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Golgo 13

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Everything posted by Golgo 13

  1. Golgo 13

    Favorite Animated shows

    Maybe anime in general is deserving of more recognition in the mainstream... including Bebop. But in terms of shows amongst anime fans, there's no way Bebop should be included. Not that I think so, but if anything it's overrated. It's very much on the second level of "gateway" anime shows, after something like DBZ or Gundam; anyone who's an anime fan knows about it. Big O I would include... I think many write it off as just another show with giant robots, and especially because the second season had heavy involvement by Cartoon Network, so many are biased against it from the start. Venture Brothers is fucking gold. It should be up there with the other Cartoon Network and/or Adult Swim originals like Samurai Jack or Aqua Teen Hunger Force. It's that good.
  2. Golgo 13

    Tough Enough

    Mike last wrestled for UPW, I believe. I've never seen any of his matches though.
  3. Golgo 13

    The 'Be Michael Cole' Thread

    Welcome to Raw... I'm Michael Cole! This is the ONLY place where you can catch Raw brand exclusive... Michael Cole! Down comes TajEEREEE for his match with Chuck Palumbo... just like on SmackDown! a few months ago! Except with more women, which I enjoy, because I'm not gay... I swear, I'm not. You hear that, Tazz? You hear that, partner! Eat my shit, like it, and rot in SmackDown! hell, motherfucker! ---------------- Jimmy Valiant lays on the floor jerking off under a glass table that a hooker is shitting on, when the Rock & Roll Express walks in. Ricky promptly throws up and leaves the room, while Robert stays to watch.
  4. Golgo 13

    What else did Kane do?

    Kane is keeping this godforsaken thread going.
  5. Golgo 13

    Wrestling-related Halloween costumes

    What's wrong with you people?
  6. Golgo 13

    Au revoir, Wrestling Polls and Lists

    True... But it also involves the print screen key. Find the post, hit print screen, open it up in Paint, Photoshop, whatever. Cut away the excess around the post or select the post itself, copy it and paste it as a new file. Save.
  7. Golgo 13

    Funshite Forums

    Well, it probably did have its own folder, but they decided to delete it when we did.
  8. Golgo 13

    Is there anywhere to find out information...

    I always thought Kidman's theme was on Anthology. If this turns out to be the track listing, nothing on there is really worth it apart from the Long and Evolution themes. Well, although it never had an official release, it can be found easily due to people ripping it from HCTP.
  9. Golgo 13

    Funshite Forums

    You're not cool.
  10. Golgo 13

    G.T.G. Governing Graphic Council

    Bill Lumbergh Secretary of TPS Reports
  11. Golgo 13

    Tony Hawk's Underground 2

    I haven't played the game yet (and I spent little time with THUG), but I like the transition to the cartoony character models. I wasn't a fan of the realistic models from previous games, to be honest, and cartoony characters seem to go along with the gameplay better. Let's face it, the physics and such aren't too realistic either.
  12. Golgo 13

    Smarkdown predictions~!

    SPECIAL EXCITING TWO-PEOPLE-WHO-SHOULD-BE-BOOKED-IN-THE-MAIN-EVENT SHOW OPENER!!! “The Icon” Max King vs. Landon “La Cucaracha” Maddix ~Maddix. SPECIAL CELEBRITY HANDICAP MATCH OF DOOM!!! rKade and Kaine vs. Alec Baldwin, Daniel Baldwin, Stephen Baldwin, and Billy Baldwin ~Baldwins. GO SINGLES MATCHES!!! Stryke vs. Manson ~Stryke. SPECIAL SECOND-CHANCE HARDCORE GAMERS #1 CONTENDERSHIP TRIPLE THREAT!!! Danny Dagda vs. Evan Wolfe vs. Uncle Filthy ~Dagda. HARDCORE GAMER’S TITLE MATCH!!! Sean Davis vs. Carnage ~Davis. NON-TITLE BLOODBATH!!! Christian Fury vs. Ace Lezaire ~Lezaire. SINGLES MATCH W/ TEAMMATE AT RING SIDE MATCH!!! “Hollywood” Spike Jenkins w/ Todd Cortez vs. Ryan Dustin w/ Austin Sly ~Spike. AND YOUR MAIN EVENT…. SPECIAL VETERAN’SBOILER ROOM BRAWL Annie Eclectic vs. Jamie Drazon ~Annie.
  13. Golgo 13


    In addition to possibly being military, I'm also guessing Locke is a widower or divorcee. With no one in his life and being laid up in the wheelchair, he turned to the only companionship available to him. I'm also wondering if the mention of medicine by Helen will come into play. Maybe his injuries, time in the service or the split from the possible spouse took its toll on his psyche, and he needs the medicine to keep him in check. He's gone a little too far with the phone calls before, then the medicine brought him back down. But now that he doesn't have his medicine on the island, he progressively loses his mind... And now I'm suddenly imagining Locke hunting others down for sport until someone has to bring him down.
  14. Golgo 13

    Lockdown Comment

    At the very least, I didn't give you the dreaded Mansonosity treatment. Anyway, you can always pretend there was more to the match or simply forget about it all, excepting a mention of the loss on the next show... like I always do... Yeah, that's of no help at all.
  15. Golgo 13

    Ted Turner and Vince Mcmahon

    TNT and TBS are owned by the same company (AOL Time Warner) that didn't want a thing to do with wrestling once the merger went through, even if it was "only" WCW. And on Ted Turner, he hardly has a thing to do with the company anymore and as of early last year had resigned from his position.
  16. Golgo 13

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    He does, but not as extensively as before I don't think. Especially since WWE has moved toward more licensed music. Anyway, I could've sworn it was said a few months ago by THQ that they had gotten all the rights and were using all of the wrestler's themes.
  17. Golgo 13

    Prince has a Video

    According to Billboard. Prince released Musicology in April. It debuted at #3 and had more than a half-million by May. As of late September it had moved more than a million at 1,868,000. Regardless, some of those numbers were helped along by including the CD in the ticket price for his shows. But he has done "something." But I'm not arguing that this video sounds retarded.
  18. Golgo 13

    ...and in the "stupid bitch" news of the day!

    They tried to go the nice route and she refused. Sue the bitch and force her to fix it. She was paid to do something and did an unsatisfactory job.
  19. Golgo 13

    Au revoir, Wrestling Polls and Lists

    Yes, but I don't think it was ever as big of a problem as people were making it out to be. While I wasn't as big of fan of the Food folder as some people, Get Your Learn On proved to be even less successful. Replace it with a new Food & Beverage folder.
  20. Golgo 13

    Au revoir, Wrestling Polls and Lists

    Finally. I never saw a use for it. I've stated once that it wouldn't hurt to throw Old School and Fantasy Booking into General as well. Add to that a separate Misc. Promotions and Puroresu merge and leave everything else alone.
  21. Golgo 13

    Saddam and French Connection

    No, they only accepted bribes and promises of oil in return for voting down war. Such angels those French are.
  22. Golgo 13

    Randy Orton's current theme inside

    Well, unless a bunch of people here are theming nerds who have to have everything, I don't think many here are clamoring for that shitty song.
  23. Kibs. Taylor. Drea. When exactly did Ejiro come back with Coy West?
  24. Golgo 13

    Year-End Nomination Thread: Heel/Face

    Heel - Flesher. Toxxic. Janus. Suicide King. Maddix. Face - Williams. Dace. Dangerous. Kibagami. Janus, if two nominations can be done.