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Everything posted by MrRant

  1. MrRant

    Best member of the nWo

    nWo 4 LIFE~! Clearly it was 6-Pac.
  2. MrRant

    Jay-Z - "American Gangster"

    Was it the YADIG!?!? part?
  3. MrRant

    ECW 11/27/07

    Wait. How did Shelton get on ECW?
  4. MrRant

    PlayStation 3

    Until PSN gets the usability of LIVE, I will stick to more or less buying multiplayer games on my 360. Perhaps HOME will help the PS3's cause.
  5. MrRant

    Hawthorne Heights guitarest dies

    Do you remember where you were when you heard that Hawthorne Heights' guitarist died? Sitting at my desk eating Mint Moose Tracks ice cream and savoring the mint cups within said ice cream.
  6. MrRant

    Hawthorne Heights guitarest dies

    Who? And who are Hawthorne Heights?
  7. MrRant

    ROH Black Friday Sale

    I see nothing I want besides maybe the Hangmen shirt.
  8. MrRant

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    I say we bring back 'high yell'er' FYP.
  9. MrRant


    Whitey isn't respecting the man yo.
  10. MrRant

    NFL week twelve: Turkey Day Cliches

    1st Feeley, who went on to do less then nothing until coming back home 2nd Mike McMahon, who sucked for the Eagles in his stint and went to a backup job in Minny I think before falling to the wayside 3rd Garcia, obv with Bucs and to complete the circle back to Feeley, who may actually sucker a team again (the Eagles) if they dump McNabb and Kolb isn't ready for next season. They might as well just dump McNabb since the past 3 years seem to end up the same.
  11. MrRant

    Hulk and Linda split up

    God created the Heavens, he created the Earth! He created all the Hulkamaniacs! Then, he created a set of 24-inch pythons, brother! Whatcha gonna do Linda... Watcha gonna do? When the 24 inch pythons and Hulkamania destroy you!
  12. MrRant

    NFL week twelve: Turkey Day Cliches

    Directv has it in HD no less. Lots of people who do the Sunday Ticket will get to see it, even if its not a Sunday Ticket Package game. You should see how much the NFL Network wants to charge just because it has the 8 games. Not to mention their demand to be in the basic cable lineup.
  13. Yeah, I've seen some of their stuff around. I just keep on keeping on.
  14. Well, I'm glad to see that democrats care about white males as well! Unless they meant to link to the Washington State Republican Party as an option...
  15. MrRant

    Get a free piece of Junk from Stootsi

    Hopefully they don't send you like a chicken claw or bait.
  16. Well, how are the Dems going to attract my vote when they are just supporting people trying to take away some of my pie at my expense?
  17. MrRant

    C Drive Keeps Loseing Space

    Yes. It has to do with how they measure space.
  18. MrRant

    "An insane amount of ranch please."

    The best sauce for fries that is ketchup related is Chili Sauce yo.
  19. MrRant

    This week in the NBA

    So it's 2 on 1 in Memphis on Monday huh?
  20. MrRant

    Rock Band!

    I'll be using my GHII controller as the secondary one. Whenever MS gets my fucking 360 back to me.
  21. MrRant


    I forgot just how gay that video was.
  22. MrRant

    The Writer's Strike

    You can't expect a studio to pay people for work that isn't being done.
  23. MrRant

    So Fire Pro R is back

    They probably shipped it. I got that e-mail yesterday, but then they still shipped it yesterday.
  24. MrRant

    This week in the NBA

    I'm hoping that the Sonics will pull out at least one win by the end of the week. Of course with Dwayne Wade coming back against the Sonics, watch them get shorted on this one by some game winning Wade shot.