basically trying to give me the hard sell on Kerry, saying that if I'm not voting for him, I really, really, really, really, really, really should because Bush is evil and is leading us all down the wrong path. Needless to say, I didn't appreciate it.
  4. Golgo 13


    http://garing.ytmnd.com/ http://piper.ytmnd.com http://ghettoflair.ytmnd.com/ http://kaor.ytmnd.com/ http://kurtanglelikesmen.ytmnd.com/
  5. Golgo 13

    PPV-Sized Predictions

    MAIN EVENT WORLD TITLE BOUT STREET FIGHT Toxxic© vs Annie Eclectic - Toxxic. HELL IN A CELL "Grand Slam" Mark Stevens vs The Suicide King - Marky Mark. SINGLES MATCH Manson vs Nathaniel Kibagami - Two battle-hardened warriors, each trained in the ancient art of the no-show, finally come together on the field of combat in a melee worthy of the Gods themselves. The true winners are the fans, and our faceless corporate bosses, with the amount of money they'll rake in due to this violent spectacle. Kibagami and I expect a pay raise. TAG TEAM MATCH Todd Cortez & ??? vs Sean Davis & ??? - Cortez & ???. ICTV TITLE BOUT ROYAL BEATING MATCH "The Icon" Max King© vs Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix - Maddix. WOMEN'S TITLE SINGLES MATCH Kelly Connelly© vs Megan Skye - Kelly. SINGLES MATCH Andrea Montgomery vs David Cross - Drea. CRUSIERWEIGHT TITLE MATCH "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins© vs Austin Sly - Sly. HARDCORE TITLE MATCH Carnage© vs Christian Fury - Furry.
  6. Golgo 13

    WWE Releases Billy GUnn and A-Train

    I think he was Baldo while under development in Memphis.
  7. Golgo 13

    WWE Releases Billy GUnn and A-Train

    About time Gunn takes a hike, but I didn't mind A-Train. His moveset was great and I'm not ashamed to say I liked him when he was running around with Heyman. Amongst the hosses he was far ahead of the pack and is better than any of the imposing monsters we have now.
  8. Golgo 13


    Flik, a lot of Wal-Marts release shit early. It's nothing new.
  9. Golgo 13

    Smarkdown Predictions

    MAIN EVENT TAG TEAM EXTRAVAGANZA!!! Toxxic and Sean Davis vs Annie Eclectic and Todd Cortez - Rev-0 HARDCORE NON-TITLE MATCH Andrea Montgomery vs Carnage - Drea HARDCORE-GAMERS TITLE SHOT FREE-FOR-ALL!!! Austin Sly vs. Christian Fury vs. Manson vs. Mike Hall vs. Danny Dagda vs. Evan Wolfe - Me
  10. Golgo 13

    Ashlee Simpson on SNL

    The only thing outstanding about Ashlee are her breasts. Otherwise, her big hook nose and pointy, jutting ass chin are not appealing.
  11. Golgo 13

    Being sick is no good at all

    It's gotta be bronchitis. I went in for the very same a few years ago, spending a few days at home before going to the hospital as it got worse. They gave me antibiotics, but it was still a week of hell after that. It was a waste of time and money, I thought.
  12. Golgo 13

    wwe suspension

    It appears you've only been suspended for about a week, by the way. Your last post in the folder was on the 21st. Anyway, you shouldn't bother. You'll probably be better off.
  13. Golgo 13

    What's your concept here?

    First Tape Trading, followed by the TNA folder, and after that Love, Sex and Dating. Then Passaic, New Jersey. Then the world.
  14. Golgo 13

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    Yeah, there's nothing wrong with the grappling system. The problems for me lie with the balance between characters, with the strength attribute playing too much of a role. There's also the missing sense of impact and bad collision detection with a lot of moves, which they still can't fix or don't care about fixing even after five SD installments. They still use a lot of old animations, just with more polygons tacked on, which is part of the problem.
  15. Golgo 13

    The TSM horrible poster test

    Also, the numbers 666, 69 or 420 in their name.
  16. Golgo 13


    Was it ever said that Jack was a doctor? I figure he couldn't hack it in school and dropped out, or decided he didn't want to be in medicine anymore after only a few years practicing. Perhaps he just couldn't deal with the stresses of patients dying or having to be the one to make the hard decisions anymore.
  17. Golgo 13

    SWF Storm Card, 10-22-04

    I assure you, I'm extremely frightened.
  18. Golgo 13

    New thread for posting pictures of yourself.

    It's not working.
  19. Rock fuckin on, now I don't have to work towards anything today. I was being sarcastic.
  20. Golgo 13

    Wrestling as a career

    I've given passing thought to it, but the sacrifices needed to make it a career aren't too appealing, and I don't think anyone is in the market for a 5'6" guy as anything other than a bouncy, speedy, high flyer type. I'd probably also have to travel out of state to train, since the scene here sucks.
  21. Good one, Scroby. This gets an early nomination for the 10/19 Worst Thread Award.
  22. Golgo 13

    Storm Predictions

    MAIN EVENT NON-TITLE SINGLES MATCH Toxxic (SWF Heavyweight Champion) v. Alan Clark - Toxxic MAIN EVENT IN SPIRIT SWF WOMENS' CHAMPIONSHIP FOUR CORNERS MATCH Kelly Connelly (SWF Womens' Champion) w/"The Icon" Max King (SWF Intercontinental-Television Champion) v. Ebony v. Annie Eclectic v. Megan Skye w/Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix - Annie NON-TITLE TAG TEAM MATCH Team ANGER (David Cross and Christian Fury, SWF Tag Team Champions) v. Stryke and Jamie Drazon - Cross & Furry MIAMI MAYHEM Andrea Montgomery v. Longdogger Pete w/Ian - Andrea HARDCORE MATCH SWF HARDCORE GAMERS' CHAMPIONSHIP Carnage (SWF Hardcore Gamers' Champion) v. Austin Sly - Sly SINGLES MATCH Manson v. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins (SWF Cruiserweight Champion) - LOLLERCOASTER TYCOON~! THE OPENING MATCH SWF CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIP Ace Lezaire (SWF Canadian Champion) v. "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez - Ace
  23. Golgo 13

    SWF Storm Card, 10-22-04

    I requested the match so I can kick Spike's ass again. Edit: I'm also calling the opening promo.
  24. Golgo 13

    Favorite Animated shows

    I dislike this show. I have a lot of hangups about it. For one, the voice acting and animation. Secondly, I know it's all about the cases, but the plot to set everything up is ridiculous. The great detective, who we don't even have time to get to know and care about, being knocked out and drugged in the very first ep. Then there's the fact that this thing has been going on in Japan for over 300 episodes, I believe, with numerous specials and no resolution in sight. That's worse than Inuyasha's extended run and is just as bad as DB/DBZ/DBGT. It's absolutely ridiculous, and there's only so far you can take Moore bashing Conan over the head, or Conan emulating his voice, or Conan trying to avoid everyone discovering the fact that he's Jimmy. You have to wonder how stupid everyone on that show truly is if they haven't (presumably) figured anything out by now.