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Everything posted by MrRant

  1. MrRant

    Spam PMs.

  2. MrRant

    Spam PMs.

  3. MrRant

    Installing World of Warcraft

    Well, the game is like 4-5 gigs. Also it's using a torrent so it should move faster. Last night though, a 2mb fucking patch took 15 minutes.
  4. MrRant

    PlayStation 3

    Hey. The Wall Street Kid game owned.
  5. MrRant

    Eddie Murphy

    I kinda liked Harlem Nights. If only for the fight between Eddie and Della Reese. And it had Richard Pryor.
  6. MrRant

    The TSM Suggestion Box

    Music - "Indie music only"
  7. MrRant

    Pictures I Like

  8. MrRant

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    We need Mora on the Raider staff. Stat.
  9. MrRant

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Well, way to totally miss my point, which is that the media should concentrate on what actually happened rather than the pre-determined Storyline Express. You're one dumb motherfucker as an individual, and as part of a whole, why I only rank Boston sports fans as one notch above cockroaches in likeability and necessity. Always so full of anger and hate for nearly everything, I feel sorry for you.
  10. MrRant

    Anybody have an English bulldog?

    English Bulldogs are actually not super active and will do well in an apartment if it's a decent sized. They have eye and skin problems that can come up from what I remember. Also being snub nosed, they can be sensitive to heat as they can't deal with as well as a dog with a normal sized snout. Google is your friend.
  11. MrRant

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I'm okay with it depending on the game and whether sounds is important as say in Rainbow 6: Vegas. Being able to hear the voices when you come up on a room and having them yell "Get the motherfucker!" is great.
  12. MrRant

    PlayStation 3

    It already is. You're confusing people who trick out their systems compared to the $500-600 dollar computers that can run most games right now. WoW for example or hell, look at Counter Strike or Half Life. Only people who need tricked out computers are ones who want to run Half Life: Lost Coasts with everything on (yay, my computer can) which is a minimum 2Ghz computer, 1GB ram and a bad ass video card. But it's only a tech demo and isn't what developers will use for any commercial game. Though the new Flight Simulator is a beast.
  13. MrRant

    PlayStation 3

    A good amount. But, for that $1000, they are also burning DVDs, etc and it's not usually solely a gaming rig.
  14. MrRant

    PlayStation 3

    Anya. Queen of insults.
  15. MrRant

    2007 NFL Playoffs

  16. MrRant

    The TSM Suggestion Box

    If you are going to keep the damn comments threads, then they should be locked when they reach 1000 posts and then a new one created.
  17. MrRant

    WON News + Notes, Jan 15 Issue

    Nattie doesn't look like a man. She just looks... kinda old. Like mid thirties for some reason.
  18. MrRant

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    You lazy nigga.
  19. MrRant

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Well. The Seahawks are fucked. Glad Chicago is one of the teams I actually like.
  20. MrRant


    Depends on what hype your are talking about. Do I want a high definition player? Sure. Would I buy the add on for my 360? Probably. Am I going to buy anything until Sony for sure shoots themselves in the foot? No. Unless the HD-DVD add on for the 360 drops in price to something I can't resist. I'm more or less sitting back and watching you and Marvin (mostly Marvin) by giving uninformed opinions on things and sometimes confusing others.
  21. MrRant

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Yeah I meant Culpepper. I was remembering Randall with the Eagles for some reason as I was typing and you know, it's easy to confuse those black quarterbacks.
  22. MrRant


    Note the "etc".
  23. MrRant

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    I can't help it. Brad Johnson, Randall Cunningham, Donovan McNabb. Never liked them. And the whole Hutchinson thing.
  24. MrRant

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Me? No.
  25. MrRant

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    They are just one of the teams I dislike. I don't like New Orleans for one, I didn't like Jim Everett, didn't like the colors, I dislike Joe Horn. I also really dislike the Vikings as well and wouldn't root for them if a blizzard came through and killed half the population of Minneapolis. The Ravens are on the list too. Mostly because of Ray Lewis and moving the Browns there.