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Everything posted by MrRant

  1. Perhaps with the growth of new brain cells they will actually be smart enough to you know... FINISH the job.
  2. And if someone doesn't like Bonnie and Clyde and thinks Star Wars is better? Do you call them an idiot? Who are YOU to judge someone else's tastes? People like you make it hard to discuss movies because you like to state your opinion as fact. LOR is an EVENT~! movie but I don't see you shitting on that (You may have). Saving Private Ryan was the same thing. You can't hate a movie for starting a trend.
  3. I'm going to have to respectfully disagree. I believe the AFI list takes a lot of cultural impact into consideration. In that case then Star Wars deserves to be up there. Pulp Fiction is a better movie then Star Wars but will never have the impact on our culture that Star Wars has had. So if you look at the impact on the culture and also the fact that Star Wars is a good movie then you get the ranking. I get upset when I see "Movie Buffs" say that this and that movie shouldn't be there because they have flaws in acting or filming etc and some other little movie that barely 100 people in the state they live in have watched should be up there and totally disregard the importance of a movie like Star Wars because it wasn't a Indie Film Classic or ever shown on TMC or AMC (before the relaunch as a crapfest).
  4. MrRant

    Vanilla Pepsi

    I like Pepsi Vanilla a bit better. A tad sweeter but it is smoother.
  5. So are you saying that it is intentionally racist? I didn't even think about it until you brought it up and now that I'm thinking about it... its pretty damn funny.
  6. MrRant

    FUCK! What's happening?

    No.. a router (hardware firewall is about $40) and a software one is free. Check the links I posted. Here is a sample of my logs... see all those Port 135s? Those are this infection trying to get on my machine but have been turned back. 135 137 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 17300 1310 135 1054 135 135 1290 135 135 135 135 135
  7. MrRant

    FUCK! What's happening?

    God... when I look at how many infected machines are trying to get into my computer. This is why you have to have a firewall or at least a router. $40 bucks and you can get software firewalls for free.
  8. MrRant

    FUCK! What's happening?

    You guys need to get a firewall. Zone Alarm - Good firewall, easy for beginners. Kerio - More customizable but a little more for the technically savvy. Also... a free virus scanner (pretty good as well) is availabe at Grisoft's AVG
  9. How is Star Wars overrated? Its never been held up as a classic masterpiece. Its has from what I have seen just been considered the best sci-fi film of all time. Even though I personally think 2001 is better. As far as underrated: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn. That movie I can watch over and over. Ricardo Montalban was GREAT in the movie.
  10. MrRant

    best skinemax movie

    Just a note but I saw a complete set of the Emmanuelle in Space series at Best Buy yesterday.
  11. MrRant

    Futurama ends

    Did anyone notice on the opener the "See you on some other channel" jab at FOX that they are on TBS and Cartoon Network?
  12. MrRant

    Dead Like Me Fans

    *bump* Come discuss last Friday's episode. http://www.churchofnomaam.com/forum/index....p?showtopic=220
  13. MrRant

    I need to vent some heat

    I think they should take your car from you. You ain't going to be able to AFFORD to driver anymore and it's all your fault. Think about that... your fault. For being a dumbass.
  14. I could find it out for you.... but I wouldn't want to lose my job.
  15. MrRant

    quick question about unisntalling...

    I doubt he has seperate partitions if he is asking a question like this.
  16. So... drink beer... take Zoloft... drink beer... take Zoloft. Now I won't lose brain cells! Take that MADD.
  17. MrRant

    quick question about unisntalling...

    Everything goes.
  18. MrRant

    first pic of garfield

    Well the TV Show involved lasagne (sp)... so perhaps some EVIL~! corporation takes over his favorite lasagne manufacturer and Garfield is determined to fight it tooth AND claw. The horror.......
  19. MrRant

    Quake 3 Arena is causing my Computer to Reset

    Not sure. Try uninstalling and then reinstalling Quake. Have you updated your video card drivers recently? That may help.
  20. MrRant

    So has anyone seen the HBK DVD?

    But the MASSES wouldn't buy that. I'd love it but they are marketing towards what I call semi-marks, not quite marks that just watch TV/PPV and not quite smart marks who would buy an archive of every Benoit match ever.
  21. MrRant

    New DVDs?!!!!

    Night Court? BULL~!
  22. I enjoyed Kane and it is one of the better movies I have seen but it to ME isn't the best film ever made. And I think the overrated platform is too subjective because after a good 10 years or so when half of the teeny boppers grow the fuck up they will realize that Titanic is crap and it will go from overrated to what it is. Crap. It takes TIME to determine if a movie is actually overrated or underrated. I DARE anyone to say that the Wizard of OZ is overrated and give specific points as to why.