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Everything posted by MrRant

  1. MrRant

    RIP zio's dog

    You're welcome.
  2. MrRant

    Problem accessing a site...

    Are you sure the site is actually up?
  3. MrRant


  4. MrRant

    Problem accessing a site...

    go to a command prompt and try typing in ipconfig/flush dns Can you ping or traceroute to it?
  5. MrRant

    Fantasy Football

    First place bitches. STEVE SMITH! STEVE SMITH!
  6. MrRant

    2007 NFL Survivor Pool

    Fuck you New Orleans.
  7. MrRant

    2007 NFL Survivor Pool

    I took the Saints for this week. And already they are letting me down.
  8. MrRant

    NFL Week 2 Grizzled Cheese Chat Thread

    WildPegasus doesn't take hints!
  9. MrRant

    Trailer for The Rocks new movie

    What is this about Witch Mountain? Are they attempting to remake Escape to Witch Mountain? If so, road trip to beat Hollywood.
  10. MrRant

    Booker T Quits WWE

    That was a pretty dumb decision. It was even dumber considering that the next week's Raw was in Atlanta, GA, the home of WCW. It would have been fine if it were in Seattle. But they did it in Tacoma and Tacoma SUCKS for wrestling.
  11. Well that is different. It's the same as signing a player and using his knowledge of his old team.
  12. MrRant

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    Seattle votes to enforce Sonic's lease This pretty much means they cannot buy themselves out of the lease.
  13. Well, more quasi 2nd string as the Seahawks have been wanting to use Seneca for punt returns and at WR to use his athleticism for awhile now.
  14. MrRant


    Unplug the cable that is going from your video source (cable box etc) from the box and TV and plug them back in. Have the TV off when you do that and turn it back on. Sounds like one is loose.
  15. MrRant

    MTV VMA awards

    At least BTM and Storytellers are MUSIC related. I don't mine an hour or two of music followed by some programming such as that and then more music.
  16. MrRant

    Facial peircings

    The Marlyn Monroe one?
  17. I'm not sure how to feel about that.
  18. MrRant

    Facial peircings

    Depends. If it's on a woman and it isn't huge it can be hot. Unless it is a one of those bull piercings. That is just ugly.
  19. MrRant


    I like KKK. He keeps buying more.
  20. MrRant


    I've seen quite a few TV's with them, they are just usually on the higher side price wise. I just like to have that flexibility though. If you are going above two (which is usually your cable/sat receiver and then another device) then I would suggest taking that money and getting a good HDMI switcher or a good receiver with HDMI inputs that can output to your TV.
  21. MrRant

    Jena school case

    Well, there is a quasi War on Christmas.
  22. MrRant


    that's pretty much it. Prices are always going up and they're making it almost impossible to keep basic cable by taking away more and more stations Welcome to the analog migration bitches.
  23. MrRant

    Transformers The Movie

    http://www.transformersmovie.com/ It's kinda slow though. Odd since it's Flash.