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Everything posted by MrRant

  1. Probably in the comments.
  2. They seem to have taken down the testimonials on WWE.com?
  3. If it is true that he killed her after finding out she killed is son... then I can deal with that. If I came home and found the person there that murdered my daughter I would probably kill them right on the spot too.
  4. I don't think they have determined dates yet without an autopsy. Plus, that would mean dude was wondering around the house with one or the other all day with a dead body.
  5. There is more to life than spending your days off and nights doing blow and fucking hookers?
  6. MrRant

    Man who raped 10 year old girl given 2 years in jail

    aka "she was asking for it."
  7. I feel most sorry for the child. Benoit and Woman RIP.
  8. MrRant

    Manhunt 2 Receives AO Rating

    Rockstar could just sell through their site. Problem solved.
  9. MrRant

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    I just heard of ESPN Radio that it was Garnett to the Lakers, O'Neil to the Celtics, Jefferson to the T Wolves and Odom and Bynum to Indiana as a rumor.
  10. MrRant

    Man who raped 10 year old girl given 2 years in jail

    Fucking Great Britain.
  11. MrRant

    Xbox 360

    I have it. It's fairly fun.
  12. MrRant

    Recent Purchases

    David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust Eric Dolphy - Out To Lunch Samael - Eternal An odd mix for sure. I'd like to seek out other artists like Eric Dolphy but I profess to not knowing a whole lot about jazz.
  13. MrRant

    Cleveland Cavaliers vs San Antonio Spurs

    Is this the new logo?
  14. MrRant


    Usually cows for slaughter (not veal) are killed pretty damn quick.
  15. MrRant

    Where is Czech?

    The weird part is those of us who have been here awhile have known each other for 4-5 years now.
  16. MrRant

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    I'm coming from more problems for reinstatement.
  17. MrRant

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    Pacman faces felony charges in shooting that paralyzed man Pacman is even more screwed.
  18. MrRant

    McDonalds new Southwest Burger...

    That is the Western Whopper. Just a Whopper with BBQ sauce. Now the Texas Double Whopper is where it's at with the jalapeƱos.
  19. MrRant

    Xbox 360

    Well, unless it is like Rainbow 6 where it's inflitration and selective killing.
  20. MrRant

    The king of bread

    I like a whole wheat that I buy that has honey in it. Sooo good. But Sourdough is great, though. Just take a slice and slap some butter/margarine on it and call it good. Also there is no better bread for stew.
  21. MrRant

    The Baconator

    And Wendy's is considering a sale since they have gone down the shitter aren't they?
  22. MrRant


    You are going to grow a pussy on your face.
  23. They have been the largest group of people in one place that I have seen.
  24. MrRant

    Xbox 360

    They aren't going to come out and say they have one if they did and if they don't they aren't going to say that they do. There are media outlets that would scream from on high about a huge defect and then at the end it be a tiny number.
  25. I hope Vince comes back as Dr. Doom.